Chapter 73

His foster parents have been talking about him taking over the family business for quite a while now, they run a winery in the country side, it is one of the best winery in the country, he would have love to do that but he must complete his mission he owes it to his late parents and sisters

the next day Jane woke up feeling a bit dizzy, infact she didn't want to leave her bed, she didn't sleep early enough and she was still a bit drowsy, but she didn't have a choice she wish the mansion was closer to this place

Jane hurriedly took her bath and dashed out of the house she can't afford to be late and she has to be at work extra early from now on, she needs to prepare Christopher for work

she left a note for Christopher, he's going to be so upset if he doesn't find her when he wakes up, she just hopes he understands her and that she was doing this for their own good

Chris woke up grumpy, he couldn't sleep early either, he was sure he didn't sleep up to 3 hours, he checked the time and it was still 7 in the morning, he dragged himself up and went to the bathroom

he finished bathing, dressed up already when he heard a knock on the door, his face lit up he was sure that was Jane

he quickly calmed his nerves he wasn't supposed to be feeling excited like this, it's not good for him

"come in" he said trying to maintain a cold face and attitude

Jane showed up at the door, she was looking quite beautiful today, she was a wearing a purple flare gown, she looked very innocent and pure in the dress

she was wearing a flat black shoe to go with it

"good morning sir" Jane greeted him

"good morning" Chris greeted her back

"you are late" he accused her

"yes, I'm really sorry but I couldn't find a bus on time, it won't happen again" she apologized

"it better not, or else you are playing with your job" Chris snorted

"how far is your house?" Chris asked all of a sudden

"about 2 hours" Jane answered

"you should consider moving into the mansion, so you can better do your job, you will always come late if you live that far, you are supposed to be here early enough to help me pick out my clothes and dress me up but I have to do all that myself so I don't run late the office I'm not happy with it" Chris complained

Jane was taken aback, ' move to the mansion? there was no way that would be possible, she can't part ways with her son and Mrs Whitney ' Jane thought to herself

"did you hear what I said?" Chris disrupted her thoughts

"yes I did sir, but that's impossible, it was not part of the contract agreements, I can't leave my house" Jane said shaking her head

"well I will add to your salary, think it through if you don't accept you might as well just resign" Chris and dashed outside

Jane was still processing what he said, what did he mean by that she was bewildered, how could he say so

she looked around, Chris was gone already she picked his bag up and made her way downstairs, when she got there he was already so she didn't see his face, she handed the bag to Jack

"don't forget to come over in the afternoon for Mr Christopher's lunch" Jack said and entered the car

Jane only nodded and went back into the mansion

Chris saw her gloomy expression from inside the car, he felt bad, she looked she was going to cry, does she love the guy that much? or was he too hard on her? Chris thought

Jane went back inside the mansion, she was so sad, she really needed this job, she didn't want to go back working at the club, that asshole Dante would so laugh at her and the other girls too

she can't leave her son all alone, she just can't no matter what, she really needed to talk to someone but she didn't know who, she could only think of Grace

she went to Grace's room and knocked the door

she heard Grace ask her to come in and she went in

"hey you where have you been, you didn't come back here last night" Grace said

"yes it was already late so I just went home instead" she said

Grace noticed her mood she wasn't the lively girl she knew

"is something wrong?" she asked

"Mr Christopher is going to fire me" Jane cried out her eyes already watering

Grace stood up from the bed and moved closer to her, she patted her back to make her calm down

"hey calm down, what happened?" Grace asked

"he said I must move into the mansion or I will have to resign" she complained

"well moving into the mansion is not such a bad idea, it will lessen the stress you have to go through everyday, don't you think?" Grace said

"yes but I can't leave Christopher all alone" she said tears falling from her eyes

"oh that, I'm sure it won't be a problem, just tell him, I'm sure he shouldn't mind you both moving here, if you can't stay in the main house here, I'm sure they are enough room in the servant quarters" Grace coaxed her

"you think?" Jane looked up at her

"of course" Grace nodded

"what about your mother, she doesn't even like me, you think she will allow Chris stay" Jane asked worriedly

"my mom likes she can just be a bit cranky at times, and she's quite overprotective of us, I'm sure my godson must be a sweet boy and she will like him very much, and I so can't wait to have him around" Grace assured her

"I hope so" Jane said

"of course"

"thank you very much miss" Jane said

"it's absolutely okay" Grace took her hands and patted it

"now dry your tears and come try out the clothes you got yesterday, I should also apply some make up on you" Grace said

"but I already tried it out yesterday" Jane said

"it doesn't matter" Grace pushed her to the mirror and brought the clothes out