Zain saw the way she blushed just now and it warmed his heart, he hoped she would like him too,
"It's nothing you don't have to thank me" Zain said
"I appreciate you helping me like this, it's really rare to find good people like you, thank you once again," Jane said again
"it really okay, you should stop thanking me or I will feel embarrassed, that's by the way, I heard you came back home pretty early today," Zain asked
"well yes Dante fired me" Jane said a little bit sad
"and why did he do that?" Zain asked
"because I didn't show up at work on Saturday, it's partly my fault though, I had forgotten to tell him I would not be coming to work, but I tried to explain but he wouldn't let me, am sure that crazy jerk that tried to rape me had something to do with it, I learnt he his close friends with Dante, I just hope he wouldn't fire Gloria too, she was only looking out for me" Jane explained
"I'm so sorry about that, but I'm also glad you won't be working there anymore, that kind of place is not for sweet souls like you," Zain said and Jane blushed ' did he just call me a sweet soul, this Zain is just too much ' she thought to herself
"Well I am glad too but I just hope I find another job soon or better still I get the job at that house" Jane said
"I'm sure you will, no one can resist your lucky charm," Zain said looking into her eyes and seeing the way she blushed again
Jane cleared her throat and spoke "I think you should get going because of John, it's already getting late before Juliet starts looking for you both"
"oh of course you are right, we should get going" Zain said, Jane stood up and walked into the kitchen to get John, she saw the way his mood changed when she had told him to get going, she just hoped she had been polite enough,
she was sorry to have done that, but if she hadn't she was sure she would have blushed to death, she was already feeling red all over, she got back into the living room in no time with John in her hands, Mrs Whitney hadn't said anything to her when she went into the kitchen, she would tease the hell out of her when Zain leaves
When she got back, Zain was already by the door, she hadn't noticed what he had been wearing since he got here, he was wearing a black suit trousers and a blue shirt, he must have removed the jacket and tie, his hair was a little bit rough but he still looked handsome ' what are you doing admiring a man, have you lost your senses? ' Jane scolded herself
"we are here," Jane said, Zain turned back to look at her, he really wasn't happy that he was going home but he had no choice, he had seen her and even got the chance to talk to her, that was enough for him for now
"oh thank you, Jane, hey champ" he didn't get the chance to greet his nephew earlier, he was too engrossed with Jane
"hey Uncle Zain" John said half asleep, he was probably tired from all the playing, Zain carried him and headed for the door
"goodnight Zain" Jane spoke first
"goodnight Jane" Zain replied
"Thanks once again," Jane said
"you are welcome" Zain replied, and with that, Zain opened the door and left
Jane got back to the living room and met Mrs Whitney there
"where's Chris?" she asked trying to divert Mrs Whitney's attention so she wouldn't ask her about Zain but Mrs Whitney was smarter than that
"he's already sleeping, he's in his room" Mrs Whitney replied her
"Okay, I'm hungry can we go and eat now" Jane said still trying to avoid her questions
"of course as your lordship pleases," Mrs Whitney said and went straight to the kitchen, they got into the kitchen and Mrs Whitney served the food and Jane helped her carry it to the dining area
They were almost done with their food, Jane ate as fast as she could, she wasn't ready to have a conversation with Mrs Whitney because she knew what it would be all about, Jane was happy she was finally going to get away when Mrs Whitney spoke
"I heard everything you both talked about," Mrs Whitney said with her brows raised up
"you were eavesdropping?" Jane accused "Of course not, the boys were eating and I was waiting for you, I just got bored and decided to listen in, nothing more" Mrs Whitney defended
"that's still the same thing as eavesdropping Mrs Whitney" Jane replied
"well if you decide to put it that way," Mrs Whitney said "Isn't Zain a nice gentleman he's so lovely" Mrs Whitney praised
"Will you just stop praising him" Jane complained
"oh come on don't be ungrateful, he got you a job" Mrs Whitney scolded
"I've not even gotten the job yet," Jane said
"but I'm confident that you will, have some faith child I always tell you," Mrs Whitney said
"yeah I do have faith" Jane said and stood up
"and where are you running off to" Mrs Whitney asked
"well am going to bed" Jane replied, she really wasn't sleepy, but she just wanted to avoid Mrs Whitney and her talks
"is that so or you are just trying to avoid talking about Zain?" Mrs Whitney accused
Jane rolled her eyes
"stop trying to matchmake us, I do not like him," Jane said
"you don't like him, but I saw the way you were blushing while you two were talking," Mrs Whitney said placing her hands on her hips
"that's just a normal reaction, he was saying nice things about me" Jane defended
"well if you don't like him, the things he was saying would not affect you," Mrs Whitney said, Jane saw that there was no way she was winning this argument
"I don't like him, period," she said and headed for her room almost running
"if you don't like him, then who do you like?" Mrs Whitney shouted after her
"no one, I like no one" Jane shouted back