Chapter 72

On the other side of town, Jane was also finding it hard to sleep, she just kept tossing she could not get the image of that kiss of her mind, and apparently she wanted more

this is the first time she has ever desired a man, it has never happened and what's worse, she can't even have him she was just his maid

Jane stood up and went into Chris's room, she walked up to his bed, he was sleeping soundly and Jane couldn't help but notice something, Christopher had the same face as Mr Chris, they have the same face feature and lips, nose and even the same hair color

Jane gaps has she thought about it, she closed her eyes and drew the picture of Chris in her head, she opened her eyes and it was the same as her son, they both even love to draw

Jane laughed sarcastically in her heart, was she going crazy or what? , she was even beginning to see her boss face in her son's face?

is that a sign that she was in love with him, she gasped loudly and quickly covered her mouth for fear of waking Chris up

she quickly ran back to her room and slumped on the bed, she was really going crazy she thought

after so much dreaming of kissing her boss, she finally fell asleep

Jack laid on the couch on the living room, his hours was a total mess, he can't remember the last time he cleaned up, he was too busy assisting that son of a murderer, he didn't even have time for himself

he drew a deep breath and released it, he wasn't sure how he would get information from the Smith family but he just must do, he must bring them down and avenge his parents death and also his missing sister

if only he had not left her under that truck their mother had hid them, she would be here with him, but he was curious five year old boy, he heard a gunshot and he was afraid it was his mother that had gotten hurt

few hours later, he left his sister there, she was sleeping soundly when he left her there, he went out and found blood on the road and some police officers, the place was tagged a crime scene but he didn't find anybody there

he tried to ask questions but no one took a five year old him serious, he laid at that spot and cried, something told him his mother had died, she was the one that was shot, he was too little to investigate it back then

he had no choice than to go back to where his sister was, when he got there the truck was no longer there, and his sister was also gone, he looked as much as much as he can but he couldn't find her

at first he thought their mother had come back for them but took his sister only when she couldn't find him, he felt a bit relieved at least they were both safe

he had high hopes that his mother will also look for him but she never came, he spent two years on the street, he was later adopted by a rich family in the country, they moved abroad later on and there he became successful

he used his adopted father's influence to investigate the matter and just as he had thought earlier, it was indeed his mother that was shot that night, and that means his sister was not with her, he had looked everywhere for her but to no avail

he was able to locate the grave of his mother and also his father, they were buried side by side, the authorities then identified his mother's identity, they went to their house to report the issue only to find his father also dead

it was said to be murder and it was the same killer, but they never caught them, he knew who was behind it but he didn't have enough evidence, which was why he made his research, he still had his mother's diary with him

he had been following it since he was a teenager, it was his life ambition, he found a silver lining when he found out that the first son and child had traveled abroad and it so happened to be the same country his foster parents and him were living

he purposely took a human relations course and learnt how to speak four other languages just so he could work for the Smith's company he needed to get close the damn family

and it even got better when there was an opening for a PA to Christopher back then, he took the opportunity and he didn't hesitate to travel back with him, Chris doesn't know his true family background, he didn't know he was from a rich family also, he couldn't take any risk

he was going to make that family pay for killing his parents and making him loose his younger sister, she was just a baby, Jack's eyes watered has he imagined all the terrible thing she might have gone through and the kind of life she might have had, he just hopes she was still alive

the sound of his phone brought his mind back, he looked at the ringing phone, it was his foster mom calling him

"hello Mom" Jack picked up

"hello son, how are you doing over there?" Henrietta asked on the other end

"mom I'm okay how's Dad?" Jack asked

"he's fine, he's just doing some work" Henrietta explained

"oh okay my regards to him" Jack said

"okay son, please wrap what you are doing over there as soon as possible, your father and I miss you already and you know you have to take over the family business very soon" Henrietta said

"sure Mom, gotta go talk to to you later"

"okay son bye love you" Henrietta said

"love you too Mom bye" Jack replied and hung up