Chapter 83

Chris face sank as the realization dawned on him,

"you can keep the bag in my room" he said and walked to the dinning area

"hey son you are back already, how was work?" Maria asked

"it was fine mom" Chris replied and sat down

"hello Dad, Grace how are you?" he greeted

"hello son, hope you are good?" Williams replied him but Grace ignored him, she was very mad at him for how he treated Jane, Chris didn't notice it, he was too immersed in his own thoughts

"where's that maid of yours?" Maria asked

"uhmmm well she's not here, I mean" Chris stammered he was finding it hard to say something, he still can't believe that she was no longer working for him

"she's not feeling so well, so I gave her permission to take the day off, she will be here tomorrow" Grace said

"oh yeah that's true I gave her my permission" Chris added, he didn't know why he agreed to Grace's lie but he just said it anyways

"is she so feeble, why is she always falling sick all the time" Maria complained

"mom why do I feel like you have something against Jane, is there something you are not telling us" Grace accused

"of course not, I just don't want someone who is not capable to work for my son, you know your brother has gone through a lot in the past, he needs proper care" Maria denied

"you interviewed her yourself mom and besides Chris is not a child" Grace said

seeing that she could not win this argument she just decided to keep quiet

the table was awkwardly but they just ate in silence

Chris finished his food reluctantly and stood up to go to his room

"I need to go rest, I will see you all tomorrow, good night" Chris said and stood up

seeing that he stood up Grace stood up as well she needed to speak with him

"I need to do something, goodnight mom and dad" she stood up and quickly followed after Christopher

she was able to get in his room in time, as Chris was about to close his door, Grace stopped him

"I need to speak with you" she said

"I need to rest Grace, can we talk tomorrow? " he replied her

"it's important, it's about Jane" she said frowning

hearing it's about Jane he loosened up a bit but he pretended not to care

"she stopped working for me already there's no need to talk about her" he said

Grace managed to get her way into the room

"it's important, why did you call her names, she said you called her a prostitute you shouldn't have done that" Grace said

"but isn't that the truth, she refused to come into the mansion because she's busy sleeping with men" Chris blurted out

"it's her business what she does with her body, as long as it doesn't affect her job" Grace interjected

"but it does, I need her to be in the house so she can serve me better" Chris argued

"but that was not the initial agreement, you are breeching contract" Grace said

"but I already told her I will increase her pay for the inconvenience, if she can't agree with it let her just quit and she already did" Chris said

"but then why are you so angry about it?" Grace teased him

"I'm angry because she's not serious about her life, she's so young and she's allowing her boyfriend to dictate her life for her" Chris said angrily

"what boyfriend? the reason why she's reluctant is because of her son Christopher, he's just a young child and she can't leave him alone for long, that's why she has to return home all the time" Grace said

"what did you just say?" Chris was astonished

"you heard me, you should investigate things before jumping into conclusion, and you owe an apology" Grace said and left his room

Christopher couldn't believe what he just heard, Jane had a child? really?

now it all makes sense now, he had investigated what Jack told him earlier today

he found out from Jane that Zain and Jane were neighbours, Jane was badly in need of a job so Jane had helped her check in the company but there was no vacancy for her, so Cat had suggested that she come for the interview here at home for the position of his maid and luckily she got the job

he also found out that Zain was in love with Jane and that was why he helped her with the job and always cared for her like he did, that was why he always come to pick her up

no wonder she said she had never kissed before, it turned out that the most important man in her life was her son, then he must be the one that loves to draw to

"oh fuck, what have I done?" Chris muttered to himself

he knew he must have hurt her deeply by his words, he picked his phone and wanted to call her but he just didn't know what he was going to say

he picked the phone and called her, seeing that the call connected, he quickly disconnect the call, never in his life has he ever felt so guilty

on the other side of town, Jane was also feeling restless, she went outside the house to take some fresh air, she felt so sad she was really going to miss the mansion and everyone in it, she would miss Grace so much

and most especially Christopher as much as she doesn't want to admit it, she would really miss him

she also felt the need to call him and clear things up with him, she felt she had been to harsh with him, but she was in the right and she should not be the one explaining

after about two hours of being immersed in her thoughts, she decided to go in, it was getting cold outside

she went to her room and couldn't help but smile when she saw Chris sleeping peacefully on the bed, he kept his word of sleeping in her bed tonight

she sat on his bed and admired his face, and just like she noticed some night ago, he had a striking resemblance to Mr Christopher but then again she shook the thought away, there was no way she was thinking about that boss of hers

she laid on her bed and decided to play a bit with her phone but surprisingly she missed a call from Christopher

she felt excited about the fact that he had called her and didn't even think

she called him back immediately