Chapter 35

Jane quickly finished dressing and left her room, she was wearing a black skirt, a little bit short above the knee, a mint green shirt and a black sandal, she carried a black bag as well , she didn't apply any make up today, since she had already gotten the job she didn't feel the need to still dress extra

she got went to look for Mrs Whitney and found her in Chris's room getting him ready for school, she doesn't know what she would have done without this woman "am off guys" she announced

Mrs Whitney looked up at her and smiled "you look beautiful in whatever you where child, am sure the young master you are going to be working for will fall in love with you the moment he sets his eyes on you" Mrs Whitney said grinning

Jane rolled her eyes at her words " really Mrs Whitney, you will never repent will you?" Jane accused jokingly

"no I won't not until you hook yourself up with a man" Mrs Whitney said pretending to be serious

"anyways am leaving already, I will see you guys when I get back, Chris be good and don't stress your grandma okay?" Jane instructed

"yes mummy, good luck" he said

"thanks baby" she said and blew him a kiss

"bye Mrs Whitney" Jane said

"bye my child" Mrs Whitney replied her

Jane left the house, she was about exiting the neighborhood when she saw Zain's car he was also going to work, she had plan on seeing him when she gets back from the mansion later today, she really wasn't ready to face him, she doesn't how she would react

Zain noticed Jane and pulled over, he got out of the car and called her name "hey Jane good morning" he greeted

Jane stopped and greeted him back "good morning Zain" she sounded a little more friendlier and that made Zain more relaxed

Jane noticed this black eye, he seems like he didn't catch any sleep, ' well maybe he brought work home ' Jane though to herself

she wanted to ask out of concern but she didn't want to give him the feeling that she was open to his advances

there was a thick silence between them and it was somewhat awkward, Jane decided to break the silence and spoke first "I got the job at the mansion" she said excitedly, she didn't mean to smile while saying that but she just couldn't keep the joy to herself

seeing her smile like that made Zain feel good, the woman he loves the most was smiling ' what a beautiful day ' he thought

"wow congratulations, am so happy for you Jane " he said, only then did he noticed her dressing, Jane doesn't dress this way on a normal day, and not to mention that she was looking ravishing as always, she must be heading somewhere, maybe he should offer a lift, that way he can make up for yesterday

"are you heading out?" he asked "yes I was asked to come to the mansion and learn one or two things before I start working properly" Jane replied

"do you mind if I drop you off?" Zain asked

"no dont worry, I shouldn't bother you, you've done enough for me already, thanks to you I got this job, and am really grateful, I don't mean to sound rude but I really do not want any favours from you anymore" Jane stated sternly

" I really understand you, and I know it's about what happened yesterday, Jane I really am sorry, have been blaming myself since last night, I couldn't even eat or sleep, please forgive me" Zain pleaded

"it is true that I love you" Zain said and paused for a while he wanted to continue but noticed that Jane wanted to say something "please let me finish" he pleaded with her again, Jane said nothing anymore and just allowed him to finish

"Jane I swear that I love you, damn I want you, and I have no ill intentions towards you, I want nothing more in this world than to see you and Christopher happy, and about yesterday, you know you are so beautiful, and I was really mesmerized by your beauty that I got lost in it, and I just acted on my emotions, please you have to believe me, please forgive me, I know you might not trust me but please don't push me away, it really hurts me" Zain confessed

Jane was dumbfounded, nobody has ever professed love to her like this, she could see the spark in his eyes as he was talking to her, the warmth, emotions and sincerity were written all over his face, she felt a little pinch in her heart, maybe she had been too hard on him, ' there's no harm in forgiveness right? ' she thought

seeing that she was probably lost in thought and contemplating on a decision he decided to plead with her again "please Jane, pretty please" he begged with his hands like someone that was praying to God

"alright, apology accepted, but please don't don't do that again" Jane finally said

"I promise I won't, can I drop you off now" Zain asked again

"are you sure it's really okay and it won't affect your job" Jane asked worriedly

"I promise it won't" Zain replied

"okay" Jane said and walked towards the passengers seat, Zain seeing her movement was fast enough, he walked to the door and opened it for her, Jane muttered her thanks and got in

she sat down and fastened her belt, she brought out her phone and saw that it was already past eight "can you drive pretty fast, I don't want to arrive there late like yesterday"Jane asked

"sure anything for you" Zain replied with a smile and Jane couldn't help but smile back at him

they got to the mansion gate at exactly 9:46 am, Jane quickly rushed out of the car, this was her first day at work, even though it was some sort of training, she didn't want to arrive late

"thank you for the ride, I appreciate" Jane said

"you are welcome" Zain replied smiling to his ears

"oh and more thing , we are having a feast this night to celebrate my job, you can come along with John" Jane said

"really?" Zain asked surprised, she really is something else, she has a heart of gold, why wouldn't he fall for her

"sure" Jane said

"alright we will be there" Zain replied excitedly

"okay bye" she said and hurriedly left

"okay bye, enjoy your day" Zain shouted after her and left as well