Chapter 42

Chris found his way upstairs, he felt different kinds of emotions this night, the kind he has never felt in years, it was nice seeing everyone again but he just couldn't dare to feel or be happy, he promised himself he would never try to be happy until he finds that girl, only God knows where and who she is and he came home for that sole reason and he was not going anywhere until he does that, even if it takes him his whole life to find her, he sure will

Chris noticed someone was behind him, he was forced to regain his composure, he doesn't like anyone seeing him in this state, anytime he remembers what had happened he turns gloomy, sad and cold

"excuse me Mr Chris" Estella was the one behind him

" oh hi Estella it was you, you need anything?" Christopher asked her

"no, I saw you heading towards here, I thought you might have trouble finding your room, so I decided to come help you" Estella explained

"oh but am sure I still remember my room they will be no need for that" Chris replied

"actually madam have us change your room" Estella said

"is that so?" Chris looked suprised "alright then bring me to my room"

"yes sir" Estella replied and was about to lead the way when Chris mentioned her name

"Estella" Chris called out

"yes sir" Estella looked back

"I don't appreciate you calling me sir, I might be more grown now but am still the boy you took care of from birth, you are like my nanny, I don't want you feeling afraid when you are with me, you are like a mother to me, I know am no longer the same but I definitely won't bite, so please stop with all the formalities" Chris said seriously with a little smile

"of course as you wish" Estella said and moved closer to him, she took his hands and patted his face

"oh my boy, how much have missed you, I worried a lot about you, I thought you weren't coming back home" Estella complained

"I missed you too Estella" he said smiling

"I think you should take me to my room now an quite tired"

"oh yes yes, let's go" Estella dabbed the tears away from her eyes and led the way

"and besides where's that maid of mine, shouldn't she be here, she should be the one doing all this and not you" Chris inquired

"I honestly don't know where she she is, have searched everywhere for her" Estella replied

"could she have gone home?" he asked

"I doubt that very much, she would have told me if that was the case,besides no one saw her leave and her bag is still in the kitchen" Estella explained

"she doesn't seem to take her job seriously, fire her tomorrow, I don't want someone as unserious as my maid, find a replacement for her" Chris said sternly

"but Christopher, we should wait to see her first, don't make such hasty decisions" Estella said

"I don't care, she's fired" Chris replied

"we are here, this is your room" Estella said and opened the door and Estella could not believe her eyes, they almost popped out of her face,

"what's the problem Estella" Chris said behind her

she quickly closed the door and try to find an excuse to stop him from going in

"uhmm you should go back to the living area for a while, the bed is not well arranged yet, I will be done with it in few minutes, and I will come get you, not to worry" Estella stuttered

Christopher didn't buy the story, he thought her behavior was somewhat odd

"I think I should have a look" and without giving Estella the room to protest, he slammed the door open and he couldn't help but scoff at what was before him

Estella felt like dying already, the stubborn girl was going to put her in trouble, what in the world was she doing on Chris's bed, ' is she ready to lose her head or what? ' Estella thought in her head

Estella was about to say something when Chris cut her off

"don't worry Estella you can go, I will take care of this" Chris said sternly

"uhhnnn" Estella looked confused

"it's really okay, I will handle it, you can go back, am sure you must me tired too, I will see you in the morning" Chris said with an authoritative yet polite tone, which means he was not going take no for an answer

Estella soon gave up, sighed and left the room, she just hope he would not fire like he had said

Christopher moved closer to the bed, he was really baffled at the sight before him, this was the first time in five years that a woman will be in his bed, but what shocked him the most was that he was not even the least angry, rather he was amused

all through the five years he had spent abroad, not for once did he come close to a woman, even though a handful of them have tried to work their way to his bed, he never allowed them, if there were his staff, he would immediately fire them, he couldn't bring himself to touch any woman after what he had done that night

even when he had tried once all thanks to his pest of an assistant he tried to give it a shot, but it ended terribly, it was as if his soul and mind was sold to that girl ever since

but here he was calm at the sight of his so called maid in his bed, her scent filled the room and it has a soothing effect on him, it was something he has never felt before not even with Angel

he moved closer to her, from the look of things and are position she must have dozed off, Christopher thought in his head it was only her head that was on the bed and the rest of her body was in a kneeling position

"you are really fearless ain't you?" he muttered out loud and scoffed