Chapter 100

"it's really nice what you are doing for us, I never thought you will be able to do that for me and my son, I'm sincerely grateful" Jane said, she began to become teary, she couldn't help but feel extremely emotional

Chris felt his heart soften as he watched her get teary, he felt sorry for her

"you must have gone through a lot" Chris said

"hmmm Chris never had a Father, but you have decided to be his father, do you see how happy he his, I have never seen him like that" Jane said, she took his hand and brought it to her chest

"thank you so much sir, I'm eternally grateful to you for this honestly" Jane said sniffing back her tears

Chris was moved, he wanted to ask her how Chris's father had died, but he didn't want to open old wounds

"it's fine" he said nodding his head

Jane sat down back on the chair in the kitchen and continue to eat her food

"would you like me to get you some milk and bread as well sir" Jane asked

"hmm well I do want to eat something but it's definitely not bread and milk" Chris said

"then what would you like to eat sir" Jane asked silently

"you really want to know?" Chris said covering the distance between them

seeing him closer to her, Jane blushed effortlessly, she tried to move back but Chris grabbed her by the waist

"sir, I don't think we really should be doing this, it's not right I think I should go" Jane said trying to be reasonable even though her body was betraying her

"well I don't think so, I don't know Jane but I think I'm addicted to your lips, I can't stop thinking about kissing you, I want to keep doing it again and again" Chris said and Jane eyes flushed

"can I kiss you?" Chris asked, he didn't want to keep taking her unawares, he wanted to do it properly this time, he knows he shouldn't be doing this but he can't stop himself, he can't fight the desires any longer

Jane wanted to say no but then she found herself nodding a yes to it, she wanted to refute but her body betrayed her

seeing that she agreed, Chris leaned forward and kissed her

"I've been wanting to do this since afternoon" he said and then kissed her again

the kiss was subtle and gentle at first, he kissed her softly with so much gentleness if Jane didn't know better she would have thought he was in love with her

she thought why would she allow a man who doesn't love her and who she doesn't love kiss her but then she the emotion she was feeling at the moment clouded her reasoning and she gave in totally

the kiss grew from gentle to being hungry, Chris was kissing her with so much hunger and intensity

he picked her up from the chair and carried her in a bridal style

he took her to his room and placed her on the bed softly

"sir is this okay?" Jane asked worriedly

"it's better than being in the kitchen" Chris said panting and continued kissing her

the kiss deepened and became even more fierce, Jane could not help but moan, she felt wave of electricity rush through her entire being

she was going crazy with desire, she hung on to Chris like her life depended on it, Chris continued kissing her sucking her lips fiercely

he then turned his attention to her neck, he gently caressed it with his fingers and then he placed his lips on it, he placed light kisses on her neck and continued trailing it down her neck

he stopped when he got to her breast, he gulped down some saliva

he looked at her for some confirmation but she didn't say anything, she was just simply blushing, her face was red that Chris almost wanted to laugh

"should I go further?" Chris asked her

Jane didn't know what or how to answer him, she just stood still, she didn't even know what she was doing or what was going on, she was just simply following her brain right now

she can't deny the fact that she wanted more too, her body was on fire and she could barely deny it

seeing her shyness, Chris knew she was shy

"just tell me if you want me to stop okay?" Chris said to her and she nodded

Chris resumed kissing her, he gently pulled the string of her nightgown down exposing her breast in full

Chris gulped again, she was so beautiful, he had never in his life seen someone so beautiful with a fair skin before not even Angel was this beautiful he thought

"you are so beautiful Jane" he said to her

Jane looked away in embarrassment, this is the first time, she had ever been exposed in front of a man before and she felt extremely shy about it

Chris made her face him using his finger "look at me, Jane if you don't want this we can stop" he said with the last sense of restrain left in him, he could barely speak well his dick was fucking hard and he was loosing it

Jane gestured for him to go on and he slammed his lips on hers, he kissed her for a little while then he moved to her breast, he took on her nipples into his mouth, Jane threw her head back and moaned, she felt excitement burst in her

Chris lost it and he sucked her nipple lightly then he increase his pace, teasing her nipple with his tongue while using his other fingers to mould her other nipple

Jane was at the verge of loosing it, what she was feeling was simply fantastic, she had never felt anything like this, and she wanted more

she didn't want it to stop, she wanted more, she hung on Chris's shoulder nudging him to move closer to her and without wasting any time Chris obeyed her desires and sucked her boobs even more

Hello beautiful people and my ever wonderful readers ☺️☺️☺️☺️ yay we made it to the 100th chapter💃💃💃💃💃

Thank you all very much for sticking to me and the story for this long, you guys are super sweet and wonderful, but get ready the story is about to get wilder and more interesting, sit tight and get ready, you won't believe all the twist and turns, you are about to read one of the best stories of your lives

let's go I love you all ❣️❣️