Chapter 05 Strange disease infesting the body

After the lightning fell, the static electricity that filled the air made people feel a burst of itchy skin, crackling sounds came from ahead, and then a dull thunder came from overhead ...

I could not believe my eyes, a time frozen as a wooden chicken - my grandmother can still summon lightning!

See grandmother ran to the sick ghost fled, I also hurried to follow.

Just now the lightning struck, ten steps offshore as if the grass exploded, was blown out of a pit, the middle of all those dark as ink smoke, the surrounding grass burned, spattered sparks, issued a crackling sound.

Grandma casually recited a few incantations, the sword a wave, a gust of wind swept through, the burning weeds all extinguished.

Then she took out the previously drawn charms, buried around the pit, the black smoke gradually converged, recovered into a large mass of variable shape, the thing wriggled fiercely, you can see it is trying to escape from the pit.

But because of the spell, there seems to be a layer of invisible walls around the pit to block it!

I was dumbfounded by this succession of scenes, my brain was like short-circuiting, the grandmother subdued the sick ghost than those on television, the gods and goddesses of the fight more exciting.

For a long time I got over it and asked in a low voice: "Grandma, why don't you recite a powerful incantation to break up all this stuff?"

Grandma said indifferently: "They can not be completely destroyed, as long as there is still Yin energy in heaven and earth, they can take advantage of the momentum of rebirth, so the best way or seal."

I asked again, "Is there a way to eliminate all the Yin Qi?"

Grandmother could not help but smile a little, this is the first time today she relaxed, probably because she was relieved to solve the sick ghost.

She patted me: "Silly child, the sun, moon, yin and yang, life and death are the constant laws of all things, they are interdependent, no one side can completely destroy the other."

Burying the spell, Grandma put the sword in her hand also in the edge of the pit, and then swept the surrounding soil over with her cane, burying the writhing black monster in the pit, which could not escape being sealed no matter how much it struggled.

I held the heavy sculpture with both hands, naturally, I could not help, during which I fumed for a while and turned my head to casually look toward the river.

Suddenly, I heard my grandmother's voice ringing out behind me: "Why are you so ignorant, put the sculpture down and help your grandmother!"

"Ah, yes."

I put the sculpture on the ground without thinking, the sculpture just left my hand, only to see the black gas in the pit suddenly turned into an arrow shot at me!

My brain went blank and I fell to the ground, but the black gas was blocked by an invisible wall when it was about to touch me.

"Miao Miao, watch out!" The other side of the grandmother noticed, anxiously shouted at me.

Suddenly, a pair of cold hands encircled me from behind, and I turned my head to see a boy with an evil smile, hugging me from behind.

His skin cracked inch by inch, from which wisps of black gas spilled out.

The face was so familiar, I froze for a second before I realized - this little boy was "me"!

"Haha, did not expect, we are two!" The demon that turned into me laughed shrilly, sounding exactly the same as the one that posed as my mother earlier.


Grandma rushed over in anger and haste, but the demon immediately physically transfigured and turned into a black gas that burrowed into my mouth and nose and entered my stomach in one stream.

I instantly felt as if my lungs and stomach had frozen into ice, how could I not breathe, as if my body had become solid, I desperately opened my mouth and nose wide and pinched my throat in pain.

"Miao Miao! Miao Miao!"

I heard my grandmother calling out to me, and then I lost consciousness and passed out in a deep coma.

I don't know how long it took, but when I woke up, I found myself lying in my own bed, with a host of relatives present, still dressed for mourning and full of sad faces.

My mother was the first to notice that I was awake and immediately hugged me tightly and whimpered, "Miao Miao, it's good that you're okay, I was worried sick!"

My uncle also sighed with relief and said, "Just in time, the medicine is ready, feed him to drink!"

My uncle carefully brought over a bowl of medicine soup, when my father came over with a gloomy face, grabbed the bowl and threw the soup on the ground.

As the soup was too hot for him, he himself was too hot to handle, and he heaved the bowl onto the table, blowing his thumb with a huff.

"What are you doing, brother-in-law!?" Uncle asked angrily.

My father, who was probably angry, complained indignantly, "What's the use of drinking this crap, our father has been drinking it for months and he's not getting better! Don't drink it! Tomorrow I'll take Miao Miao to the city, to a big hospital, CT, X-ray, ultrasound, all that can be used, a thorough examination of the body!"

My eldest aunt scolded, "Why do you lose your temper again, can't you trust our mother's words?"

When he heard the grandmother, my father became even more angry, jumping to his feet and saying, "I just don't believe it! I just don't believe it! All that nonsense about sick ghosts and plague gods is pure nonsense! She just didn't see our father well and made up nonsense to save face, and now she wants to harm my son, no way!"

"Nonsense, our mother loves Miao Miao more than anything else, how could she harm him?" The elder aunt didn't like it anymore and raised her voice.

I also thought my dad was paranoid, but of course, the relatives were there and most of them trusted grandma, so they argued.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

The sound of a cane hitting the ground came and the group quieted down. Grandma looked grave and walked slowly into the house - she had changed back into her usual clothes.

She took a serious look at the medicinal soup that had been spilled on the floor and glared at my father. Then she went to the bedside, touched my head, took my pulse, and gently asked, "Where is Miao Miao uncomfortable?"

I didn't feel uncomfortable anywhere, but my stomach was rumbling, and I weakly said, "Hungry ..."

"Why, this child ...," the eldest aunt laughed, "Mom, it seems that Miao Miao is fine."

"No!" Grandma still looks serious, "by the sick ghost invaded the body, it is impossible to be fine, the god of plague on our family, you all have to be careful, I will write a few charms to you to protect yourselves, but also regularly drink my decoction of medicinal soup."

My dad didn't believe me and said, "Mom, you're talking nonsense again, there is no such thing as the God of Plague? According to you, if you kill the God of Plague, then the whole world will not be sick?"

The eldest aunt gave him a blank look: "Shut up, Lao-san, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!"

"I don't understand?" My dad got excited, "After 20 years of selling Chinese herbs, I am almost half a Chinese doctor. I'll tell you this, Chinese medicine is basically a lie, all unreliable, is feudal dregs!"

Grandma suddenly raised her voice and said to my dad, "You're right, the God of Plague is dead, so no one will get infectious diseases! Twenty years ago, I killed the God of Plague with my own hands!"

The scene was horrified, and the group whispered and talked.

My great aunt froze for a long time, suddenly remembered something and said in surprise: "Mom, twenty years ago there was a big infectious disease in the northeast, and suddenly disappeared by March, did ..."

"Yes, at that time, many people in the village infected with the plague, the situation is very critical, your father and I are still strong, so I went to a trip to the Lone Buddha Mountain, the plague god found, and then ... killed!"

"Hmph, said killed and killed? You don't have to bluff us!" My dad said impatiently.

Grandmother looked at my father, dried cheeks twitched slightly, and then said: "As long as you find the god of plague, give you an enlightened knife, you can still kill it! But the problem is that after killing, when the epidemic did disappear, but the god of plague is not human, will not really die, I know it will come back to life sooner or later, but I did not think it would be so soon and come to revenge on me! I'm warning you, especially Lao San, don't be a jerk! Be extra careful from today on, or if you're not careful, one of you could become the source of the next big epidemic."

My mother sobbed and asked, "Mom, is Miao Miao already infected?"

Grandma lowered her frosty eyebrows and sighed, "She must have gotten something, but it just hasn't kicked in yet."