Chapter 120

Jane blushed with the question, ' how could he ask her such question ' she thought

"uhhmmm" Jane stuttered

Chris could feel her embarrassment so he kissed her instead

they kissed each other and before Jane knew what was going on, Chris had taken the shirt completely off her

he stopped kissing her and looked at her deeply

"you are so beautiful, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" he said, he didn't know what he was thinking but he just can't put his emotion in check this night, he wants to forget all about his problems

Jane was shy, she didn't know what to say so she said kept mute and kept blushing

Chris went after her shoulder next he placed soft erotic kisses on her neck and Jane moaned out his name which drove him crazy

he kept kissing her, he came to her breast he took one of them and teased her nipple with his fingers, Jane threw her head back waves of electricity rushing down her body

she was trying her best not to scream but that became impossible she Chris took she breast into her mouth and sucked it like a hungry child

"hmm aahh Chris" Jane screamed his name but that didn't stop him from sucking her boobs more, he took the second one and also glorified it with his mouth, he sucked and teased her nipple with mouth gently biting it as well

he squeezed the other breast softly with his hands

Jane felt like she was going crazy any time soon, she couldn't contain the pleasure and excitement her body was feeling at the moment, she held on to his head passing all the aggression as she squeezed his shoulders

Chris trailed kisses down her body still fondling with her breast, he kissed her belly sending fire down Jane's body

"hmm ohh aahh Chris please please" Jane begged him, she taught she was going to pass out

Chris stopped kissing her and looked up at her " stop?" you want me to stop?" Chris asked her teasingly

Jane nodded a no ' how could she ask him to stop '

"no tell me do you want me to continue?" Chris asked he wanted her to say it with her own mouth

Jane nodded

"say it with your mouth, tell me you want me"

Jane was shy and didn't even know how to say it, she wasn't that shameless she blushed and looked away in embarrassment

Chris knew what was wrong ' how can someone with a child be this shy ' he chuckled softly

"so you won't say it?" Chris teased

Jane thought he wanted to stop and a hint of disappointment flashed through her eyes but she couldn't bring herself to complain but she didn't expect what he did next

Chris slipped his middle finger into her and stroked her down there

Jane yelped and she looked stunned

"has anyone ever done this to you?" Chris asked

Jane nodded, she couldn't speak as she held her breath

Chris stroked her even more and Jane moaned

"now do you want me?" Chris asked again

"yes" she said without thinking she didn't know if this was supposed to be a punishment but she enjoys very much

"say you want me" Chris corrected

"yes I want you, I want you very much Chris I want you" Jane confessed she doesn't care to hide it anymore

Chris fucked her more using his finger, he slid two more fingers into her and she screamed in pleasure

Chris kissed her to shut her up, the kiss was more fierce this time as they were both on the verge of reaching their climax

"Chris I think something is about to come out from my body aahh" she kept moaning she has never experienced something like this before, she felt she was another planet already

her entire body was vibrating

Chris increased the speed of his fingers, fucking and teasing her at the same time

Jane finally reached her climax and she finally felt relief

Chris looked up at her, and she looked up at him as well

Chris kissed her again but it was soft one

Chris carried her down from the table, she tried standing on her own but she almost fell

"I will carry you" Chris said and picked her up, he carried her up and took her straight to the bathroom, he placed her in the bath tub

"you should take a bath" Chris said

Jane shyly tried to cover her body with her hands but it was to no avail she was stark naked

Chris didn't say anything he just stared at her, he was dying of lust at the moment

Jane noticed his bulgy dick poking through his trousers, she knew what that meant

"are you okay?" she asked pointing at his dick

Chris followed her sight and saw what she was pointing at, he smiled

"I'm fine it will subside don't worry I will get a towel" he said and went into the closet to pick out a new cloth for her and a towel so she can dry her body

he went through the clothes in the closet and found out that it was only his old clothes that were still there, nothing had been touched, he got a bit emotional as he remembered the past but he quickly shook the thought away

he later found his favourite sweater, he remembered it and smiled this was his favourite wear back then

it was a black sweater with blue drawings on it

he picked it out and went back to the bathroom with a towel as well

Jane had finished bathing when he got to the bathroom

"here is the towel, you should wear this" he handed it to her