Chapter 09 - The foxy old man Wang

Time has passed like a white horse, and I have been worshipping the god Zongbu and practicing the art of witch doctor for six years.

I was already nineteen years old, and I had learned almost all the traditional medical skills, so I often sat in the clinic for my grandmother, who did not have much energy.

At first, the villagers did not trust me, thinking that I had only learned the art for a few years, and that I could not do anything without a hair on my lips, so could I take over my grandmother's mantle?

I said with a smile on my face, "The doctor is not depending on the age, but on the heritage, as the saying goes, 'the doctor is not three lives, not to take its medicine', I am the closed disciple of my grandmother, you can rest assured!"

The villagers went back to take the medicine and were convinced by the effectiveness of the treatment, and gradually built up their reputation.

The doctor-patient relationship, to put it bluntly, is the efficacy, the prescribed medicine does not work, pulling more and more of what is there is for nothing.

Although my grandmother and I are only village doctors, but the cure rate is very high, it is no exaggeration to say that the city's tertiary hospitals a big cut.

But the witchcraft piece, grandma has not taught me anything so far.

Whenever I asked, my grandmother always said, "When you have learned the art of medicine thoroughly, witchcraft is a layer of paper, a little bit is enough."

So I studied more seriously and read all the books I could read at home, including the scriptures that my grandmother had accumulated throughout her life. In addition, my grandmother had two lonely books, one named "Medical not to say", which recorded all kinds of strange and bizarre diseases in the world; the other was called "Jie Wei Guang Zhi", a miscellaneous book, but it recorded many rare herbs and their origins.

One time, the village's Wang Lao Han suddenly behaved strangely, scratching his head, bashful, wind sweeping incomparable, causing the whole village to look around, grandmother and I was naturally invited to.

Once we understood the situation, it turned out that the old man Wang's home chickens let the fox or yellow skin bitten to death, he was angry, carrying a bucket of dung ran to the mountain a quite old fox fairy shrine, hair dung painted wall revenge to vent anger.

However, within a few days, Wang Lao Han became like this.

Grandmother deliberately test me, asked me to see what is going on, I speculated: "is possessed by a demon?"

"Well, then how do you plan to cure ah?"

"Uh ..."

I froze, thinking that I had never learned how to exorcise evil spirits either ...

Seeing that I was a bit hesitant, my grandmother encouraged me by saying, "Miao Miao, don't think too much, just use the skills you have learned."

I hadn't learned any incantations for exorcising demons, so I could only take Wang Lao Han's pulse step by step - his pulse was a deficient Yang floating outside, in addition to the symptoms of bloating and blood in the urine, combined with his symptoms of this kind of madness ...

I suddenly thought that the book said that the external evil into the internal heat, blood in the bladder, the internal heat stasis will follow the meridians to affect the heart veins, and then the symptoms of epilepsy.

The treatment plan was Gui Zhi Tang to clear heat and remove symptoms!

In addition, I also increased the dose of ginger in the formula to facilitate sweating.

After the prescription, Wang's family shook their heads and thought I was fooling around, saying that this Gui Zhi Tang was clearly for colds, but Grandma argued the case and asked them to decoct this medicine.

When the medicine is ready, a few young and strong boys pressed Wang Lao Han and pried his mouth open to pour down the soup. After drinking, he was wrapped in a thick quilt, sweating, and the heat in his body was released, and his condition improved significantly.

I marveled at the wisdom of my ancestors. It never occurred to me before that being possessed by a demon could be cured by just a bowl of medicinal soup!

Medicine and witchcraft, it turns out, are really connected.

Since shortly after curing Old Man Wang, my grandmother began to teach me the Thirteen Sutras of Zhuyu. Compared to the difficult ancient medical texts, these thirteen short incantations I easily memorized in my spare time, but the Thirteen Sutras of Zhuyu cannot be considered a spell itself, but a switch for the spell.

The key to the power of a spell is faith, as is the case with all spells under the sun, and the "Amitabha Buddha" recited by a monk is meant to thank the Buddha.

Zhu Yu's faith is the great god Zong Bu, who is the master of all ghosts, and my grandmother strictly asked me to sacrifice to the god Zong Bu before to build faith.

In this way, when I memorized the thirteen sutras, I was able to master the power of casting spells at a high level.

But these spells can not have the celestial masters, sword immortal kind of thunder and lightning, the clouds harness the magnificent, can be said to be the spells inside the goat dung eggs, at best, can only defend themselves.

