Chapter 137

"punish me, what do you mean by that?" Jane asked in panic

"just you wait" he said as he slowly pulled her blouse up exposing her boobs

Jane blushed, she almost buried her face into the couch to hide her face

Chris chuckled, he can't explain how or what but this girl really does something extraordinary to him

"Jane look here" Chris said and she turned her face to look at him

"I mean well, I know I'm not the best person there is in this world, but I have no ill intentions, none of this is my plan or want, I just find myself doing this things for you, I can't help it

and I always want to touch and kiss you and a lot of other things, I like you" he said

Jane was stunned she didn't know what to say, this is not what she wants to hear, she doesn't even know what she wants to hear but this sounds soothing enough

it brought some assurance in her heart that she was not just a play thing to him, that's all she wants to know

"so I'm not just a play thing to you?" she asked

"no you are not" Chris assured her

"then what am I?" she asked, she just wants to know

"you are the mother to my son, my personal maid and the girl I want to kiss the hell out of right now" Chris said firmly

"Jane you want me too, let's just go with the flow" he said and without waiting to for her to answer him he kissed her almost swallowing her whole

Jane also threw caution into the wind and hugged his neck with her hands and kissed him back passionately

they kissed for minutes, Chris moved to her breast and kissed it, Jane moaned silently, she was trying to be as silent as she can she didn't want anyone finding out what was going on

"you can scream as much as you want, my office is sound proof, no one will hear you" Chris said and went back to kissing her

the mood in the office was so tensed and high , the room was so cozy and warm they were getting so intimate when Jack knocked on the door

Chris didn't acknowledge it at first, he thought the person will go away but the knocking continued

"who's that?" Chris answered with gloominess

"it's me Sir" Jack spoke from outside

Chris looked at Jane on the couch who was as red as a tomato, he almost burst into a laugh, does she have to blush at every little thing? he wondered

"hold on" he said

"go into the restroom and smoothen your cloth" he said and kissed her lips softly before finally letting her go

"okay" Jane said shyly and left to go into the restroom

Jack checked to see if his shirt and trousers were fine without any room for suspicion before asking Jack to come in, he quickly sat on his seat

"come in" Chris said

Jack came in and met Chris on his seat, he wondered what took him so long, he never took this long

"good afternoon Sir" Jack greeted

"what do you want?" Chris replied him, he was not happy with the fact that he was interrupted like that

"you have a meeting in five minutes, the board members are already seated and some of the team members of the investors are also here" Jack explained

"hmm pack the things we need and let's go" he said and Jack got to work

"yes sir" he said

Jane also came back into the office, she was already done feeling red

Chris was about to turn and leave the office but caught the sight of Jane

"I'm leaving for a meeting, I wont take long, if you need anything talk to cat, she's my secretary just outside here" he pointed cat's office to her

"oh okay I will just speak with Mrs Whitney while you are away, I've not spoken to her ever since we left on Saturday" she said

"okay, send my greetings" he smiled at her and left

Jack heard their conversations, she heard Jane mention someone called Whitney, his heart leaped a bit

could this be the woman he has been looking for? his mother's friend?

could that be her mother that she lived with, the day they went to pick her at her house, he didn't really get to socialize with anyone, he was outside most of the time, so he didn't know if the woman bears that name

but his mother's friend didn't take any of the kids with her when she was chased out of the mansion back then, so there's a possibility that she was wrong

all of these thoughts were running through his mind

he would look at it when he gets home

Jane took out her phone and placed a call to Mrs Whitney, the phone didn't ring for long before she picked up

"my dear how are you?" Mrs Whitney asked

"good evening Mrs Whitney I am so sorry I couldn't call you all this while I've been so busy with work" she said ' or busy with kissing my boss '

"it's absolutely fine my dear, you don't have to worry about that, I totally understand, how is Chris my boy doing?" she asked

"he's doing fine, I really can't wait to see you during the weekend I have a lot of things to tell you, a lot of things have happened and I don't know who to tell, I'm so confused Mrs Whitney" she said, she really needed to talk to someone

"don't you worry about anything, when we see we will talk about it" she said

"okay, I will have Chris call you when I get home" Jane said

"if you are not home where are you then?" she asked her

"I'm at the office you know I always have to come here and cook for Mr Christopher every afternoon he likes eating homemade food, he's quite picky food" she explained

"oh really?" Mrs Whitney said

"yea, anyways when were see we will talk about everything, let me leave you to work" she said

"alright Mrs Whitney bye" she said and hung up

she wanted to drop her phone when an unknown number called her