Chapter 08: Encounter with Brother Dog

Since my grandmother said so, I had to continue to study medical books, and began to look at the "Typhoid" and "Golden Killing".

Both of these books were written by Zhang Zhongjing, who is said to have the ability to predict how a person will die in twenty years.

For example, it was impossible to find out what was growing in the brain or stomach of other people by taking their pulse, but Hua Tuo could understand exactly what was happening because he had learned the ancient art of looking for qi.

The famous doctors of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period had many records of using the technique of looking for qi, but after the Three Kingdoms, there was a big fault line, and this fabulous technique was lost, and later doctors basically did not know how to do it. According to medical history, after the Three Kingdoms, there was a separation of witch and doctor, but before that, the connection between witch and doctor was very close, and the earliest version of the word "doctor" was also written as

Under the careful instruction of my grandmother, I gradually understood the root of witchcraft and medicine, which is two words - catching ghosts!

In ancient times, doctors believed that illnesses were caused by sick spirits living in people's bodies or hearts, and that by expelling them from the body through rituals, incantations, tonics, and needles and stones, the patient would recover.

Of course, witch doctors are also advancing with the times, absorbing many elements of traditional healing arts.

After reading through these ancient medical books, the books on the shelf, such as "Mozi", "Taiping Guangji" and "So Shen Ji", are just recreational reading for me, and there is nothing to do here anyway.

Grandma occasionally came out of the house to see me, they pushed my forehead, told me not to be so close to the eyes, beware of myopia.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed, I actually did not step out of the clinic, but life is also very full, except for one thing, grandmother cooking taste too light, forcing me to learn to cook vegetables.

The next year, the day of summer, my grandmother asked me to accompany her out for a walk.

The sunlight on this day of summer is better than any tonic, and a sunny back can drive away the cold and replenish the yang, but I looked at the bright sunlight scattered from the branches of the apricot tree and said with a bitter smile, "Grandma, when I go out, even a sunny day has to become a cloudy day."

Grandma seemed to be in a good mood and said to me with a smile, "Miao Miao, go to the pharmacy, there is a box on the cupboard, open it."

I ran to the room where the medicine was stored, and there was a long box on the cupboard with a jute paper charm on it.

I hesitated for a moment, since my grandmother told me to open it, it should be fine.

So I carefully uncovered the talisman paper, when I just pushed the box open a small gap, I heard a "woof" from behind me.

I froze and looked back, the sun shone strongly into the room, but the corner looked even darker, and in the shadows, there was a large translucent dog!

The dog stood in the shadows looking at me, seemingly without any malice.

I was amazed, and looked into the box, which was actually a whole black dog skin.

At this point, my grandmother said outside the window: "Miao Miao, you have lightning marks on your body, it does not dare to approach, you use the dog skin to cover their backs try."

I was confused and did as I was told. After I put on the black dog skin, I felt a cold sizzle on my back, and then a ray of cool air entered my body, and I heard a "woof" in my ear, from my left ear to my right ear, as if it was barking inside me.

I walked outside and asked in wonder, "Grandma, what is this dog skin for?"

"Here, you come with me."

Grandma reached out her wrinkled, warm hand and gently pulled me along while her other hand pushed open the courtyard door.

"Can I go out now?"

As I stepped out of the clinic, I was a little wary, but I did trust my grandmother.

I looked at the sky apprehensively and waited for a while, and there wasn't even a hint of gloom in the sunny, clear sky!

I was surprised and asked, "Grandma, this dog skin is lightning-proof?"

Seeing that I was happy, my grandmother also smiled with relief.

She told me that this dog skin has a great origin, about a hundred years ago a village has a big family, the family raised a big dog, live for more than ten years, very humane.

One night, the dog barked furiously. The owner was woken up, got up to see, found that the firewood in the warehouse was sparked, nearly led to a fire, thanks to the dog reminded, the family safe and sound.

However, a wandering Taoist priest gossip, told the master that the old man has become a fine, and asked the master, the dog has not saved lives.

The owner was quite proud to say that once the dog barked in the middle of the night and stopped a fire, which saved the family.

Taoist priest but a slap on the thigh, said bad, first of all, the old thing into the essence; secondly, if the animal has saved lives, good karma, is the opportunity to become an essence, I'm afraid that your family this black dog into the essence of the evening! When the dog will be out of control, we must hurry to think.

