Chapter 04: Grandma's Demon Subjugation

I was a little scared and asked my grandmother who she was talking to.

Grandma closed the door and windows and came over to touch my head, her eyes haggard and soft.

She said: "Miao Miao, when grandma was young, once defeated a big demon, now it wants to revenge on grandma, grandpa is sick that's what happened! The one you saw at the river was not grandpa, but the sick demon that came out of grandpa's body!"

This sounds like a story, but look at the grandmother's look but very serious.

I seemed to understand, the essay often said something about fighting the disease, but it was just a metaphor.

I asked in confusion, "Grandma, what is sickness?"

Grandma first found a pair of shoes for me to put on, and then brought a thread-bound book from the shelf called "Push the first to get sick day ghost method".

She patiently said to me, "Sick demons are evil spirits that can make people sick, and when they are in a person's body, they are cured with medicine; once they leave a person's body, they can only be cured with a spell ... you saw grandpa, is there anything different?"

"Well ...," I tried to recall, "the eyes were white, the skin seemed green, it looked weird and scary."

"Did it grow fangs?"


"Are there hairs on your hands?"


Grandma nodded slightly and pondered, then she took out the vermilion grinding, found the paper, and wrote swishly on the paper.

Grandma's spirit is concentrated, the brushwork flies, like painting and calligraphy, I went over to take a look, it turned out to be in the drawing of charms.

I stared blankly for a while and said, "Grandma, this charm is different from the one you drew last time."

I remembered that in the past, when someone in the village was bewitched by a demon, the charm that Grandma used was a different kind of charm.

Usually, Grandma might praise me for being smart enough to remember even this. And now grandfather just died, and such a strange thing happened, she was immersed in the pain and complex emotions, just "hmm".

Grandma wrote several charms, pressed with paper to dry, and then strained out the decoction and put it in a small bowl for me to drink.

Although the medicine is very bitter, but I still frowned and poured down in one gulp.

I drank the medicine, grandmother opened a large box, from which took out a miscellaneous cloth sewn robe draped over the body, also copied a copper sword.

At that moment, suddenly outside banging the door, my mother shouted at the door: "Miao Miao, come out quickly, relatives are here, just waiting for you."

I was just about to open the door when my grandmother pulled me back and sternly asked, "Wait, who are you!"

I heard my mother say anxiously at the door, "Mom, why are you so confused, I don't even know you? What is this? Halfway through the funeral, the important people are not here!"

"Oh, just come, just come ..."

Smell, grandmother mouth perfunctory, gently walk into the doorway, a change of expression, lips open and close, mouth, and then the middle finger of the left hand, index finger straight in the copper coin sword surface swish swipe.

I vaguely saw the copper coin sword glowed a layer of faint golden light, and then the grandmother actually stabbed the copper coin sword directly at the door, the door immediately gushed in a foul-smelling white smoke.


Outside the door at the same time came a mournful scream, listening to people's chills, the sound than the cat was severely stepped on the tail of the cry out more miserable.

A few moments later, the red silk rope wrapped around the copper sword actually clicked and broke, the coins fell to the ground, several of the coins seem to be corrosive liquid soaked, the surface became dark and shiny.

I was so scared that my face turned white and looked at the door and at my grandmother in panic.

Grandma comforted me a few words, while handing me a wrapped in red cloth, told me to hold in my arms not to have a moment away from the body.

I took it, the thing is very heavy, by the feel of the hand seems to be a sculpture.

Bronze money sword is gone, the grandmother will turn out a bronze sword wrapped in silk cloth from the bottom of the box, the sword has been rusted.

Usually grandmother exorcism what, at most with a peach wood sword, sometimes even with a peach tree branches can make up, I still see her for the first time with the real thing, it seems to be the real thing!

Draped in the robe of the grandmother of one hand crutches, a hand copy of the sword, she paused in front of the door, and then suddenly pushed open the door!

I was startled, rushed to hide behind the grandmother, probe a look, only to see the yard residual some black gas, very condensed, almost as liquid general flow scattered on the ground, black gas density is extremely high, the residual shape looks a bit like a foot claw or palm.

I felt more and more fear at this time, my heart beating violently, clutching the red cloth bag in my hand, as if that is the straw that saved my life.

Grandma danced the bronze sword in her hand a few times and recited steadily: "Three elements on the road, Taiyi protects the form, the Prince of Destiny, five gods Huangning, blood corpses scattered and extinguished, filthy air flow zero, retreat!"

