Chapter 99

Jane woke up in the middle of the night, she found herself covered with a blanket, Chris was in the middle while Grace slept at the edge of the bed, she felt extremely warm, she knew it was Grace that must have used the blanket on her

she felt a bit dizzy, she remembered everything that happened, how she had told Grace that she was raped and how she had comforted her, she had then told her everything that had happened to her, about her stay at the orphanage, she even told her about Cassie

she told her how they ran away and how it led to that unfortunate night, how she had Christopher and how she had to do all sort of jobs including working at the club just to survive alongside Mrs Whitney, and how she had ended up working here

she told her everything, she didn't leave anything behind and she felt extremely relieved that she found someone that she can speak with, after so many years, she had not had any genuine friend except Cassie, she was good friends with Gloria but she never felt so safe and free with her as she did with Grace, she was glad that she found a friend and sister in one person

she looked at the time and it was past two already, she tried to sleep but she couldn't fall back asleep, she just kept tossing and turning, she suddenly felt thirsty

there's was water in the dispenser and the fridge in Grace's room but she felt if she took a stroll to the kitchen, she would feel sleepy by the time she came back to the room

she stepped out of the room quietly and closed the door silently she didn't want to wake anyone

she made her way to the kitchen, she fetched herself some water and then her stomach grumbled, she was a little hungry, she looked in the fridge and found milk alongside bread and some jam, she took them out and helped herself

she placed them carefully on the table and began to eat

Chris could not sleep either, after he had returned to his room, he had gone to the study later, he felt deeply sad after his conversation with Grace this evening, he wished he could go back to being his old self again but he just can't

he didn't have that good in him anymore, he lost all of that good those years ago when he took the innocence of that poor girl and he would never be able to forgive himself unless he finds her and atone for his sin

he took out the bracelet in the safe he usually keeps it

he brought it to his mouth and kissed it, "please let me find you, and I hope you can forgive me, only then can I ever be happy and free, only then can I live" Chris said to himself

Chris then went to his room, he too out a bottle of alcohol from his mini bar and drank a few bar but he still didn't feel better at all, he decided to the draw, he took out his painting board and brush and he started to draw

and of course it's the same thing he usually draw, a girl in a dark alley crying with a monstrous being close to her and from the look on the painting, the monster was about to devour the and she seems to be crying for help

the painting looked very emotional and depressing, and that was the state of heart of Christopher at the moment

after several hours of drawing, Chris decided to retire, he took down the painting and placed it among the other painting

he still tried to sleep again but he just can't seem to find the sleep

he decided to get some water in the kitchen, he made his way to the kitchen

getting to the kitchen he saw a familiar figure, the person turned out to be Jane, she was eating

he moved closer to her but she didn't even seem to notice his presence

Jane felt someone was watching her, she felt scared in an instant, she thought could the person be a thief, she thought that would be impossible there was no way a thief could come into the mansion successfully, the mansion was heavily guarded

but she didn't know who it could be, she decided to face whoever it was, she just hope it was not madam Maria

Jane looked back and found that it was Christopher, she sighed in relief

"did I startle you" Chris asked

"yes sir a little, I'm so sorry I just wanted to get water but then I got a little bit hungry, I'm so sorry, I will leave right away" Jane said trying to avoid eye contact with him, she carried her sandwich and milk, stood up and was making her way out of the kitchen but Chris stopped her

"don't go" Chris said

Chris took a look at her and he couldn't help but feel tempted, she was looking very sexy in the nightwear, her breast looked very beautiful, her legs her neck, she was extremely beautiful this night

"you look very beautiful Jane, so beautiful" Chris blurted out

Jane blushed hearing his words and seeing the way he was looking at her, she could tell what he was thinking

she felt her heartbeat accelerate a thousand times, she knew this was trouble brewing

they was a deep silent between them

"sir I think I need to go, like I said I'm sorry for coming to the kitchen to take food at this time" Jane said trying to break into the awkward silence surrounding them

"you don't have to be sorry, you are my son's mother after all" Chris said trying to cooperate with her, he knew she was trying to divert the situation, he was also trying hard to control himself

"oh sir about that, I want to thank you very much for everything you are doing for Chris and I" Jane started

"it's nothing, it's the least I can do" Chris said nodding his head