Chapter 06: Heavenly thunder and lightning

Hearing this, my mother could not help but cry louder, I whispered to console: "Mom, I do not hurt or itchy on my body, it's okay ..."

My father looked at me this pathetic look, more excited, "that ... that still do not hurry to the hospital to check, there is a disease hurry to cure!"

"Lao San, how come you still don't understand!" Grandmother helplessly shook her head, "your father's disease, and Miao Miao's disease, are unique, there is no precedent to refer to, no ready-made drugs can be treated! Each disease to deploy the right remedy, it takes generations of accumulation, so when treating your father, I can only try to control the disease ... you take Miao Miao to the city to check, in case the plague spreads, the plague god will draw power from it, once the resurrection of this resentful demon, for all is a disaster. "

My father's brow grew tighter and tighter, scratching the top of his half-bald head in annoyance, "Mom, what do you mean, Miao deserved to get this disease? Just waiting to die?"

Grandma pounded the ground with her cane in anger and glared, "I said, I can cure it!"

Seeing that my grandmother was really angry, my father curbed his anger and muttered something in a low voice.

I reached out and pulled the corner of my grandmother's coat and whispered, "Grandma, don't be angry, my father is like this."

Grandma didn't bother to pay attention to my dad anymore and turned to me, her tone immediately softened down and urged me, "Miao Miao, you must cooperate with the treatment, the cure is a long, torturous process, you must not give up hope, never give up halfway like your grandfather did."

"Oh." I nodded my head, "What does it mean that grandpa gave up halfway?"

The others' expressions changed abruptly, and my mother, wiping her tears, shook her head and said, "Miao Miao, don't ask ..."

I suddenly remembered my grandfather's funeral, the great aunt she cried what "Dad, why you can not think" ...

I thought to myself, could it be that Grandpa could not stand the torture of illness and killed himself? No wonder he was fine last night, and today he said he was gone.

Maybe it is because grandpa found a short term, the sick ghost in the body will run out, perhaps because there are grandmother sitting at home, it will pick the single me to attack ...

I think about this, I can't help but worry about myself, it is now certain that I have the world's number one mysterious disease, I am afraid that I suffer as much as grandpa, more afraid that I will die.

The funeral was finally over, and Grandma came to see how I was doing every day, taking my pulse and asking questions, but the strange thing was that I didn't have any symptoms, I ate and slept as usual.

Grandma took a hair from me and taught me a set of breathing and exhaling techniques, including Tao Qi, Qi adjustment, Qi swallowing, Qi closing, etc. It was interesting, Grandma said that no matter what disease I had, it was always right to strengthen my body.

Traditional medicine does not require strenuous exercise to strengthen the body, diet, sleep, breathing as long as the right way are exercise. Some Taoist priests in the mountain hermitage, seventy or eighty years old, every day a light meal, the body is also very thin, but only by breathing and exhaling to keep the muscles and bones strong, heavy climbing like walking on the ground.

I followed my grandmother's instructions to practice this breathing and exhaling method actually feel very tired, a meal of breathing in and out down, full of sweat, as if running a few kilometers.

My father occasionally caught a glimpse of me a child in the bedroom cross-legged meditation, sweating all over, as if in the practice of some evil gongfu, and feel that my grandmother is instilling me with feudal dregs, always asked me not to practice. But after being reprimanded several times by my grandmother, my father finally dared not say anything else.

As time passed, my body has been fine, so I relaxed, gradually do not see themselves as patients, and even bragged to my friends "I have a very mysterious disease", by the way, to show them to close the air - since learning to breathe and exhale, my lung capacity I can hold my breath in a tub of water for three minutes.

This day, as usual, I was playing with my friends in the village, when suddenly the weather suddenly changed, the clouds overhead, black, the swirling dark clouds look like a big weird eye, the clouds have lightning flashes, but there is still sunlight shining around the clouds, as if the clouds are specifically aimed at me.

I felt panic, followed by a lightning bolt fell, and thick and large a lightning bolt, boom down, shaking people can not open their eyes.

After the lightning, everything around is still the same, and I do not know what was struck.

A few of us kids were scared to death, and one of the little boys said, "Wow, it's thundering, let's go to my house to hide from the rain!"

At that moment, from the east end of the village came a vague cry: "Miao Miao, run, come to Grandma!"

The voice was my grandmother's, but I couldn't identify exactly where she was shouting to me, so I looked in the direction where the voice was coming from.

A few of my friends asked me in wonder, "Miao Miao, what are you looking at?"

I asked in a daze, "Didn't you hear my grandmother call me?"

The kids looked bewildered, "No."

"Miao Miao, it's too late, run!" Grandma's voice urged with obvious anxiety.

So I no longer hesitated, pulled my legs out and ran, when another bright light came from above my head, and when I looked up, I saw a long lightning bolt hitting me head on, and it was the scariest scene of my life!

Boom, next to an old acacia tree was hit, the blinding light instantly ripped through the canopy, while the current somehow reached me, I felt like someone swung my back with a thick stick, all of a sudden the whole back was numb, then I fell out and smelled a burnt smell in my nose, I twisted my head hard and found my back was bloody and smoking, I couldn't believe my eyes, even too late to I couldn't even feel the fear and pain, and rigidly maintained the position.

"Miao Miao, get up and run!" My grandmother's voice gave me a jolt, and the tone of voice calling out to me was very urgent.

Overhead, the old acacia tree that had blocked the lightning for me had burst into flames, and the little ones not far away were scared silly, screaming like a race.

I gritted my teeth and stood up, tears involuntarily flowing down, I could not care less about the body's pain and paralysis, legs stumbling and running, when the white flashes appeared again overhead, and I had no shelter around!

At the time when I was desperate, a small object flew over by magic, and magically attracted the lightning, the lightning exploded in mid-air, and the object also broke apart, a ceramic fragment flew down in front of me, and I recognized that it was the statue I was holding!

The lightning came about every 20 seconds, and when it was about to strike again, something flew from the direction of my grandmother's clinic and stuck in the ground - it was my grandmother's old bronze sword!

Another dazzling flash of white light, and with a snap, the lightning struck the bronze sword!

I was far away, but the terrible energy still jolted me away, and my already burned back rubbed against the rough ground as if I were using my fingers to rub off the skin of a baked potato, instantly causing me to scream in pain.

"Miao Miao, run!" Grandma was still shouting anxiously.

I didn't know what was happening, but I knew that my grandmother was trying her best to protect me from the lightning in the sky.

I ran as fast as I could, and the scenery on both sides flew by quickly, a hundred meters away from the clinic when the lightning was coming again, only to see my grandmother standing in front of the clinic in her vestments, holding her walking stick in her hand, and she threw it toward the sky, and it flew out like an arrow.

The sound of explosions came to the ears, shaking the four fields.

The cane that had been with my grandmother for years shattered under the blast of lightning. I didn't dare to look at it, and ran desperately toward the east end of the village, finally reaching the clinic, only to see the kitchenette next to the clinic smoking, and the house was dark, as if an explosion had just occurred.

"Get in the house!" Grandma saw me and held out her trembling hand and led me into the house in a panic, backhanding a few pieces of talisman paper on the door.

This time I found that the whole house was plastered with talismans, grandmother has always been compulsive, but this time it was very messy, it seems to be in a panic.

Lightning continued to roar outside, lighting up the sky and shaking my little heart, but they couldn't seem to get into the room, which was closed off by the charms.

I was in such pain that I almost fainted and asked in a trance, "Grandma, why is there lightning chasing me ..."

Grandmother frowned, a long time before sighing, "I'm afraid this is the disease you have!"