Chapter 14 - The Monster in the Pool

I explained the situation, Zhang Xiaofa father heard, jumped up from the wicker chair, angry and hateful, lamented a lot.

Zhang Xiaofa seems not to take it seriously, said: "I feel strong, just hungry, but our family conditions, every day to eat big fish can also afford to eat ah!"

I said, "Your condition is not just a craving for fish, after a while your body will change, first the whole body will grow scales, then become a eunuch, and then the whole body pus ..."

Zhang Xiaofa heard, wide-eyed, sucked back a breath of cold air, hanging in the corner of the mouth of a fishy fish intestines sucked in.

Zhang Xiaofa father immediately grabbed my hand, said anxiously: "Lin doctor, you have to save my little hair! His mother left early, if something happens to him, how can I face his mother!"

"Don't worry, I am here for this matter, I do have a prescription for this disease."

As I said that, I went outside the bedroom, Zhang Xiaofa's father understood and followed me out, asking, "Doctor Lin, can this disease be cured by taking the medicine?"

I shook my head, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Uncle Zhang, this disease is too rare, my prescription can only control, not remove the root of the disease."

Zhang Xiaofa father obviously showed a disappointed look, but the mouth said: "can control also become!"

I said, "But there is one more thing, I must explain, Xiaofa has augmentation disease, the body has been changed, Yin cold qi injury damage to the kidney Yang, regardless of the future cure cure, the future will fall a sequelae - sterility."

"What!?" Zhang Xiaofa's father was even more astonished and said in disbelief, "How can this work, I only have this one son! If it is broken, then my family's incense will be cut off!"

I shook my head, even if I stress this to me now, it will not change the objective fact.

I said as gently as I could, "I can understand your feelings, this thing if anyone can not accept, but it has happened, can only accept it."

Zhang Xiaofa father rubbed his hair hard, his eyes rolled, lowered his voice and asked, "Dr. Lin, how much money will it cost to keep my son this ..."

I saw that he misunderstood and said, "No, Uncle Zhang, I just let you have a psychological preparation, not to charge more for the consultation, right now, of course, it is most important to save life."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You must think of a way, please, I kneel down for you." Said Zhang Xiaofa father to kneel down.

I was helpless, holding him, said: "You do not do so, I will naturally think of ways, but Uncle Zhang you have to have a worst psychological preparation!"

But Zhang Xiaofa's father was unwilling to accept this fact, I wore out my mouth to coax to stop, I was also very tired of anxiety, out of the door and went to the clinic.

Not a few steps, suddenly heard a few screams, and the direction of the fish pond.

I rushed to the fish pond, and when I got there, I was stunned - only to see a dark humanoid monster walking out of the water, covered with a layer of both coral and rust-like "armor", stumbling, three steps a slip, five steps a stumble. Finally slowly climbing up to the edge of the fish pond.

Before the crowd gathered here in the fish pond, at this time has been scattered, what to do what to go, only a few scattered idle people and some children playing see this thing out of the pond, scared scream after scream, breaking the calm of the village.

My heart stuttered, could not help but nervous, this thing is not another auger!

Two auger fight, so that one will be killed, and this is only the fight won?

I was thinking, I do not know who picked up a stone towards the monster to greet the past, the stone hit the monster's head, issued a clang.

The monster slightly deflected his head, and then roared, the sound was so low that it was almost inaudible, but the bones of the body, the blood was vibrating with the sound waves!

I immediately felt my heart thumping wildly, the internal organs seem to be boiling general, the ear sockets buzzing, not to mention how uncomfortable.

Where the roar, the pond water like hot oil vibration up, the surrounding people have also covered their ears, showing a very painful expression, nose slowly gushing blood, those children are crying, but before the tears fall to the ground, teardrops will be shattered by this strange sound waves.

I also covered my ears, but simply can not resist the sound wave attack, and soon I also felt the nasal cavity hot, a warm stream from the nostrils gushed out.

This sound is the "Jie Wei Guang Zhi" mentioned in the genus Jiaolong good at the dragon's roar?

The book says that the dragon roar "cracking rocks and broken soil, sound curbing the flow of clouds; penetrate the muscle into the bone, destroy people's liver and intestines", at that time I was thinking, the dragon's voice is big enough ah!

Personal experience I realized that the dragon roar is not what "huge roar", but a super high intensity infrasound!

The human ear can hear the sound frequency is fixed, higher than this frequency is called ultrasound, lower than this frequency is called infrasound, infrasound is inaudible to humans, but it can make body fluids resonate, close to produce a very painful, tormented, anxious feelings.

At this time, several villagers around the legs have gone weak, kneeling on the ground vomiting up, vomit mixed with blood, someone wearing glasses were also shattered, it looks like they are close to the limit.

"Bastards!" I gritted my teeth and cursed, my ears buzzed but I couldn't hear myself, and the sound that came out when I spoke seemed to tremble, and I felt like my teeth were about to be shattered.

I drew out a sick tiger talisman, two fingers clutching, although the spell should not be shown, but there is no other way, the situation is too critical.

With a flick of my wrist, I threw the talisman like a dart, and at the same time I shouted, "Burn it all!

The Sick Tiger Sutra is one of the thirteen sutras of Zhuyu, and the only means of sorcery that I can produce lethal effects.

Taking advantage of this effort, I shouted to the others: "Run, this is not a place to stay!"

Those villagers pulled on the children, and hurriedly rolled and crawled to escape, someone turned around and shouted: "Lin Daifu careful!"

I fixed my eyes, the flames at the fish pond still had not dissipated, but the monster came out of it unharmed, and as it ran, the layer of "armor" covering its body rustled and peeled off, revealing the white skin from the joints.

What is this?

I was secretly shocked, the layer of "armor" of

This strange thing rushed aggressively towards me, I reached out my hand and called a low "dog brother to help me", the wind instantly rose, flying sand and rocks, but the monster is completely unafraid.

This guy is not good, I am not a foolish boy, pull out his legs and run, the monster will be behind to shoo me.

After running a few steps, I saw a shovel thrown nearby, maybe someone just left it. I copied up to the monster swing, "when" a shovel like hitting a metal substance, a crisp sound.

This guy's "shell" is very strong, even by the sharp edge of the shovel cut, but also fell only some fragments, those fragments from the material and color, it is clear that the rust, "monster" body is cloaked in a thick layer of rust!

After I swung the shovel a dozen times, the "monster" raised his hand and grabbed the edge of the shovel, only a gentle roll, the shovel was deformed, a huge force pulled me towards its arms!

But at the same time, I noticed a detail, in the chest of the "monster", inserted a thing ...

At this time, the black dog skin on my back suddenly slightly floated, I hurriedly reached out and pulled the dog skin back to the shoulder, said: "Brother dog wait! Do not hurt him!"