After the recitation, the bronze sword waved, and the residual black gas in the courtyard was blown away like smoke in the wind.

I asked in shock, "Grandma, what are those black things?"

"You can see?" Grandma froze and asked me back in surprise, "What is it that you see?"

I said, "It's black, like footprints."

Grandma touched my head and said, "Those are the plague gas left behind by the sick ghosts, if you breathe in a little, you will get sick! Miao Miao, remember, you must hold on to this idol I gave you, it can protect you, never put it down!"

A warmth came from the grandmother's thin but dry palm, I felt much more at ease, nodded vigorously and agreed.

Grandma continued to walk outside the courtyard, and I followed her with the heavy idol in my arms.

After walking for a while, when I realized that Grandma's destination was the river, I couldn't help but get nervous and kept swallowing my saliva - was Grandma planning to clean up the sick ghost?

Grandma does have some powerful spells, which I have always known, there was a time when a child in the village lost his footing and fell into the water, there has been no movement of the child on the water, the family is anxious to go crazy.

Grandma asked to arrive after taking jute paper to tear a pair of small people holding hands, and will carry a cow horn comb sandwiched between the paper people, thrown into the water.

A few seconds later, the river surface will be like boiling bubbles, the child actually floated up on its own!

The child had passed out, but fortunately his life is safe, clutching my grandmother's comb, simply amazing.

Later, after the child came to his senses, recalled that at first he felt something grabbed his feet and dragged him down, how he struggled to no avail, then suddenly felt a light shining down from above, he subconsciously reached towards the glowing place, grabbed a comb, and then felt something behind him pushing him to float up.

Grandmother itself is a high person, and at the same time kind to me, these two impressions in my mind is not at all conflicting.

Not long after, we came to the river, grandmother's robe rubbed against the dry grass rustling sound, followed closely by me nervously looking around, sensitive nerves, to all the wind and grass are grass.

Grandma looked up at the sky, until a dark cloud covered the sun, she suddenly recited: "... the order to rush, Yin for Yang medium. The wind up the wings, fly down without boundaries!"

Suddenly the gloomy wind, grandmother's robe drumming, the wind around my grandmother and I, some translucent figures with the wind diving into the grass.

I was so scared that I howled and asked my grandmother what was going on.

Grandma reassured me: "Miao Miao don't be afraid, these are just Grandma's scouts." Then she closed her eyes.

The wind whistled back and forth, so I felt a gust of chills, raised a chicken pimple, sweat hairs are upside down.

A few minutes later, the dark clouds covering the sun gradually dispersed, the cold gusts of wind also dissipated, the grandmother who had been closing her eyes and choking, suddenly opened her eyes and shouted: "Karma, where to run!"

She pointed her sword towards the front, the grass swayed, I was so shocked that my eyes widened, only to see the monster that looked like grandpa jumped out with teeth and claws!

Grandmother is not afraid, at this time is like a young man as quickly as possible, immediately wielded the sword, the air continuous slash a few times, the sick ghost like fear of the harsh sword wind, scared back to the grass.

Immediately after the grandmother thrust the sword to the ground, and quickly recite the incantation, the dark clouds overhead again began to gather, faster than the speed of the June change.

The sick ghost sensed what was going on and lunged at Grandma with a scream from the grass.

With a decisive wave of her hand, a paper talisman flew out of her sleeve and hit the sick ghost's head, and it immediately fell back as if struck by some force, struggling and rolling, tearing at its clothes - its painted skin, to be exact.

The sick ghost rolled on the ground, hands scratching, only to see it tore the skin of the face and Zhongshan clothing together, revealing a large white eyes, the whole body is blue, hideous face, human-like monster, the head of the spell like a branding iron branding it smoke, its scream is thin and penetrating, like a magic sound through the ears, listening to people going crazy.

Grandmother iron blue face, the bronze sword raised high, the clouds above the head in the lightning flashes.

I panicked and shouted, "Grandma danger!"

I was afraid that my grandmother was struck by lightning.

But scared instead of the monster, it panicked even more, made a strong effort to tear off the charm on the head, together with a large piece of skin and flesh ripped off, suddenly the head was bloody, then it was like a dog that lost its home, bypassing the grandmother, slipping away towards the river.

"Heavenly thunder descends!"

Along with a majestic drink, the grandmother raised the sword down a wave, a boom, a fast blind lightning fall towards the demon escape ...