Chapter 15: The Mysterious Boy

Although the canine brother can not speak, but it is very smart, and long time together between us has produced a tacit understanding, I know what it is planning.

As soon as the dog leaves my body, a thunderstorm cloud will soon appear above my head, and at this time it will cover me, then this big iron lump in front of me will become the only target of lightning, the perfect borrowing of power!

But I just suddenly found that the "monster" heart part of a thorn-like thing, which is obviously the cause of its madness.

Of course, what shocked me even more was that this guy's physique was so strong that he wouldn't die from a heart injury!

I decided to take a chance and see if I could get this guy back. So I rushed over and grabbed the thorn in his chest, the touch in my hand had a hint of familiarity, and look at the shape ...

Wait, is this thorn the broken claw of the otter auger!

The strange man thought I was going to disadvantage him, reaching over to pinch my neck, I pulled this "thorn" out with force, pulled out from inside half a palm long, stuck too deep.

The strange man immediately screamed in pain, could not help but take a step back, opened his hands and yelled, but this time it was not a dragon's cry, just a normal scream.

His chest spurted out an arrow of blood, I blocked it with my hand, hot blood splashed on my sleeve.

The guy waved his hands around, his body shook as if he didn't listen to me, and the rusty crust on his body kept breaking up, then he fell backwards like a "big" character and stopped moving.

I then found the sleeve a little heavy, look down, very incredible, just splashed on the sleeve of the blood turned into a large piece of rust, fell to the arm heavy.

The surrounding people have long run away, there are a few brave probes, looking at our side in dismay.

When I was about to check the condition of the strange man, someone shouted at me: "Dr. Lin! Don't go over there, this man is too dangerous, tie him up first!"

"It's okay, he's fainted!" I said.

I squatted down and looked at the man carefully and found that a piece of rust was actually glued to his chest where he was bleeding, and it was carrying residual heat.

His whole body is wrapped in a layer of hard rust, with the same color as blood, to finger knocking, there is the sound of gold and stone, feel the bullet can not penetrate.

This is the first time I've seen this man's strange appearance, I was very surprised, is this some kind of evil martial arts?

Although the blood contains iron, but it is not so solidified after the rust block ah! Even if it is from the mother's womb to eat spinach as a meal, but also can not reach this exaggerated degree, right?

At this time his body rust armor has been split in pieces, covering the part of the face has been cracked.

I saw a small piece of white skin exposed at his wrist, so I reached out and poked it, and found that his skin was as cold as ice. I tried the pulse again. The man's pulse was weak and sunken, and it appeared that he had lost too much blood.

I couldn't help but feel horrified, if this whole body rust is his blood condensation, then this bleeding is indeed very exaggerated, this person in a normal state, how strong the physique is! Definitely not an ordinary person!

I reached out and grabbed the piece of rust covering his face and gave it a tug to rip it away, belonging to that androgynous look.

But as a male, this kid's skin is also too white, a bit sickly kind of white, as if coated with lead ...

I had a sudden flash of light and knew what was going on, muttering, "So that's it, he's got augmentation ..."

"Dr. Lin, who is this person, not which mental hospital escaped from the martial arts madman, right?" A few villagers saw that it was okay and carefully came over to watch.

I said: "Wait until he wakes up and then ask, please, help get a cart or tricycle, take him to my grandmother's clinic first! He's so cold, he's going to die here if he's not saved!"

People refused: "Don't save him, let's wait for the village chief to come and ask him, in case he's a bad person!"

One of the villagers said, "Yes, yes, I just got a nosebleed from his voice, and now my nose is burning, I think this guy is definitely not normal."

I laughed bitterly and said, "Life is at stake, let's save and wake up before we ask, hurry up!"

Although the guys are not happy, but for my sake, or to pedal a tricycle over, the boy is also heavy enough, three men to get him into the car.

I held in the back of the car, halfway through the boy suddenly woke up, nervously shouted: "Knife! Knife!"

He opened his eyes to look at me, and I noticed that his pupils were at first a thin slit, then quickly expanded and became human-like.

