Chapter 33

Mrs Whitney hurriedly finished up with helping Christopher with his homework and sent him off to Juliet's house, she was eager to hear the gist from Jane, Christopher wasn't so eager to go, he wanted to help in the kitchen, but Mrs Whitney had insisted she didn't want the boy to hear what his mother had to say, what if she was going to tell him they kissed each other, she giggled at the thought

she found Jane in her room, lying on the bed and staring at her phone "hey Jane it's time to cook"

Jane sat up lazily "okay let's go" she said

"and what are you doing staring at your phone like that, expecting a call from a certain someone" Mrs Whitney said mischievously

from the way Mrs Whitney spoke, Jane already knew who she was referring to

"yes I am expecting a call from a certain someone" Jane replied

"I was right all along, I know it's Zain right? " Mrs Whitney asked

"well for your information, it's not Zain, am expecting a call from the mansion they said there would put a call through to me, if I passed the interview" Jane interjected

"oh I see" Mrs Whitney said feeling disappointed and pouted her mouth

"so are we going to cook or not?" Jane asked sarcastically

"alright alright let's just go, but you are still going to tell me what happened right?"

"of course I can't wait for you to hear it as well, you will be really surprised" Jane said

"really?" Mrs Whitney asked grinning to her ear "okay just tell already you know I don't like being kept in the dark" Mrs Whitney added

"at least wait till when we get into the kitchen I will tell you everything once we start cooking" Jane replied and walked directly into the kitchen

both of them got busy, from washing the vegetables, to cleaning the pot and pan, the. greasing them, Mrs Whitney was busy chopping the vegetables while Jane was marinating the meat, if there was thing she learnt from Mrs Whitney well, it was definitely how to cook well, at the thought of that she felt really confident about getting the job

the madam had asked her if she could cook well, and she had given her a list of the dishes she could prepare well, because she would be the young master's personal maid, she would doing everything for him, Jane doesn't know why, but she she really wanted to get that job, not just because of the money or the fact that she would have to see the beautiful mansion everyday but she felt a need and longing to be in that house, like it was the right thing to do, she just really hopes she gets the job

They were almost done cooking when Mrs Whitney took the initiative to get John but decided to ask Jane to do it instead, she wanted both she and Zain to get closer

"uhmmm Jane please get Christopher, dinner is almost ready" Mrs Whitney said not facing Jane not wanting to give her any room to protest but Jane didn't take the bait

"I can't get him Mrs Whitney, I don't want to see Zain's face" Jane replied seriously

"what?" Mrs Whitney exclaimed surprised "what do you mean you don't want to see his face, what happened between you two, you still haven't told me what happened earlier" Mrs Whitney complained

"well what happened is that your favorite suitor tried to take advantage of me by kissing me without my permission, and I gave him a hard slap for it, and I don't ever want to have anything to do with him, am going to return every penny he used in buying me the clothes and things he bought me, so you really stop trying to matchmake us together Mrs Whitney, I won't tolerate it anymore, I never liked him, and now it's even worse" Jane declared, just thinking about it was making her blood boil

Mrs Whitney watched Jane vent her anger and stood still surprised and also disappointed in Zain, how could he have done that, "he did that?" she asked surprised

"yes he did" Jane replied

"wow, I guess I will go get Christopher then" she said and walked out the kitchen to get the boy


Maria had finished interviewing the girls and she was somewhat tired and she was also finding it difficult to make a choice, Williams was yet to be back from work, he had been really busy lately, he will be stepping down as the CEO of the company in less than a week, so he's putting everything in place for the arrival of Christopher, Grace was also not at home, she also left to go abroad three years back, she was now a renowned and the most popular actress home and abroad, Kyle is already in his final years in college, and he's doing his internship in the biggest law firm in the country, the firm belongs to one of William's friends

she can't wait to have all her children back at home with her Christopher especially, she misses him so much, but she really needed Williams to be home right now, so he could help her decide which person to choose, she had called him earlier but he wasn't picking, he must busy, she thought

she waited for thirty minutes more and he still wasn't home, she decided to ask Charles instead, she went downstairs and asked one of the maids to get him

Charles appeared in her room about ten minutes later

"you called for me madam" Charles stated

"yes am actually having trouble making a decision as to which of the girls will be taking the position of my son's personal maid, so I wanted to seek your opinion" Maria said

"well if you would ask me, I would prefer Jane, she seems well behaved and collected"

"you think so too?" Maria asked

"yes ma'am" Charles replied, Maria thought about what he said

"put a call through to her and tell her to be here tomorrow morning so she get accustomed to the house and also get Estella to teach her everything necessary thing she needs to know about my son" Maria ordered

"alright ma'am" Charles said "would you like to have dinner now or wait up for Sir" Charles added

"no I will just wait up for him, that will be all for now, you can go" Maria said and dismissed him

Charles nodded and left the room