Grandmother more than once told me, spells must not be abused!

Previously there was a person learned the round light art, actually anti-aircraft gun to hit the mosquito - big material to use this spell for people looking for cats and dogs, as a business so do. The result is less than half a year, his round light art is no longer effective.

All the claptrap, abuse of spells, his spells in the end must not work, no exceptions! Because real people don't show their faces!

Although I did not go to high school and high school, but also read the classics, learned a witch doctor skills, grandmother saw the successor, is very pleased.

Grandmother's health has become more and more difficult over the years, and her energy is really limited, so she completely handed over the clinic to me, and tended to the herb garden every day, and spent the rest of her time listening to commentaries in the sun on a rattan chair in the backyard.

I seldom go home, only to help when the farm is busy, in addition to the New Year's reunion home, my father has long stopped nagging what, but occasionally will sigh, reluctantly muttered: "If Miao Miao went to college, then ..."

My mother advised him, "Why, nowadays, college is not assigned, and it's just as hard to find a job. The first thing you need to do is to get a job. Every now and then, when someone in the village gets well, they send us chickens and ducks and mountain products, and everyone who sees him is polite."

My father said, "It's good, but I can't make a lot of money doing this!"

My father thought about it for a few days, then blindly came up with a bad idea, told me to add more prescriptions for things that have no effect and no side effects, the price of medicine will not go up? As for these "ineffective things", he has plenty of them in his shed.

I thought to myself that this is not the same as some heartless hospitals?

Besides, the prescription is not to be moved, the herbs used must not be more nor less, such as a prescription to use floating wheat, is deflated wheat, seemingly useless but without it the entire prescription is ineffective.

For my father's "enthusiastic advice", I just muddled through, saying that if the future to which the rich people cured, will not make a lot of money?

And grandma's health is getting worse this year, sleeping more and more, eating less and less.

Looking at my grandmother's listless appearance, I was very distressed, so I prepared to go to Hengbai Mountain to pick wild ginseng for my grandmother to make up for it.

But my grandmother was determined not to allow me to go out, she was very light on life and death, said she was ninety years old, raised three children, and brought out a qualified successor like me, nothing to regret.

When a rainstorm hit in September, my father asked me to hurry home to help him rescue the shed, several sheds were collapsed by the rainstorm.

I rushed back from the clinic and worked all night. But my dad still lost a lot of money this time, he squatted in front of the house smoking, in fact, he has quit smoking for many years, he was really sad, before picking up smoking again.

I said, "Dad, worrying hurts your lungs, and you're smoking, so you're not hurting yourself? Tomorrow you will have a cough."

"Go, go, go, go, bear child, after studying medicine you are still educating me!" My dad waved his hand at me impatiently and continued to swallow his fog.

It was late, and it was still raining, so I went back to bed.

When I got up the next morning, the rain had stopped and my mom brought me some vegetables to carry back to the clinic, and my dad was still asleep when I left, coughing in his sleep.

When I passed a fish pond in the village, I saw a group of people gathered around the shore, not knowing what they were looking at.

Due to the impact of heavy rainfall, the water in the fish pond rose very strongly, in fact, everyone standing on the "shore" is a villager's home in front of the vegetable patch, among them there are many children.

This fish pond makes

The water spirits fear my grandmother, did as she was told, grandmother will have no reason to harm it, and promised to sacrifice it every year in the future.

Negotiation, cooperation and coexistence with demons and ghosts is the most important feature of our profession, after all, we believe in the god Zongbu, who serves all demons, and as long as the other side does not do evil, we do not kill them all.

I have a ghost and a demon two good helpers, ghost fairy is the back of the dog brother, demon well, later on the table ...

Although the water ghost is obedient, but see those ignorant children so close to the water, I am still a little worried, go over to remind a: "Hey hey, don't stand so close, careful to fall, called the water monkey to catch away!

I said, I made a face with my teeth and claws, and several children laughed and hid behind the adults.

At this time a young man said to me: "Dr. Lin, this morning Li Youtian and Zhang Xiaofa dragged up the water monkeys and killed them!"


I was shocked, Li Youtian and Zhang Xiaofa is my hair, they have this ability?

"So what are you guys looking at ..." I followed the group's gaze, and felt a bad chill at the back!

Only to see the dark and dreary water pool, countless fish swimming to the shore, fish-eyed, fish lips open and close, it seems that something extremely abnormal has happened.