Chapter 138

She didn't want to pick at first but she thought it through, so she picked the call

"good afternoon please who is this?" Jane spoke

"it's me Juliet, Zain's sister I hope you still remember me" she asked

"of course, I do how are you doing Juliet how are the kids and your husband as well?" she asked her politely

"we are all doing well thanks for asking, I'm so sorry to bug you but it's about Zain he came home a few minutes ago and he looked really unwell, I tried asking him but he didn't answer but someone from his office called his phone and I picked up

she said he was fired from work and that you are the reason for it, she didn't give me details of what happened she said she just wanted to know if he got home safe, please can you tell me what happened I'm so worried about him" Juliet lamented

"it's fine, I will try to sort it out, I just need sometime" she said, she knew the person that must have called Zain was Slyvia, she really does like him if only he could look her way and stop tormenting himself by expecting a mutual feeling from her

"I trust but please I just want to know what exactly transpired between you guys that led to him being fired" Juliet asked

"well I came by the company today cause I work for Mr Chris who is also his boss, I came to run some errands for him, so we met at the company, then he saw me and refused to let me go

he really persisted even though I asked him to let me go he insisted that we talk and I was already late for work so I didn't oblige

but he still refuse to let me go, so I guess Mr Christopher saw it and came downstairs to rescue me from his hands cause he was starting to get a bit agressive with the way he holding and refusing to let me go

so Mr Christopher fired him because of that, but I'm still trying to beg him to let him come back to work but he still hasn't obliged to my request

I'm trying my best Juliet and I will keep trying" Jane explained everything that happened to her as brief as she could

"alright I will be expecting a feedback from you he's really in a bad shape" Juliet said sounding very disturbed and worried

"no problem I will call you" she said and hung up

as soon as she dropped the call immediately Chris walked into the office with Jack following behind him

"who was that over the phone?" Chris questioned her

"that was Juliet Zain's sister" she answered, she has been wanting to bring the conversation up again but she didn't know how to start it up but thank God he asked this question himself

Chris face darkened and his eyes went deep

"did she call to trouble you concerning what happened?" he asked her, no one would dared to do that to her

"no, not at all, she was just asking me what happened and I explained to her, that's all" Jane said

"I hope you told her that her asshole of a brother is the one at fault, he was assaulting you and keeping you against your will" he asked crossing his hands over his chest

"yes I told her everything that happened" she said

"what do you want me to do, I will do whatever you ask" Chris said as he walked to his office chair and took his seat

Jack was stunned upon hearing what Chris said, for three years that he has been working for Christopher Smith, he had never asked for people's opinions talk more of making use of it

but here he was asking for his maid's opinion after firing someone, when did he became soft with a conscious

something is definitely wrong somewhere

"well I would like him to have his job back" Jane said, she would want nothing more than that

"hmm I see, Jack have Cat come into my office right now" he ordered him

"alright Sir" Jack said and went outside the office to call Cat

Cat came into the office few minutes later alongside Jack

"you asked for me sir" Cat said

"yes, how is it going with Zain's issue?" Chris asked her

"I already started processing it I already sent him mail stating we are terminating our contract with him, I will speak with the welfare team and see the compensations we have to make and we are already making arrangements for a replacement" Cat explained

"there will be no need for that, have him come back to work as soon as possible if he still wants to work with us if not finalise the process of getting a replacement" Chris said

"really?" Cat asked she was somewhat surprised, the Chris she knew was always firm with his decision and he never took his words back

and even now that he came back to the company he was even more fierce than before, which confirmed all the rumors that she heard about him

but now he was taking his decisions back, that was so new she thought

"yes you can go back to work now" Chris said and focused on his desktop

"okay sir I will get on it right now" Cat Said and left the office and Jack followed after

as soon as they got outside Cat stopped Jack, she couldn't get over what just happened

"what happened in there before I came I just now" she asked him

"I don't get what you mean Mrs Cat" he said pretending not be aware of what she was talking about

"I mean why did he change his mind about Zain?" she asked

"oh that, that was what Jane wanted, I guess she was happy about the decision and she and Zain seems to be friends" Jack explained briefly

"what!!" Cat was even more shocked

"I need to get back to work now Mrs Cat, you should do the same" he said and walked away leaving Cat standing with her mouth wide open