Chapter 76

Chris got into his room, he was very tired from all the work today, he needed to take a bath, he wanted to go into his closet to get clothes but he found them already on the bed, he went into the bathroom and found that his bath was already ready

he couldn't help but laugh softly, didn't she know that there was a water heater? why did she have to do through the trouble of running a bath, Chris got into the bathroom and shut the door

Jane got to the door and knocked but she didn't receive any answers, she knocked continuously for a while but all to no avail

she opened the door a bit and peeped into the room, there was no one in sight, she entered the room and she heard sounds of water coming from the bathroom "he must be taking his bath" she muttered and placed his bag on his desk, she then went into the kitchen to bring his food

she brought the food back into the room and placed it on the table, she stood beside the couch waiting for him to come out of the bathroom

Chris emerged from the bathroom and met Jane inside his room, he had noticed someone come into his room and just as he had guessed, she was the one

his heart could not help but skip a bit as she came into his view, he doesn't know why he always feels this way whenever she was around

Jane noticed him and quickly took her eyes away, he was on his towel and he looked damn hot, and she felt heat spread through all her body

"you should get used to seeing my body like this, you are my personal maid remember? besides I'm not naked" Chris said as he scoffed

Jane could only nod, her cheeks were as red as a tomato, and she felt like she was going to trip any moment, her legs were already turning into jelly as it is

Chris caught sight of her flushed face and he cursed inwardly ' damn she was doing that thing again and why does it fucking have an effect on me ' Chris groaned

"Jane I warned you to stop doing that" Chris warned again

Jane managed to look up at him and before she could answer him, she blushed again she can't seem to stop herself ' well it was also his fault, he should at least get his clothes on that way she won't be drooling all over him ' she thought

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to look at you" she said

' what the heck, she thinks I'm talking about her looking at me, if only she knew she looked damn cute and adorable and he felt like kissing the life out of her ' Chris managed to keep his thoughts at bay

"it's fine, do you want something?" he asked her

"no I just brought your food and I also want to let you know that I will going home now" Jane said

"hmm it's alright, you can go" Chris said and turned his face away from her

Jane was stepping outside then her phone suddenly ring, she saw that it was Zain and she picked it up "hello Zain oh you are outside already, okay just wait up for me I will be right outside"

Jane said and disappeared, Chris mood turned sour as he heard that Zain was outside waiting for her, he had told himself countless times today that he doesn't and shouldn't care about her personal life, but he was damn curious and it annoyed him

Chris quickly put on his shirt and decided to follow them, his curiosity was getting the best of him, it's high time he settles this once and for all

Chris took one of the car keys and made his way out, he walked quietly so as not to alert Jane and the others

Jane arrived outside the mansion and found Zain waiting for her

"hello Zain, thank you for picking me up, but you honestly don't have to do this things, it's too stressful for you" Jane complained

"it's totally fine Jane, I'm not complaining, let's go" Zain said holding her hand

"uhmm Jane did anything happen today?" Zain asked her, he was scared that the president might have told her what he said, Jane would never forgive him if she were to find out

"something like what?" Jane asked puzzled

"uhmm anything I mean at work, cause you look quite tired" Zain said anxiously

"well it's nothing just work and my cranky and cold boss" Jane said, she wanted to tell him about what Chris said but she decided to wait and discussed it with Mrs Whitney and Chris first

"oh okay let's go then" Zain said relieved

" okay let's go"

they got into the car and zoomed off, Chris got into a car, it was the least expensive one in the garage he didn't want them noticing anything, some of the guards tried to stop him but when they saw that he was the one, they couldn't ask any questions even though they were a bit suprised

Chris followed after them, he kept following them until they got into a neighborhood, the place looked familiar at first but Chris can't remember coming here so he just discarded the feeling

Chris kept following them at a distance until he saw Zain pack in front of a small apartment, he kept watching as they interacted

"thanks Zain for picking me up" Jane said

"it's fine, my pleasure" Zain said and waited for Jane to go in before leaving as well

Jane went inside the house

Chris was puzzled, are they not in a relationship, why didn't they kiss each other was she telling the truth when she said she had never been kissed before, Chris thought as he watched Jane walk into another apartment opposite to the one that Zain had packed his car