Chapter 98

Jane went straight into the kitchen as soon as they got into the mansion, while Chris and Grace headed for the mansion

Jane founded some left over curry soup and chicken, there was no time, so she couldn't prepares any fresh food so she could only heat the food up, she finished preparing the food and went straight to Grace's room

she found Chris on the bed with her son, the both of them were laughing as well as Grace, she wondered what they were taking about, the scene was so warm, she wished it could be her reality

"I'm here" she announced because the trio were too engrossed in whatever they were talking about to even notice her

Chris noticed she came in and stood up

"I will leave now" Chris said and left the room

"stand up little man, it's time to eat, sorry it's coming so late" Jane apologized

Jane and Chris finished eating their meal peacefully while Grace took her bath

"so it's time to take your bath" Jane said to Chris

"but I don't have any of my things here, I don't have my toothbrush, soap or even my pyjamas" Chris interjected

"well your daddy said we will get new stuffs but I guess tonight we will have to ask your aunt" Jane said crossing her hand

"and what does my little prince want from me?" Grace asked as she made her way to the room after getting into her nightwear

"we'll miss Grace we don't have any of our things here, not even a change of cloth" Jane said

"oh I have some pyjamas I've not worn at all and as for this little man right here I guess I will have to find a very small top he can use as a gown" Grace said

"but I'm not a girl" Chris retorted

"I'm sorry my love, we will get some clothes for you tomorrow, you will have to manage this tonight okay love" Grace said

"okay aunt, okay mummy let's go" Chris said stretching his hand towards his mother to carry him and she did

Chris and Grace set for the bathroom and Chris eyes widened with shock when he passed by her closet

"mummy where's this place?" Chris asked

"this is your aunt's closet where she keeps her clothes and accessories, it's a part of the room" Jane explained

"wow, aunt's room is so big" Chris said

"well wait till you see your daddy's room, but right now you need to bath and go to bed, tomorrow we will tour the mansion I was also very marvelled when I got here for the first time too" Jane said

Jane helped Chris took her bath and afterwards she took her bath, they both got changed and Chris soon fell asleep

Jane was not so comfortable with the nightwear that Grace had given her, it was so short and revealing, her cleavage were in full view

"are you okay Jane?" Grace asked her noticing her discomfort

"well this gown is too short" Jane complained

"you are not leaving this room so just go to be already" Grace said not paying attention to her

"miss Grace?" Jane called out to her

"hmmm" Grace replied

"thank you" Jane said

"for what?" Grace asked her

"for everything, for taking care of Chris and accepting us, even though I'm just your maid and we are not even supposed to be seen together by society standard" her eyes started to water, she could not phantom the reason why they were so nice to her

Grace was moved and she sat up, she held her hand and stopped from speaking

"it's okay Jane, it's absolutely nothing" Grace said

"you see society paints us the rich to have a certain kind of character and to behave a certain way, but ever since I was young, I was determined to be different and to treat people with kindness" Grace continued

"so it's totally nothing, besides you are both so loveable, I don't know but I feel this beautiful connection with Chris and I love him very much, so it's nothing, now let's go to sleep" Grace concluded

Jane was reluctant to go to bed, she felt she needed to tell her the truth about Chris's dad, she felt she had been to nice to her and Chris and she doesn't deserve to be lied to

"there's something I need to tell you" Jane said with tears rolling down her face

"hey Jane what is it?" Grace was starting to get worried

"you know I told you that Chris's dad was dead" Jane said

Grace nodded and Jane continued

"I lied" Jane said and started to cry even more, she looked her son affectionately and closed her eyes, she didn't know how to begin, memories of that night began to flash through her head and the tears poured out even more

Grace noticed it was something serious, she pulled Jane into a hug and patted her back

"Jane it's okay, if you don't want to tell me, it's absolutely fine" Grace said

Jane shook her head

"no it's fine, I want to tell you, since you have treated my as your sister and you have accepted us, you have been so nice to her regardless of our status and yours" Jane said

"I was raped" Jane finally said

Grace was stunned, she knew it was serious but she didn't except it to be something like this

"are you serious Jane?" she looked at her and Jane nodded

she pulled her into a very tight hug, she felt her heart cut into several pieces, she wondered who could have done such a thing

"I'm so sorry Jane, you must have gone through a lot I'm so sorry Jane" Grace said and she also started weeping

"you will be fine, I promise" Grace kept comforting her

Jane wanted to say more but she couldn't stop herself from crying she was in too much pain as she remembered everything that happened that night