Chapter 03: "Grandpa" on the shore

As the saying goes, when one person is sick, the whole family suffers. Because of grandpa's condition, the family is under a lot of pressure.

Mom and Dad's sad face is getting heavier and heavier, Grandma's hair has become whiter, and there are some dirty-minded idle people in the village who chew the cud, saying that Grandma usually cures all kinds of diseases, but only her own partner can't be cured, is it not intentional?

I asked my grandmother, "Why did grandpa get sick?"

Grandmother opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but finally sighed: "Alas, it is God is punishing me ..."

"Punishment? Why?"

"Because I have saved too many people in my life ..."

I listened to understand, how to save people also be punished?

But see grandmother does not want to say these, so did not ask further.

In the fifth month of his illness, the weather was getting hotter and hotter, and grandpa began to be unable to stand it, and the sound of uncomfortable humming often came from the hut, which was very sad to hear. Once he really did not want to suffer from the pain, he actually intended to steal the family's pesticide, grandmother learned that he severely reprimanded him, told him not to have the idea of giving up.

In fact, his grandmother's medicinal soup had been effective in curbing the development of the disease, but his grandfather, who had been lying alone in the hut for months, could no longer bear it mentally and just lay around every day, unwilling to communicate with people and increasingly closed to himself.

Due to the growth of this kind of flesh buds on his body, grandpa could only wear particularly loose clothes, and his clothes were white due to the number of times he washed them, and when I looked in from the window, he was lying there sullenly, just like a locked up psychiatric patient, which made people's hearts sore.

One afternoon, I went to the river to catch grasshoppers, and suddenly I heard a rustling sound behind me, and I casually asked, "Who is it?"

The movement immediately disappeared, turned my head to look down, and no one was there.

But as soon as I looked away, the grass behind me rang again, very odd.

I thought to myself, "Who is it that's around to scare me? I plucked the grass and walked over to see what was going on.

Not far away, a familiar figure into my eyes, he was wearing an old but neat blue cloth clothes and pants, a head of white hair combed very neat, it is my grandfather! For the first time in six months, I saw him clean up so well that I thought he had recovered from his illness and called out happily, "Grandpa! Why are you out?"

Grandpa slowly turned his face and looked at me - his face was still pale, but the most strange thing was that his pupils were actually blank, which scared me a lot!

The surrounding area is quiet, robins chattering in the distance, hot sunlight from the sky, I look at the grandfather in front of me, obviously summer, but I feel a burst of cool air up the back of the neck, the scalp are numb.

The grandfather, who had always smiled at me, had no expression at this time, and the wrinkles on his face were very clear, somewhat unnatural, as if he was wearing a realistic mask.

I couldn't help but take a step back and timidly ask: "Grandpa, aren't you lying down? Why did you come out by yourself? Does my dad know?"

Grandpa did not answer, suddenly striding towards me, towards my head to reach out a hand, with his movements, I smelled his body like a dead rat-like rotten smell, in addition he raised his hand, I saw the tight clothes armpit, seeping out a trace of blood ...

I screamed in fear, pulling out my legs and running!

Which I know grandfather actually chased from behind, not at all like sick, he defiantly lunged forward, grabbed off one of my shoes, I clearly felt his sharp nails like razor blades on my heel scratched!

I couldn't help but look back, only to see my grandfather's expressionless face up, the ground gravel embedded in his rubbery face, and even stick to the eyes, but he actually did not even blink!

Fear filled my heart, my mind was blank, I only know desperately to escape.

I ran on the dirt road, my right foot without shoes was cut by the stones on the ground can not feel the pain, grandfather in pursuit of me, at first it was normal running, then he actually ran on all fours, wide open, like a human-sized beast!

As I approached the village, I finally saw two villagers and shouted at them, "Help, help!

They looked at me in surprise, and one of them asked, "Miao Miao, why are you running like crazy? Where are your shoes? Why are your feet full of blood!"

He reached out and pulled me in, I struggled hysterically and said in fear: "Behind ... behind ..."

"What's behind?"

I looked back in fear, could not help but freeze - just like a monster madly chasing my grandfather some time ago, has disappeared ...

At this moment I felt my feet hurt like hell, my right foot plate was almost a bloody mess, so much so that I cried out in pain.

One of the villagers asked me, "Miao Miao, what exactly did you see?"

I mumbled in shock: "Saw my grandfather ..."

I suddenly got lucky again and thought: Is grandpa playing another prank, deliberately scaring me to play?

The person who asked me was full of suspicion: "Net nonsense, your grandfather is not sick, lying at home?"

