Chapter 10 Waterfront Strange Events

I looked towards the dense fish pond and felt

A large group of fish gathered in the pond, spectacular, the owner of the fish pond on the edge of the eyes, and now and then also scolded a few naughty children, or I guess someone would have taken a bucket to scoop up the fish.

At this time, a young boy in crotch pants came out from the crowd and took a branch to poke the head of the fish in the water.

A fat-headed fish was poked by the branch, but it only sank slightly, but refused to leave, and remained persistently in the water very close to the shore.

I shouted at the naughty little boy: "Kid, stand back, don't poke the fish's head!"

The boy did not listen, but also deliberately tongue at me, suddenly, a water snake crawled up the branch in his hands, crawling fast, the child face towards me, and did not even notice.

I was a jolt, there were a lot of people in between, too late to do any action, in a hurry, called out low: "Brother dog, help!"

A gust of wind blew from me, whoosh the child's hands blew the branch into the pond, the snake above naturally also fell into the water, I squeezed over and hurried to pick up the child, moved to the back.

It is estimated that the child's palms were scraped by the tree branch pain, he cried out, his feet kicked incessantly, causing a woman on the side to glare at me, saying: "Dr. Lin, my child invited you?"

I said in good humor: "Control your children, just a water snake did not see? Almost ..."

The words have not finished, I heard "ah" a voice, someone on the shore screamed.

I looked back and couldn't help but feel a little numb, only to see dozens of water snakes swimming densely from the other side of the pond, the speed is fast!

This fish pond certainly does not breed water snakes, must be wild. But the strange thing is that they swim past the fish, but actually well water, each other familiar with each other, dozens of water snakes straight up the shore.

Seeing this situation, I shouted: "Quickly backward!"

In fact, I do not need to remind, as early as some people shouted backward retreat, the crowd away from the fish pond some, but this thing is too rare, even if there are snakes, many people also refused to leave, are stretching their necks excited to see the fun.

The aqua-green snakes crawled up to the shore and raised their upper bodies, as neatly as an army, sizzling and spitting their letters, and confronted the crowd.


Somewhere from the frogs, only to see a large number of toads from the water, the shore jumped to this side of the shore, they actually intermingled in the middle of the snakes, stomach rhythmically together, more amazing is that the water snakes do not mind the toads to join, as if they do not even realize that a bunch of "buffet" right next to them.

The two actually coexisted peacefully on the shore, keeping a very polite distance from each other, a scene both spectacular and bizarre, as if the amphibians were declaring war on humans.

I suddenly realized something - these fish, snakes, frogs head all in the same direction, is the crowd ... no, is somewhere behind the crowd ...

I did not think there is a villager's hand, copied the stick to hit the toad, the toad although frozen in place in the crouch, but see the stick sweep, they jumped away. The stick happened to sweep to the side of a snake, the water snake with the stick on the swift action, a bite on the villager's tiger mouth.

The villager was in pain, a voice, threw the stick to shake hands, the water snake off.

He sat down on his buttocks, clutching his wrist and wailing.

"Ah, Dr. Lin, take a look at him!" Someone yelled.

I thought to myself, "What's this guy's mess? He's the one who caused the trouble.

But it's against medical ethics not to save the dead, I had to sigh and go over, grabbed the villager's hand to see, although the hole left by the snake teeth is not big, but the blood is flowing, the villager was so scared that he turned pale and shouted: "Dr. Lin, my hand is numb! My hand is numb! I can't feel anything anymore!"

I twisted the skin on the edge of his tiger mouth, the villager screamed in pain, tears involuntarily overflowed his eyes, "Doctor Lin, what are you doing?"

I nodded and said, "It seems that you did not hemp. Don't worry, this water long worm is only slightly poisonous, it's not fatal, I'll squeeze out the blood for you."

I grabbed his wrist and jerked it downward with force, squeezing out a lot of blood. When squeezing his blood, those snakes and frogs behind me stared at me with godless eyes, the picture is very strange, but they do not seem to intend to cross the thunderbolt step, perhaps too many humans are concerned about this side?

After squeezing the blood, the villager's face was still white with fear and said, "No, Dr. Lin, the blood is still flowing, it won't stop."

I told him to calm down: "It's okay, I have medicine."

I reached into my own pocket and made some translucent "ointment" and gently applied it to his affected area, and after smearing it well, the bleeding stopped.

The villagers and onlookers immediately showed relief and praised my medical skills as a god.

They didn't know that the "ointment" came from the green sac spider on my body.

I always carry this little thing with me, although it is a spider, but it is a rare little demon. It feeds on medicinal herbs, and I usually feed it the dregs of medicine, and then it can secrete a kind of spider silk that is comparable to a special gold trauma medicine, as the name "green capsule spider".

I found it by chance in the mountains, asking my grandmother if I could keep it, and happily left it behind.

At first this plaything did not bite me a lot, after a battle of wits it slowly tamed. I modified the inner pocket of the clothes a little, let it live in it, when necessary, gently rub its belly, it will spit out a little spider silk to put on the wound to stop the bleeding and anti-inflammatory, very convenient.

The villager's wound stopped bleeding, still uneasy asked: "Dr. Lin, how do I feel dizzy, should I take some medicine?"

I laughed: "You are bleeding, go back and drink some milk, eat some eggs, sleep and you will be fine."

The villager frowned and said, "Didn't you just say the snake was slightly poisonous? Slightly poisonous is also poisonous ah!"

I sighed, in fact, there is no need to take medicine, "then you go whole some pig liver soup to drink, do not put anything but salt, drink until the wound scabs, natural fall off."

"Good, good, I'll go now!" The villagers nodded and hurried away, this kind of trust or dependence, I have long been accustomed to, sometimes giving patients confidence is more important than prescribing medicine.

I said aloud to the others, "The situation is very wrong, everyone do not move, do not provoke these things ... that who, put down the stick in your hand!"

After my words, a few villagers threw down the sticks in their hands.

Someone curiously asked: "Lin doctor, this ... what the hell is going on ah, is not the commentary on what heavenly omen ah!"

Another person started to associate, speculating and said: "The heavenly omen? Does it mean that the village is going to change and the village chief is going to step down?"

"Bah, Guangkun, what are you talking about?"

"Ah, the village chief? When did you come, I didn't see you!"

During the conversation, a middle-aged man wearing a duck-tongue cap with his hands behind his back, slowly came out, disgusted look with a little majesty. He cleared his throat and asked, "Dr. Lin, what the hell is going on here? Is it an earthquake or what?"

He came to the clinic last year and took the medicine I prescribed to cure his stone disease, and every time he saw me, he was especially polite.

I also responded politely: "Uncle Changgui, you're here! These things are not moving and not making a fuss, I don't think it's an earthquake, it's like something is attracting them."

"Huh? Attracted? What do you mean?" The village chief was amazed.

"Don't worry, I've just arrived, I still have to investigate ... Right, didn't someone say that a water monkey was killed, where is the water monkey?"