Chapter 97

Tessy straightened her back and adjusted her dress making sure her cleavage was more exposed than usual, she then spoke

"Mr Christopher, I don't know what lie that Jane must have told you but I assure you that's she's just lier, there's nothing that she can do that I can't, I'm sure she has blackmailed you with lies into adopting her fatherless child" Tessy said with all the confidence in her but before she could continue to put on her show Grace slapped her

"you have so much audacity, how dare you?" Grace said angrily, everyone present gasped but Chris didn't say anything else he was still considering how to punish her

Tessy could not believe what just happened she looked up at Grace and then to Chris but his cold demeanor made her flinch, sending cold shivers down her spine

she didn't believe they would cherish a maid that just came to work with the family about just a month to her that have been working with them for almost six years now, she looked at Jane with so much hatred

she felt extremely humiliated and embarrassed ' it's all because of this slut ' she thought

"where's Estella?" Chris suddenly asked

"I will go get her right away" Thelma volunteered to find Estella and and left to go find her

Estella came along with Thelma few minutes later, she was boiling with rage, Thelma already briefed her about what happened already, she could not believe her ears ' the nerve of that girl ' she thought

she got to the scene and quickly apologized

"is this how you train your subordinate to disrespect my order?" Chris said sounding cold, everyone almost lost their breath, they could not dare to bring their face up the temperature in the room dropped so much that they were almost freezing

"I'm sorry, this will never happen again, I will talk to her" Estella apologized

"listen all of you, Chris is my nephew and you will all treat him with respect, is that understood" Grace said

"yes ma'am Grace" they all chorused

"and as for you, you are fired, Estella arrange for a replacement immediately" Chris said his voice carrying no emotion at all

Tessy was shocked and she looked up hoping she heard wrong, ' how could he fire her all because of this bitch she thought '

Jane knew Tessy had passed her boundary and she went too far but she didn't want her to loose her job, she didn't want to be the reason why she was loosing her job, she might need the job

and without thinking she blurted out

"Sir please don't do that, I don't think it's necessary, I'm sure she has learnt her lesson" Jane said with a pleading face

"you don't have to bother yourself with her Jane she doesn't deserve such mercy, no one dares to treat my nephew like that" Grace


seeing that Grace was not giving in she turned her attention to Chris hoping he would take his decision back

Chris could not resist her so he gave in after all

"you can have your job back but this is the last time this should ever happen, and Estella I want a separate room for Jane and Chris, I want that now, have them arrange it" he said and left carrying little Chris with him in his hands

Grace, Estella and Jane followed after them

everyone in the room was shocked, they could not believe what just happened just now but they didn't dare to gossip about the young master and his decisions

Estella walked to Chris before he could exit the servant quarters

"Christopher I need to speak with you" Estella said

Chris stopped in his track "Estella what is it?" he asked her

"there are no vacant rooms in the servant quarters they are filled" Estella complained

"then set up a room for them in the mansion" Chris said firmly

"but your parents will never agree to this" Estella complained

"it's absolutely fine, I will sort it out" Chris said

"and oh, let the room be close to mine" he said and walked away

Estella bowed her head and left as well

Grace and Jane were able to catch up with Chris

seeing that they were walking alongside him he decided to tell her that she would be staying in the mansion

"you would be staying in one of the rooms at the mansion from now on, there are no vacant rooms in the servant quarters"

"but Sir" Jane wanted to say something

"they are no buts, it's an order I'm not giving you any option" Chris said

"you can stay at my place before your room gets ready" Grace said

Jane eyes widened with shock

"don't worry, my mom won't know anything" Grace giggled

Jane didn't have any choice than to give in

"okay" she agreed

"hey boy are you okay, you've been so quiet any problem?" Chris asked little Chris

"no daddy I'm fine" he replied him

"wait a minute have you both eaten?" Grace asked

"hmm no, I was about to get him to take a shower when Tessy came and made a scene" Jane said

"are you hungry son?" Chris asked him

"yes very hungry" little Chris replied

"then why didn't you say so?" Chris asked him

"well cause I didn't want to bother you" he replied

"do you remember what I promised you this afternoon?" Chris asked

little Chris was a little confused at what he meant so he didn't say anything

"I promised to be your daddy till your real daddy shows up and I mean it, whenever you need anything just tell me, and if I'm not available just tell your mom or your aunty Grace, is that okay?" Chris asked him

"yes daddy, I promise" Chris replied

seeing them so intimate like they've known each other for ages and as if they were actually father and son made Jane so emotional, she almost started crying

"Jane, go to the kitchen and prepare something for you both to eat, I will drop Chris off at Grace's room" he said

"yes sir" Jane replied