I secretly wondered, thinking to myself that this man's augmentation syndrome is already very serious, but he can still maintain his sanity? What kind of person is he, his physique is really unusual!

I spoke up and said, "Don't be afraid, I am a doctor, now send you to my clinic."

This kid asked without a head: "Hey, where's my knife ...!?"

"I don't see it, you have a knife with you?"

"I have to go find ..." said he was about to roll over and get out of the car, but I stopped him.

I persuaded: "You do not move, the knife later, in our village can not be lost, do not worry!"

He stared at me for a moment, probably saw me no malice, which then lay back, weakly said: "That monster ..."

"You mean the monster that looks like an otter, right? It's already dead."

"That's good ..." With those words, he seemed to have lifted his mental burden, closed his eyes and passed out again.

The road back to the clinic is uphill, the pedicab folks are tired and sweaty, it is difficult to bring people to the clinic door. I repeatedly said that I had worked hard and asked him to go in and rest, but they waved their hands and said they would not come in and pedaled away.

I picked the boy up and put all my strength into the courtyard, he was so heavy with rust that I kept adjusting my breathing to barely hold on.

It was hard to drag him to the living room to lie on the floor, I was so tired that I sat on my butt, shouted a grandmother, rested for a while, and hurried to get up to find the vise.

I opened the can like a rusty block on his body to cut and tear it apart, revealing the torso area.

The boy's skin is fair, the body's muscles are unusually strong, it seems to often exercise, but there are several long scratches swept across his chest and abdomen, the wound is glued with a thin layer of rust, it seems that this is his wound scab.

A few moments later, the grandmother pestle walking stick slowly from the house out, see this strange man is not too surprised, asked me what happened.

I gave a general report of the strange events in the village to my grandmother, and finally asked, "Grandma, this man's physique is different from that of ordinary people, so there is no need to supplement Yang Qi, I will grab some medicine to nourish Yin Qi and give him a medicinal soup, do you think it is possible?"

Grandma looked at the man: "No need to eat any medicine, you let him sleep, stew a fish soup, put some maidenhair, do not put salt."

I said, "Yes, I'll put him to bed."

I stripped all the rust off the man's body, but so, dragging him up is still quite a struggle.

This guy was wearing nothing, except for injuries, shoulders, back, legs and a patch of light golden flesh scales, feel between skin and keratin.

I was even more amazed, this person seems to have augmentation disease for quite a long time, how did he manage not to deteriorate?

Is it because of the long-term use of the seven stone powder?

It was hard to put him on the bed and cover him with a blanket, so I went to work.

I flipped out the book and read about augmentation while I cooked - Grandma briefly recorded her own previous cases in the margin of this part of "Healing Without Words".

The person she met was fond of eating raw oysters, which were said to be an aphrodisiac - alas, I wonder how many people get food poisoning every year because of the word "aphrodisiac".

As a result, this case accidentally ate a raw oyster that had been augmented, and the whole person underwent a terrible mutation, soaking in ice water every day, and saying that his blood was so hot that he bit through his veins to bleed, and even gouged out one of his eyes with his bare hands.

Let him all kinds of crazy, but the family is powerless to control, because he became very strong, but also more crazy to eat all kinds of raw fish, raw shells, even shells with scales to eat, eat the stomach and round and bulging, those shells and fish bones cut his intestines, often above in eating, and then later he began to septicemia.

Then later, he began to pus all over his body, which is a sign of augmentation cells began to storm - humans are not the ideal vessel for augmentation, and can even be said to be the worst.

The book says that there is no cure for augmentation, the grandmother was almost helpless, watching the man slowly deteriorate, and finally became a huge bloody ball of flesh full of pus, and one day the pus cracked and died, the grandmother could only tell his family to burn the whole house to disinfection.

Failure to cure the patient is a piece of Grandma's heart, so she traveled the north and south of the country, looking for a prescription, and finally from the Jianghu foreigners to get the seven stones to control the disease of augmentation.

But only to control, not cure, this medicine must be taken for life!