Chapter 34

It was almost eight and Jane had not heard anything from the mansion, she was starting to lose hope, they were almost done with dinner and she almost forced herself to eat, she kept glancing at her phone

Mrs Whitney noticed her uneasiness but didn't know what to say, she knew she was already upset about what Zain had done earlier today, she didn't want to add salt to the wound, "are you okay Jane?" Mrs Whitney finally decided to ask, she couldn't stand to see her sad

Jane nodded and didn't say anything but she saw the worried look on Christopher's face as well "am really okay am just anxious as to why have not received any call up until now, maybe I wasn't the one picked for the job" Jane said and pouted her mouth, it was obvious that she was sad even though she was trying to hide it

Christopher stood up from his seat, climb into his mother's lap and kissed her on the cheek, Jane couldn't help but feel warm inside, this is the one person she would do anything at all for, he was her zeal and reason for even living, with that thought she quickly felt better and kissed him back

"please mom dont be sad okay, it makes me sad too, and besides why is everyone so sad today, Zain was also sad, did something happen?" Chris asked

"of course not, don't get ideas in your head, am sure Zain is just stressed from work, and I already told you the reason behind mine besides am no longer sad as long as you are with me, and even if I don't get the job at the mansion, mummy will still look for another job and then mummy will be really happy" she said and smiled at him, Christopher couldn't help but smile back

Christopher went back to his seat and continued eating, Jane noticed how gloomy Mrs Whitney was the entire time, ' is something bothering her ' she thought

"hey Mrs Whitney are you okay?" Jane asked her

"of course child, am just angry at Zain" she said the Zain in a whisper so that Chris wouldn't hear her

"I don't know he was that kind of person" Mrs Whitney continued"and I feel so horrible for trying to matchmake you with him, how could I have been so gullible" Mrs Whitney said obviously sad

Jane walked up to her and gave her a hug from the back, "it's okay you were only looking out for me, you didn't mean any harm, and besides I don't think he's such a bad person I guess he just got carried away, please don't be sad" Jane explained

Mrs Whitney hugged her back and they were still for almost two minutes until they heard Chris's voice "I want a hug too" he said

"of course my sweet grandson, come over here" Mrs Whitney stretched her hands and scooped the little boy into her hands, they stood still again until Jane's phone started to ring, Jane quickly broke away from the hug and rushed to the other side of the table, she had been expecting a call since afternoon, she just hope it's good news

"hello" Jane spoke "good evening Jane this is Charles from the Smith's mansion" Charles spoke from the other side "oh good evening Mr Charles" Jane greeted back "well have got good news for you, you are the one chosen for the job, resume here by 10am so we can put you through to some things, good night" Charles said

Jane felt like she was on top of the world, what did she just here, she got the job, and before she could even register what was happening she screamed happily, "I got the job, I got the job" she screamed almost singing with the lines

Mrs Whitney and Christopher quickly rushed to her side, they seems to be more happy than she was "I told you to have faith that you were going to get the job, I told you, this calls for celebration, you know what I would prepare a large breakfast tomorrow morning"

"why don't we make it a large dinner, I'm asked to resume tomorrow morning by 10 so that means I will have to leave pretty early, that place is almost a two hours drive from here" Jane suggested

"alright alright, anything you say" Mrs Whitney giggled

"that means my prayer worked" Christopher commented

"of course it did, my love, what would I ever do without you my darling" she bent down and scooped her son into her hands and she couldn't help but shed tears, Mrs Whitney joined her

she didn't know why she was so happy about getting this, but she feels like her life is about to change forever

Jane woke up the next morning feeling more energetic that she has ever felt in her life, she was going to resume at the mansion, now she believes Mrs Whitney words more than ever, if that jerk hadn't try to rape her, she wouldn't have desperately sought help from Zain, and speaking of Zain, her mind drifted to him, she should see him and let him know what happened, no matter what might have transpired between them, he still deserves to know, he had gotten her the job anyways

she looked at the time, this was already past 7, she should get going already, she didn't want to be late like yesterday, she might not really know the way there, but she was sure she wouldn't get lost

yesterday when she and Zain were driving back she had memorized every stop and road so she would be able to find her way to the mansion by herself just incase she gets the job and thank God she did