Chapter 77

Chris was even more puzzled when he saw Zain walk into the other apartment, "are they not living together?" he muttered

Zain went to the house and knocked, Juliet and John came outside to open the door for him

"hey Zain you are back, what took you so long?" she asked

"well, I went to pick Jane up from work and it's quite a distance" he explained

"you keep doing all these things for her but she still hasn't acknowledged you" Juliet said feeling sorry for him

"no matter how long it takes, I would wait for her, she will definitely come around besides she must have had a very rough experience with men in the past, it takes times to move on, anyways let's go in I'm starving what did you cook?"

"bread and fish sauce and some vegetables" Juliet answers him while making her way inside the house

"hmm sounds yummy, hey buddy still awake?" he said turning to John

"was waiting up for you" john said with a sleepy eye

"well I'm here now let's go inside" he said and carried him inside then shut the door

Chris was taken aback ' could it be that she was dating a married man? is that the reason why they were keeping the relationship a secret? ' Chris was even more confused but Jane didn't seem like that kind of girl she's too innocent for something like that

Chris turned around and made his way back home, he had followed after them in order to get answers but he got even more confused

Chris left the area but he still felt the same familiarity he felt when he was coming in, it was as though he has been here before

Chris got to the junction of the street and came across a road, the road also seem familiar, he decided to satisfy his curiosity, he drove through the road hoping to find something, he didn't know what he was looking for but he felt terribly unease

Chris got to the end of another street but he still couldn't find anything, he was about turning back again when he saw another street by the corner, and that spot felt extremely familiar

he came down from his car and walked towards the street, the place was terribly quiet, no one seems to be there, he kept walking down until he came across an alley and the realization dawned on him and he looked around, this was the same spot where he had raped that girl

Chris felt suffocated in an instant, this must be the place, he can't be mistaken he has been searching for this place for the past five years, he had asked several investigators to search but none of them could find this place

"this must be the place" he kept muttering to himself repeatedly

his hands and entire body started shaking as the memory of that night started coming back to him, he felt like he was going to run mad, he remember the pleas of that girl, how she cried and begged him

but he didn't listen, he tried to recall her voice or even her face but he couldn't make anything up, it was still quite dark that day he could not see her face clearly and he couldn't recall how her voice sounded like

Chris held his head as he remembered that night, it felt like his head was going to explode as the memory came rushing back, he knew he had to leave this place

Chris ran back to his car and drove home, the ride back home was very swift as he was just speeding

he couldn't keep the tears from rolling down his cheek, he felt extremely helpless and once again the guilt he has been trying to bury came eating him up, even though he had tried to move on from it he just couldn't

Chris got home,when he got home he found his parents, Grace, old Charles and Estella in the living room, they must have noticed him going out

he was in no mood to answer questions or talk to anyone, he just wanted to be alone and he didn't want them to see him crying

Maria caught sight of him and ran to him

"son where did you go to it's been so long you drove by yourself, why did you go out alone what if something had happen to you, what would you have me do, I was so worried" Maria complained bitterly

"mom I'm okay, just needed to clear my head" Chris said

"and please I need to sleep, I have work tomorrow" Chris said again without looking at their faces and made his way upstairs

Maria wanted to follow after him but Grace stopped her

"mom leave him alone, he's safe and that's all that matters, he's not a child, goodnight Mom and Dad" she said and stormed upstairs

"she's right Maria, let's just leave him alone" Williams cajoled her and they both went to the room

Chris got into his room and slumped on his bed, he hugged his knees as he cried his heart out, the last time he felt this kind of overwhelming guilt and sadness was five years ago, now those feeling were creeping back in

he went to the small bar in his room and grabbed a drink, he felt like getting wasted, he needed to get rid of this pain and feeling before he would do something crazy and on of the ways was to drown himself in alcohol

he had been wanting to find that place for years now, at least that place could give him a clue as to who that girl was and where she stayed, maybe she stayed in that vicinity

but as much as he wanted to find her, he still felt extremely scared