Chapter 27

"I think we should get going" Zain said breaking the silence

"aren't you going to eat something before leaving, you haven't had breakfast" Mrs Whitney interjected

"you haven't eaten?" Zain was the one who asked

"yes I just finished dressing up" Jane said

"don't worry we will grab something to eat at the company, I haven't eaten as well"

"company, are we going to your company?" Jane asked surprised

"hmm yes we are, I can't afford for you to come to the office on your own, and the interview is still 12, this is just past 8, we should get going," Zain said

"All alright let's go then" She walked up to her son and kissed him on the forehead,

I will get going now baby, wish me luck on my interview" she said smiling at him

"good luck mummy" Chris said to his mother

"thank you, be a good boy at school okay and don't trouble grandma" Jane said "Okay" Chris said

"take very good care of yourself, and make sure you eat something before going for the interview, so you don't go there and spit out nonsense" Mrs Whitney scolded

"yes mama" Jane answered sarcastically

"I mean it," Mrs Whitney said sounding serious

"I heard you, I will make sure I eat something," she said and walked towards Zain's side

She waved goodbye and left with Zain. He opened the door for her like a gentleman that he is, she got in and he closed the door behind her, he got in close to her and drove off

the ride to Smith's corporation was a smooth one, they didn't talk much, Zain tried to ask her personal questions without being too pushy, and Jane tried not to give herself away,

in the end, Zain found out that she was an orphan who didn't have any idea of who her parent was and grew up in the orphanage, how she also eloped with her friend Cassie to get a better life, and how she met Mrs Whitney due to a tragedy,

he wondered what the tragedy was, that must be the reason why she is so rigid, ' and could that be what Mrs Whitney meant when she said she had a rough life? ' Zain thought to himself, but no matter what it was, he would make sure he dissolved all her doubt and probably she would give him a chance

Jane also got to know a few things about him, from the college he graduated from to how he got a job in the company, and also the fact that he and Juliet are the only children, ' he must have had a wonderful life ' she thought to herself

Finally they got to the office and Zain packed his car at the car pack, they got down and Jane couldn't help but marvel at the sight, it was really beautiful, she had never been to the urban areas of the city before, she only saw what it looked like from the TV and magazines, it was magnificent, the tall buildings and all

Zain noticed her astonishment, and could help but chuckle,

"if you think this is beautiful, wait till you get inside" Zain said

"Really?" Jane asked looking almost surprised

"come on let's go, you must be hungry by now" Zain said and Jane's stomach grumbled as well, at the sound of that, they both couldn't help but laugh out loud, and Zain couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked

"you look really beautiful when you smile or laugh" Zain complimented

"thanks" Jane said blushing and quickly looked away, she didn't know why she always blushed anytime he said something nice to her

Noticing the way she blushed, Zain couldn't help but feel very happy, the fact that he had a reaction to her made him feel somewhat hopeful, that something could happen between them, he grabbed her hands and ushered her into the company, immediately they got into the company, everybody's eyes were glued to them, especially Jane

"who's that beauty over there?" somebody exclaimed

"she must be his girlfriend" somebody else answered

"what, girlfriend? no way, have you ever seen him with a girl before? Somebody else said

"well no but, have never seen that girl before, or have you?"

"no, maybe you are right" the other girl giggled

Hearing their comments, Jane felt a bit embarrassed and annoyed, ' will everybody just stop trying to matchmake them together? ' she thought to herself, first there is Mrs Whitney, now people at Zain's company also think they are together

Zain felt her uneasiness and quickly walked away with her to the elevator and got in, they got into the office and the first person Zain saw was Sylvia, ' holy shit ' he thought to himself, he hadn't seen her since the incident two days ago,

she didn't come to work yesterday, she had called in yesterday and said she was sick, if Tasha had not told him about her feelings for him yesterday, he would have believed she was sick, but given the situation, she was probably avoiding him

He suddenly felt like running away, if he had known she would be here today, he wouldn't have brought Jane to the company, he would have just called in and said he was sick as well so he would able to take Jane to the mansion for the interview, he honestly didn't want to upset her more, moreover he didn't want Jane getting the wrong impression

The air suddenly became thick and awkward, Sylvia could feel the blood draining off her face, even though she had told herself that she was not supposed to care about Zain and the so-called love of his life, she couldn't help but feel jealous, ' who in the world was that girl that Zain was holding ' she thought to herself, ' could it be the girl he told her about,

she was indeed very beautiful with curves and everything and a pretty face, maybe he had succeeded in getting her the job, does that mean they will have to be seeing each other every day, or even worse she will have to watch them display their love in front of her? ' she thought again

Slyvia felt suffocated, and she was sure she stopped breathing for a while, no way she would survive any of that, the thought alone infuriated her, she clenched her fist in anger

Jane felt the cold gaze and stare Sylvia was giving her, she felt a little bit awkward and looked down at the floor not knowing what to think or do