Chapter 26

Jane woke up on Wednesday morning as early as possible, she was quite optimistic about the job and also super anxious, Zain had bought her some clothes for the interview yesterday even though she didn't ask him, ' That was really nice him ' she thought again, she had politely rejected it, she doesn't like taking favors, but he had insisted she took it,

she didn't have a choice but to take it, she needed something to wear anyway, it was a very beautiful red short gown with long sleeves, he also got her a silver heel shoe and a mini handbag to match, she had never worn such beautiful clothes before,

she wondered how rich those people must be if she had to dress this beautifully for an interview for the position of a maid

She quickly brushed the thought away and headed for the bathroom, she quickly took her bath and dressed up, and for the first time, she felt the urge to use makeup, she didn't have many makeup kits, because she didn't like and use them unlike Gloria,

' speaking of Gloria, she had promised to call her and tell her everything that transpired between her and Dante, but she had completely forgotten, she would do that after she gets back from the interview ' she thought to herself

She applied the red lipstick, tied her in a ponytail, and looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn't believe this was her, she looked really beautiful and rich, "money suits me" she muttered to herself

Jane got to the living room and saw Mrs. Whitney feeding Chris, not like he couldn't eat himself, he just loves been pampered a lot, she giggled at the thought and greeted the duo

"good morning Mrs Whitney, good morning baby," she said and walked up to them

"Mummy is that you?" Chris asked looking astonished

"of course, it's me, baby, do I look that beautiful?" she giggled

"of course, right grandma?" Chris said asking Mrs Whitney

"of course she does, looks like you will be getting married pretty soon" Mrs Whitney looked at her, she was teasing her

Jane knew where Mrs. Whitney was going with this, so she decided not to answer instead, she just kept smiling, ' she would probably end up talking about Zain '

"where's my food?" she tried to change the topic but Mrs Whitney wouldn't budge, she kept talking

"I'm sure Zain would fall in love with you over and over again once he sees you this morning," Mrs Whitney said smiling to her eyes

Jane wanted to say something when the doorbell rang,

"That must be your prince charming" Mrs. Whitney teased again. Jane rolled her eyes and gave Mrs Whitney a killing look

"Mrs. Whitney just stop already," Jane said with a tone of irritation, ' she would probably run away from this house if Mrs. Whitney kept teasing her like this '

The both were still arguing when the doorbell rang again

"who's gonna get the door?" Chris was the one who spoke this time

" I will get it" Jane interjected

she walked away and opened the door, Zain froze immediately after he saw her, she was looking stunning compared to the last time he saw her, she looked like an angel this morning, and she was taking his breath away, that gown looked so right and perfect on her body like it was tailored and made for only her, all her feature was really visible this time, her tiny waist, her hips, even her breasts were perfectly shaped and curved,

he suddenly felt like kissing and fucking the hell out of her right now, he wondered how her breast must taste, his dick reacted at the thought and he suddenly felt hot all over

' what nonsense are you thinking now ' his mind screamed at him Zain tried to bring himself back from the fantasy land but he just couldn't

"you look beautiful and sexy" Zain blurted out, he didn't mean to say that last part but he couldn't help himself

"thank you," Jane said blushing, she wasn't used to men showering her compliments

"Are you ready?" Zain said breaking the silence between them

"yes I am, I will go get my bag, please come inside," she said moving away from the door and allowing him to come inside, she quickly rushed to her room trying to avoid Mrs Whitney's eyes as much as possible

"good morning Mrs Whitney, hey champ" Zain greeted

"good morning Zain, how are you doing this morning?"

"good morning Zain" Chris greeted back

"I'm very fine," Zain said

"Mrs Whitney walked up to Zain held his hands and spoke almost whispering

"thank you for helping my girl, I'm grateful, she's also grateful even though she might not know how to express herself, you see she had a rough life, please understand and I see the way you look at her, I see you like her, please be patient, she will come around" Mrs Whitney said

"thank you, Mrs Whitney, I appreciate the advice, it's my pleasure helping her, it's no trouble, and I have no choice but to be patient" Zain said nodding with a smile

Jane overheard everything they talked about, but Mrs Whitney just sold her out ' Gosh am so going to kill her when I get back from this interview ' she thought to herself

She cleared her throat to indicate that she was in the room "I'm here" she announced almost sounding sarcastic, Mrs Whitney gave Zain a wink before returning to her seat

' what was that for ' Jane thought ' she was going to clear things up with Zain once they were alone, she didn't want him getting the wrong idea about all this, she gave Mrs Whitney a questioning look, Mrs Whitney noticed her killing gaze and smiled at her sarcastically