Chapter 82

Jane was so pissed after seeing Zain, she didn't believe he could have the nerve to come see her after what he had done

"are you okay child?" Mrs Whitney asked her

"yes I'm fine has he left?" she asked

Mrs Whitney nodded "don't bother yourself with such things, now let's eat, I made your favourite meal" Mrs Whitney said, she went into the kitchen and brought out all the food that she had made

Jane didn't feel like eating so much, she was still very sad about everything that happened this morning

"come on Jane try to eat something" Mrs Whitney urged her

"I really don't feel like eating anything besides you should stop cooking so much, I no longer have work and we need to watch how we eat" Jane said

"that's not for you to worry about, now eat your food and stop complaining too much

"mummy please eat something" Chris pouted his mouth

"if you don't eat something, I won't eat too" Chris added

"me too" Mrs Whitney agreed

seeing that she has no choice, this grandson and grandma duo are seriously trying to blackmail her

"alright fine, I will just eat something then" she said grumpily and put some food in her mouth

she was eating then her phone rang, it was Grace that was calling her

she picked it up "good evening Miss Grace" Jane said

"I called earlier but I guess your mom picked up, she didn't tell you" Grace asked

"you mean Mrs Whitney?" she asked as she glared at Mrs Whitney

"well I think so, what happened she said you stopped working, you need to come here tomorrow and tell me what happened" Grace complained

"well I don't think that will be necessary, your brother doesn't want me to work anymore, he thinks very lowly of me, I want to ask, did you tell him about Christopher" Jane asked

"no I didn't we agreed you were going to tell me about it right?" she asked

"well yes, but I haven't said anything to him, he didn't even give me the opportunity to do that, he called me a prostitute and all sort of names" Jane said almost breaking down in tears, his words really hurt her

"I'm so sorry about that, you know how he can be but I'm sure we will sort this out, I will talk to him when he gets back from work today, and I will call you back tomorrow, I'm really sorry, but you should have come to me" Grace said

"I didn't even think about it, I'm sorry" Jane apologized

"it's fine, but you really can't leave me now, I still need you, I have a movie premiere to plan and I need you to help with all the shopping and everything, so you really need to get back here" Grace said

Jane couldn't help but laugh a bit

"there you go, you seem so sad before, how is Christopher doing" she asked

"he's doing very well" Jane replied

"I can't wait to see him though, I'm sure that will be very soon" Grace giggled and went silent for a while

"Jane I will call you tomorrow, I need to help Mom with something, bye" she said and hung up

Jane felt elated after talking to Grace, she was in a better mood so she ate a lot

"you seem to be in a better mood, what did she say" Mrs Whitney asked curiously

"well she said you called her and you didn't tell me a thing" Jane accused her

"and I also told her not to call you ever again, why is she so stubborn?" Mrs Whitney asked pretending to be angry

"you did that?" Jane exclaimed not able to hold back her laughter

"but anyways it's fine, she just said she wants to speak with Mr Christopher, that's all" she said

"to take you back" Mrs Whitney asked

"well I don't know, besides he's bit taking me back I quit myself, and he also needs to apologise to me, but giving his arrogance that's definitely too much to ask, he never apologizes to anyone" Jane complained she wanted to continue talking but then she remembered when he apologized to her the day he kissed her, she blushed as she remembered, she lowers her head so that they won't notice her blushing

"just eat up so you can rest well, you've had a long day" Mrs Whitney interjected

"mummy can I sleep with you in your room tonight?" Christopher asked

"of course baby, you can sleep with me anytime you like" Jane said happily

"I like that you came home early today" Chris said, it's been a while he has seen his mother, she always come back when he was asleep and goes out before he wakes up, they were nights he would insist to wait up for her but he always sleep off, he was extremely happy and suprised to see her home this afternoon, he even insisted that she would be that the one to help him with his assignment

"I like it too" Jane might have lost her job but she was still very happy to have her son with her, she saw his reaction this afternoon and she almost teared up, he must have missed her all this while but he didn't even complain, she was blessed to have such an understanding and strong child

he never complained about anything and always appreciate her efforts no matter how little it is, he never disturbed her about his father, he had asked once but then she told him that he was not around and he stopped asking her ever since

"thank you for being so understanding son, I love you" Jane said almost breaking down

"I love you too Mom" Chris said smiling at his mother

Chris got home a bit late, he went to the living room but no one was there, it was already time for dinner so he was sure there were in the living room

he turned to Jack he wanted to tell him to go home but he then realized that Jane was not her to take the bag from him