Chapter 43

Christopher couldn't help but study her face, she was look really calm and meek, plus she was beautiful too he couldn't help but stare, and that scent o God makes him want to drool

it felt so comforting to be around her, he took the cloth away from her and, placed it on the dressing mirror, she must have dozed off cleaning the room

for the first time in years, he felt his heart soften, he picked her up in a bridal style and placed her on the bed gently, he covered her with the duvet

he was too tired to even have a bath, he just pulled the his clothe and lied down on the bed but he made sure to keep a distance from her

Jane woke up feeling hungry and tired, she had a long day cleaning and arranging a lot, this job was much harder than she thought, working at the club wasn't even this bad, but the pay was way much so she can't complain

she was lost in thought until she felt a hand on her left thigh, she instantly froze, she looked at the person behind her but couldn't recognize who it was, only then did she become conscious of her environment

was she not home? this place doesn't look like her bedroom and this definitely was not her bed, where was she and who was this man close to her

the memories came flushing back to her, she had come into the young master's room to arrange his things into his wardrobe, she remembered kneeling because she was so tired, she remembered that she was supposed to help Estella serve dinner

' did I doze off? ' she thought in her head ' of course you dozed off you dummy ' her mind screamed at her

"oh my God what have I done?" she muttered silently, Estella was going to kill her, that's for sure

as if dozing off was not enough, Mr Christopher must have caught her, then that means he was the one that put her on the bed

she quickly panicked at the thought that he might have done something to her, she hurriedly checked her clothes, fortunately they were all intact

"phew" she heaved a sigh of relief

now she must find a way to leave this place and go home, she must sleep here overnight, she quietly removed the duvet and slipped down from the bed

she tiptoed and made her way to the door, she was about to open the door, when a voice stopped her

"and where do you think you are going by this time?" Christopher spoke from behind her

Jane froze instantly, she wishes now more than ever that the ground will just open and swallow her whole, this is the last thing that she needs right now, he fucking caught her

"am talking to you" Chris said

"uhmmm, I have to go home" she stammered

"by this time?, it's 2 am" Chris revealed

"what?" Jane almost shouted, no way this was happening, Mrs Whitney and Christopher must be so worried right now

"do you have your own room here" Chris asked again

"no sir" Jane replied with her head down, she couldn't bring herself to look at him, even though everywhere was still dark, she still couldn't look at him

"then you should sleep here till in the morning" Chris said and lied down

"am really sorry sir, for the inconvenience, am not usually like this, I was just tired last night"

"hmmm, so this is how you always sleep here anytime you are tired?"

"no no, of course not sir, this is the first time it's happening, and I promise it won't happen again" Jane explained

"hmmm it's okay you can sleep here tonight" Chris replied

Jane walked close to the bed and was about to lie down on the floor

"what are you doing?" Chris asked with his brow frowned

"I was going to lie down" Jane replied wondering why he was asking, was he not the one that asked her to sleep here, she thought

"on the floor?" Chris interrupted her thought

Jane was dumbfounded she didn't know what to say

"come and sleep on the bed, it's okay, you can't sleep on a cold floor, you slept on it up till now anyways, it's no big deal anymore" Chris said and laid back on the bed and closed his eyes

Jane crawled back gently on the bed and lied down as well, she couldn't close her eyes, she can't believe that she was sleeping close to her boss like this, and she doubt if he was asleep as well

and besides she was really hungry, she didn't eat anything all through yesterday, she was too busy to eat, as if her stomach was listening to her mind, it let out a very loud grumble

Chris sat up and turned on the light

"I doubt if you ate dinner" Chris was the one that spoke

"no, I didn't" Jane replied him sitting up as well

"well you should find something to eat, your stomach seems to be angry, am sure there's something left in the kitchen you should go check" Chris said

Jane couldn't help but let out a small laugh at his remark, he did have a great sense of humor uhnn

Chris saw her dimple as she laughed, he felt like he was hypnotized by her face, she looked so beautiful and innocent and he just couldn't help but smile at her

Jane felt a bit awkward under his gaze, why in the world was he looking at her like that, she also couldn't help but stare back, oh damn he looked so handsome, she has never seen someone like this before and those muscles gosh, even his lips were calling unto, she felt like kissing them, and she subconsciously licked her lips

Christopher chuckle broke the silence "ain't you going to get the food again" he asked her

"oh yes sir" she quickly stood up to her feet and looked away in embarrassment, she just hope he didn't see through her thoughts