Chapter 81

"he went ahead and told Mr Christopher that we were in a relationship, that's he has silly idea of me, he thinks Zain is one of the reason why I don't want to move to the mansion and work from there" Jane explained

"oh no, why would Zain say something like that to the boss, but still you can be in a relationship with whoever you want it's none of his business it's still not enough reason for him to call you names" Mrs Whitney interjected

"yes I know, he thinks I'm in a relationship with different people" she added

"he should have asked you first" Mrs Whitney said

"exactly that's why I left the work, why should I work for someone that doesn't trust me and thinks so dirty of me, he's so arrogant and cold, but it's just I need the job so badly, if I stop working now how are we going to manage our bills, not even now that Chris has started school" she said and resumes crying

Mrs Whitney felt pity for her "come on child, don't cry anymore, crying won't solve anything I'm sure we will find a way around it, don't you worry, now rest a bit, you've cried too much, I will prepare you some soup to calm your nerves, I'm sure you've not eaten anything" Mrs Whitney said and left the room

Grace spent the entire morning making plans, she was contacted this morning by her management, the movie they just rounded up will be having it's premier in a month time

as lead female actress, it was most important that she was there

Grace contacted her designer, he was the top designer abroad, she told him what she wanted and he promised to send a sketch this evening

she had her breakfast in bed today, she took her bath after

"come to think of it I've not seen Jane this morning" she was really getting fond of Jane already

she was sure that Chris must have gone to the company and it wasn't afternoon yet, so where was she?, was she so busy that she hasn't come to say hi

Grace went downstairs to check but she didn't find her, she decided to ask

"hey you, have you seen Jane today?" she asked

"yes ma, we saw her come in this morning but she already left a while ago too, she looked really sad" she replied her

"is that so" Grace asked

"yes ma" the maid affirmed

"alright thanks" she said and made her way back up

Grace got to her room and picked up her phone, she was going to call Jane and found out what happened, maybe Chris didn't agree to her request or what could it be she thought

Mrs Whitney went into Jane's room but found her sleeping, she wanted to see if she was still crying or not, she was about closing the door when she heard the sound of her phone

she went ahead and took the phone, she didn't plan to pick the call at first but when she was who was calling

it was some miss Grace, Jane had told her before about her boss's sister who bears this name, ' she must be the one, it's good that's she was calling she needs to out this rich people in their place ' she thought

the phone rang the second time before she finally picked it up "yes who is this?" she asked trying to be as harsh as possible

"uhhmm good afternoon I would love to speak with Jane, the owner of this phone, could you give it to her for me" Grace spoke from the other end, she looked at her phone to be sure she called the correct number

"she's sleeping because she's so tired from crying all thanks to your bully of a brother, how dare he call her a prostitute and other names, don't ever call her again, she no longer work for you again" Mrs Whitney said and hung up, she put the phone back into her bag and left the room

Grace was surprised at what she heard just now, ' Chris calling Jane a prostitute, why would he do that

she called Christopher

"good morning Miss, the president is in a meeting, you might want to call him back or you can tell me what it is and I will relay it to him" Jack spoke from the other end

"just tell him to call me back as soon as he's done" Grace said and hung, what the hell was going on today

Zain got home feeling very depressed, he just wished today had not even happened at all

he went straight to Jane's house, he knocked the door and it was Jane that opened the door

"what are you doing here Zain, I thought I asked you not to come here ever again, I don't want to see you" Jane said

"you really need to believe me Jane, I didn't do this to hurt you, you know I love you and I will never hurt you on purpose, please I will do anything to make up for it just so you can forgive me" Zain said almost tearing up

"just leave " Jane said and slammed the door on his face, how can she just forgive him like that, his stupidity had cause her her job

Mrs Whitney guessed who might be at the door and she decided to take a look by herself

she opened the door and found Zain there

"Zain" she called out

"Mrs Whitney, please help me plead with her, I honestly didn't mean to hurt her, I just didn't know how to answer the question the president asked me, I just got carried away and said what came to head" Zain explained

"but you really shouldn't have, now look she already lost her job because of it, I think you should just give her space and time, she's still very angry and you've overdone it this time, please just go, we don't want to upset her even more" Mrs Whitney said

"okay I understand, just please help me, thank you Mrs Whitney goodnight" he said and left

"goodnight Zain" Mrs Whitney said and closed the door