Chapter 71

She somehow manage to escape that hell hole, she ran away with a customer's money, that's how she was able to travel back here, she now works as a stripper in the biggest club in the city, she always wear a mask when dancing

that asshole refuse to forget about his money that she stole, he even sent people after her, thank God for that guy that came in time, she would have been dead by now

her mind drifted to him and she couldn't help but burst into laughter as she remembers his face when she gave him a fuck you sign, it's the most hilarious thing she has seen in years

the sound of the door bell brought her back to reality, she had ordered pizza earlier she can't go out anyhow anymore she had to be careful with her every move now

she opened the door and the delivery guy handed the pizza box to her

"miss Cassandra?" the guy asked

"yes that's me" she replied him

"please sign here" the guy said and handed a paper to her

she signed it and the delivery guy left

she took the pizza back to the kitchen, she had managed to do well for herself, with the rest of the money she stole and from her work, she was able to a three bedroom luxurious apartment in one of the finest area in town

"how I wish Jane was here with me?" she whispered

she obviously won't agree to the nature of her job, she was too good for it, but she didn't have a choice, she got to do what she got to do to keep up with her lifestyle and it was the best low-key job she could find, she needed to do something to stay out of light till that asshole forgets his money

she picked a slice of pizza and munched it happily, she refused to worry even though she had a lot to worry about, Jane would always tell her not to worry and be thankful and she's going to do just that

Chris got home quite late it was almost time for dinner, he wasn't too happy and it even made him more angry that he cares about that maid so much

"hey son we've been waiting for you, was work that much you look tired" Maria complained

"it's nothing mom, I'm used to it already it's just a bit hectic today being my first day and I had a lot of documents to look at and sign since I took over from dad" Chris explained

"I get it but next time don't overwork yourself it's not good for your health" Maria said

"mom I'm still young, no issue where's dad?" Chris asked changing the topic if not he was sure she would continue to nag him

"even so, don't work too much your father is in his study he will be here soon" Maria interjected

"mom leave him alone, he's not a child he can take very good of himself" Grace complained

"what do you know, speaking of care where's that maid of yours" Maria asked

hearing his mom ask about Jane, Chris felt a pinch in his heart and he frowned his face

"she has gone home, it's already late" Chris simply said, he then turned to Jack and said

"you can go back too" he said coldly, Jack bowed his head and left the mansion

"I will go and freshen up, I will be back for dinner" Chris said and left for his room

Chris finished taking his bath, he wore a casual short and t-shirt, he came downstairs and everyone was already sitted

"good evening dad" he greeted his father

"hello son, how was work after I left" Williams asked

"it was fine" Chris simply said

"did you meet with the staffs?" he asked him

"no but I already have Jack put in my schedule for tomorrow I will meet everyone tomorrow" Chris explained

"alright that's fine" Williams nodded his head

"your grandmother is coming on Sunday so we will be having a family dinner on Sunday evening, you should be available, she's coming especially for you" Williams said

"oh grandma, have not seen her since I left, no problem I will be available" Chris said

"grandma is coming, will Kyle be coming home too, I miss my baby brother so much" Grace pouted her mouth pretending to be sad

"come on Grace don't be a baby, I will make sure he comes" Williams patted her back

"really dad?" Grace was elated

"sure" Williams assured her

"thanks Dad, you are the best" Grace said hugging him

"we should eat now, and you miss you better finish everything on your plate and ask for more so you can add up, your grandmother must not see you like this, she's going to scold for looking so slim" Maria complained

"mom I'm an actress I'm sure grandma will understand" Grace said and digged into her food

Williams felt very happy deep down, he has always wanted his family to be complete like this, even though that dream will never come through, the woman he loves the most was not by his side

thinking about that made him feel sad, he had long gone given up on finding her ever again, he had searched everywhere for her

he had no choice than to stay by Maria side for the sake of his kids and his mother too

Chris retired to his room after eating, he needs to sleep he has such a long day awaiting him tomorrow but he can't seem to find sleep, he kept thinking about Jane and that kiss, he wish he could see her now and kiss her again

his dick reacted to the thought and it felt like pure toture, he even took another bath but his body still could not calm down

' only God knows what she must be doing at the moment, could she be in the arms of that nut job was he kissing her right now ' the thought send shivers down his spine and he felt so angry