Chapter 119

Jane had no idea what he was talking about and she didn't know if she should ask him or not, she decided not to

she just kept patting his back, he seemed really hurt by what's going on, it made her dislike Angel even more

' the nerve of that girl to keep hurting Christopher '

Chris regained himself and pulled away, he looked at Jane that was obviously looking at him worriedly

"don't worry I'm fine, it's nothing I can't handle" Chris said

Jane took his hand and squeezed it "don't you worry, everything will be fine okay?" she assured him

"okay" Chris repeated after her all smiling

Jane was not used to this side of Christopher, he looked like a totally different person when he was with her compared to the way he his perceived by others

"I think you are just putting on an act" she said

"uhhhnn, do I look like an actor to you?" Chris said he didn't get what she was trying to say

"what I mean is you always act all arrogant and bossy outside but you are not really like that, you are kind and a good man" she concluded

Chris wished he could agree with her, but sadly he can't he's a monster deep inside

"you don't know me, don't jump into conclusion" he said

"well I don't agree with you" she argued

"so you are going to argue with your boss now right?, do you want to lose your job?" he teased her

Jane immediately got serious "oh no of course not, I'm just airing my opinion" Jane defended

Chris laughed "now don't get so serious I was just joking with you" Chris said

Jane chuckled

Chris took a look at the room, this used to be his room and he never thought he would ever step into it again but now look he was running here like a lost puppy, he thought

he looked around and his eyes landed on the bed, he found Christopher and a little girl sleeping on the bed

"who's that?" he asked

"oh that Jane, your daughter" Jane answered

"she's not my daughter" Chris interjected

"well you never can tell" Jane said

"whatever what's she doing here?" he asked disgusted

"well I saw by the staircase, she was really sad and can you believe that she didn't have anything to eat, so I prepared her some salad and chicken" Jane explained

"she refused to go back to her mom's room, so I brought her here and gave her a bath, I read her a bedtime story and she slept off, poor thing" Jane said with affection in her eyes, she wanted to tell Chris about the part where little Jane said her mom doesn't care for her, but she didn't want to upset him the more

"she can't even take care of her own child, she makes me sick, you don't have to do anything for her anymore, let her do it herself" Chris said

"you don't have to take it out on her, she's just a little girl, she had nothing to do with whatever happened" Jane said

"I'm not sure I will ever be able to accept her if she ends up being my daughter, I can't stand Angel and anything that has do with her, I hate her with all my heart" Chris said

Jane took Chris's face in her hands and cupped it " I understand perfectly well how you fell, but you just have to learn to love and accept her, if you can love my own child you can definitely love yours too" Jane said

Chris didn't say anything he only nodded

"promise me you won't hate Jane" she asked him

"on one condition" he said his voice husky

"condition? what condition?" she wondered what it is

"kiss me" Chris said, he had been resisting the urge to swallow her, and that shirt she was wearing was not helping at all

Jane face flushed, she blushed effortlessly

"you need to stop blushing all the time, it's not the first time we are doing this" Chris mocked her

"but why do you always kiss me all the time, you are my boss and it's not proper" she managed to protest

"I don't know too, I just want to keep kissing and touching you, and you have no idea the other naughty things I want to do to you" Chris explained

Jane got the meaning behind his words and surprisingly she was turned on too

' what his wrong with me for goodness sake ' she scolded herself

Chris noticed her breast erect and he got even more turned on

"you want me too right?" he asked her teasingly

Jane could not deny it so she nodded, she wasn't even thinking

Chris moved forward and wanted to kiss her but Jane placed her palm on his chest

to stop him

"what's wrong?" he asked impatiently

"we can't do this here, the children what if they wake up" Jane whispered

"then let's go elsewhere" he said and dragged her to the closet

he impatiently carried her on the dressing table and kissed her gently

Jane threw caution in the wind, she locked her lips with his

the kiss was subtle but it then got very demanding, they kissed each other till there were breathless

Jane crossed her hands around his neck using her fingers to caress his head and hair

they kept kissing each other, they didn't stop until they were gasping for breath

Chris carried Jane and placed her on the table very well, he wanted her to be comfortable

he cleared out the table that were filled with boxes of used perfume and some accessories the table was quite big and even two persons can lie on it comfortably

Chris came back and kissed her again this time pulling the shirt off her, he wanted to see her glorious body

"are we going to do it?" Jane asked shyly

Chris found her adorable if not that she had given birth he would have thought she was a virgin

"do you want us to do it?" Chris asked her