The master was bluffed, the Taoist priest obeyed, cooked some cattle and sheep under the water, and picked a few strong men to help.

First, the dog to eat meat, and then ambushed in the dark several men jumped out, ready to strangle the dog.

The dog is very alert, left and right, how can not be caught, it was about to escape, but the master obeyed the Taoist priest's instructions, shouting its name.

Just when the dog heard the master call himself, habitually turn around, several ropes whistling in the dog's neck, dragged it to the tree and hanged alive ...

Speaking of this, grandmother sighed: "This Taoist priest is completely nosy, the cultivation of the essence of this matter is allowed by the heavens, there are good and bad people, demons naturally have good and bad. But this Taoist priest has to interfere recklessly, killing this good dog that is about to complete its cultivation."

I have realized that the story of the poor big dog, it is I draped in this one, I urgently asked, "And then what?"

Grandmother continued to say that later is decades later, the descendants of the family found that the house frequently strange things, faintly heard the dog barking in the middle of the night, there are dog paw prints in the eaves of the house floating. Sometimes in the middle of the night can see a dog silhouette flashing through the window, strange and creepy, but the problem is that the family does not have any pets.

So the family came to the grandmother, seeking a way to break.

After arriving at the house, the grandmother looked around, by capturing the Yin, she immediately noticed a pillar skin in the back of the house.

The owner of the family remembered the story of the big dog heard as a child, and suddenly realized that the "demon dog" was killed at the time was later skinned, tired of town in the house!

Grandmother learned the cause and effect, lamenting that the family did things too far, so tormented by the dog, really not afraid of retaliation?

Grandmother suggested that they put the dog skin up to make up for the mistakes made by the older generation, but the family does not seem to be willing to adopt, a turn of the head to find a Taoist priest to subdue the demon. Coincidentally, the Taoist priest is the same one who suggested killing the dog, now more than eighty years old, quite some means, known as the "living gods".

The Taoist priest pinched a finger, that he was not ruthless enough, so that the seal is loosened, the demon came out again.

The Taoist priest surveyed some, see a dry well in the courtyard, they intend to use the dry well to aversion town demon, this time it will be told to never live again.

So soon after the Taoist priest will set up an altar at the dry well practice, reciting the most vicious incantations. But suddenly the wind, the steel nails nailed the four corners of the dog skin actually flew up, rolled up the Taoist priest's head, the Taoist struggle, looking to plant towards the dry well.

The family was terrified, then came a gust of wind, the dog skin blew away, the old Taoist priest nearly fell into the well, face, wretchedly waving a few peach wood sword, made up some words to make up for the face.

And this dog skin hit after that disappeared, the family did not have a strange incident again ...

Speaking of this, I looked at the corners of the dog skin, there are indeed traces of steel nails rotten, I asked: "Grandma, you got rid of it?"

Grandmother nodded, pityingly touched the black dog skin on my back, "Poor this loyal dog, it could have been cultivated, but was destroyed by the Taoist priest, with deep resentment, this time to push the boat, ready to kill the Taoist priest. Revenge is certainly painful, but they will also be ruined, so I came to its aid at the most critical moment and took it away."

Said, the grandmother lowered her eyes, eyes softly looking at the dog skin, said quite sincerely: "I promised to find a good home for you one day, and now you follow my grandson, well assist him."

Grandmother said and looked at me, "Miao Miao, you must also treat it well, you achieve each other and cultivate together."

I listened to the grandmother just told, the big dog heart is also full of regret and sympathy, nodded heavily, stroking the dog skin, said solemnly: "big dog brother, you do not worry, I will be good to you!"

Grandma smiled and seemed relieved.

With the dog skin in the body, I will not be struck by lightning, this thing is also very magical.

I asked my grandmother how this happened, and she explained, "Because it is half a ghost fairy, can cover your Yang Qi, want to use lightning to strike you 'the one' will not find you."

With that, grandma also mysteriously pointed to the azure sky above her head.

I squinted my eyes, looking into the vast and deep sky, nodding in understanding.

In that case, it was really the heavens that wanted to kill me, probably because they thought the sick ghost lurking in my body was too dangerous ...

If I can't cure myself before it strikes, it will be a disaster for all the people involved!

But today, I'll forget about these heavy things and walk with my grandmother in the mountains, breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the warm sunshine ...