I said, "I just saw him at the river, white eyes, a little scary."

The two looked at each other, and then sent me home.

As soon as I entered the house, I heard a burst of tao cries, the kind of crying at funerals, the yard was full of relatives.

My uncle was standing in front of the door, putting white cloths on the arms of the relatives one by one.

When my uncle saw me, I scolded, "Miao Miao, where did you go crazy, your grandfather is gone ..."

"What?" I heart a thud, "What do you mean, my grandfather ran away?"

"Come on, don't talk nonsense!" My mom came over with red eyes and dragged me, "Grandpa passed away ... hmm? Where are your shoes, how did your feet bleed, who did it?"

I turned my head to see, send me back to the two villagers do not know whether I thought of what I just said, the two scared face.

My mother thought they were bullying me and was ready to scold me, so I hurriedly said, "No, no, I saw my grandfather at the river, and he chased me, and I lost my shoe."

"Why are you talking nonsense again!" My mother was so angry that she grabbed my hand and hit it.

My uncle said in a deep voice: "Miao Miao, your grandfather has been in the house, but he disappeared an hour ago, go into the house with your mother!"

My mother pulled me into the house, and I saw my grandfather lying upright inside the hut, his face covered with a white cloth, wearing a straight blue Zhongshan suit, my father and my uncle and aunt crying loudly, and a low mournful music playing on the radio.

When I entered the main room, my grandmother was sitting at the table, her eyes were red, and she was clutching a wet handkerchief in her hand, as if she had just cried.

When she saw me, she choked up and asked, "Why did Miao Miao only come back? What happened to your feet?"

My mother slapped me and said, "This brat went to the wild, talking nonsense, and lost his shoes. Look at this foot, it's bloody!"

I felt wronged and said loudly, "No, I really saw my grandfather at the river, he chased me, and I was so scared that I ran away from my shoes!"

"You're still talking nonsense!" My mother lowered her voice and scolded me, "What's going on at home? Have you lost your mind?"

I looked aggrieved and felt strange in my heart, how could two grandfathers appear? They were wearing the same clothes, one was lying in the house and the other was hanging out by the river ...

Grandma smiled and frowned, told my mom not to scold me, and first fetched gauze and ointment to deal with the injury to my foot - the bottom of my right foot was bruised and bloody.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

My mother shook her head, "Mom, don't listen to his nonsense, he broke his own foot and made up some nonsense!"

I protested loudly, "I didn't, I really saw it!"

My mother was so angry that she raised her hand, "If you lie again, I'll break your mouth!"

I was so aggrieved that I pointed to my heel injury, "I didn't. I didn't! Look, I was still scratched by grandpa here!"

Grandma was shocked and looked a little off, "What? Grandpa' scratched you?"

My mother was about to interrupt again, but Grandma said forcefully, "Don't say anything! Miao Miao, you say!"

I pointed to the wound, "Grandpa tried to grab me, so I ran, and he lunged forward and took off my shoe, and scratched a piece of my skin."

Grandma carefully examined my wound, then grabbed my wrist with such force that I almost screamed.

She carefully checked my pulse for a while, and then said with a sad expression, "Come with me to the clinic first!"

Seeing my grandmother's serious face, I was a little scared, "No, grandma, I'm not in pain anymore ..."

Grandma shook her head, "This is not a child's play, hurry up!"

My mother was also frightened by the grandmother, and hurriedly asked my uncle to carry me on his back and followed my grandmother to the clinic.

Along the way I was thinking back, the more I thought about it, the more scared I was - was the grandfather by the river a ... ghost!

Although I just graduated from elementary school, but I have heard a lot of stories about ghosts. But how can a ghost appear in broad daylight, and besides, it can hurt people, which is completely unreasonable!

After coming to the clinic, my uncle rushed back, the funeral service is urgent.

Grandma took down a dozen medicine packs from the shelf and opened them in turn, skillfully adjusting the prescriptions, and soon a casserole was half-filled.

Grandma took a pill and gave it to me. The pill was so big that it felt bigger than the eye of my throat, so I shook my head and didn't want to eat it.

Grandma looked at me seriously and said, "Miao Miao listen, do you want to get sick like grandpa?"

I had to chew the pills and swallow them with water, and my mouth tasted bitter for a long time.

I asked fearfully, "Grandma, I was scratched by grandpa, is it infected with his disease? If I take the medicine, I won't get infected?"

Grandma did not answer, just a sad face.

She suddenly turned her face and shouted angrily out the window, "If you want to take revenge, come at me, don't touch my family!"