Chapter 139

"are you happy now?" Chris asked

Jane nodded, she noticed his mood wasn't so good so she asked "are you mad at me?"

Chris looked up, ' was he? ' he asked himself

Chris didn't say anything cause he didn't want to admit the fact that he was indeed angry, he didn't want to look petty

"are you jealous?" she took the risk to ask him

Chris looked up at her "what? of course not, why would I be jealous" he stammered

"there's absolutely nothing going on between us we are just friends I just owe him a because he helped me a lot, he took care of Chris for me once a while and also helped me get this job, I can't afford to have it on my conscience that he lost his job because of me" she explained

"that's a relief, I can't stand to have him close to you the way he was this afternoon" Chris said

"okay" she said

"ain't you going to reward me for giving him his job back?" he asked

"a reward?" she asked

"yes" he answered her

Jane didn't know what she could possibly give him, she can never afford the kind of things that he might want

"uhmm okay I will prepare a very delicious soup Mrs Whitney taught me and we hardly prepare it cause it requires a lot of stress but I can do that for you" she said hoping that will satisfy him

"I want something more" he said and stood up

"uhnn what but what else can I possibly afford to give you" she asked

Jane saw him coming closer, she knew what he wanted to do already so she tried to escape but he was smarter than her

he caught her before she could run any further

Chris slammed his lips on hers, he kissed her aggressively for minutes

Chris detached himself from her and looked into her eyes

"I want more of you Jane, I want you" he said

Jane knew the meaning of his words and blushed, he wanted to have sex with her, she wanted him too but she didn't want to go to that length yet, she's still scared to tread that path now

and besides there was nothing official going on with them, why would she go to bed with him

"are you still over thinking things?" Chris thought broke into her thought

"no it's not that" she said looking down she didn't want him to see the fear in her eyes

"then what it is?" he asked his voice sounding very subtle, the lust he was feeling could be clearly heard in his voice

"uhmm it's just that I'm not for that yet" she said and pulled away from him, she then sat on the couch using her hands to hug her body

she knew she was over what happened to her six years ago but the effect it had on her is still fresh, she doubt if she would ever be able make love to a man

she was still very scared of feeling all those horrible feeling she felt that night all over again, the memory still haunts her

Chris saw her reaction, he knew something was eating her up and he really wanted to know what it was

he moved closer to her and wrapped his hands all around her

"I'm here for you if you want to talk about anything" he said calming her down

"and I'm not pressuring you into it, I will wait till you are ready, but don't make me wait for so long" he said kissing her forehead

"okay, thank you" she said

"I will wrap up a few things and we will go home from here" he said and went to his seat

Jane nodded and waited for him

soon Christopher was done, he put a call through to Jack and he appeared at the office few minutes later

"we are ready to go home" he said

"okay sir" he said and stood up taking his suit with him

Jane went to him to help him put it on, after all it was her job

"thanks" Chris complimented

Jack felt his ear was going to take off from his head

did Chris just say thank you, he had never heard that from his mouth

something was really going on and he really needs to find out if not he will keep getting so much suprises like this one

Jane and Christopher stepped out of his office

Cat couldn't take her eyes off him she was just wondering how a maid could change the president's mind

she found it really amusing to even think about it

Jane and Christopher used his private elevator to make it downstairs

she was so grateful for that, she doesn't know if she could stand the eyes that would be staring her

they got into the car with Jack driving and went home

they got home about an hour later, Jane felt very tired already she needed to take a shower and rest a bit so she can go help out in the kitchen as well

Chris stepped out of the car, Jane and Chris followed after him

"oh my baby boy is back" madam Rebecca said immediately she set her eyes on him

"good evening grandma, how was the rest of your day, I hope you rested well enough" he asked as he walked up to and kissed her forehead

"I'm doing perfectly well as you can see" Rebecca said

"hello Mom, hello Dad" Chris greeted his father and mother

"how are you son?" they greeted him back

"I'm good, Dad I need you to sign some documents I will bring them over later" Chris said

"alright son" Williams said

"I need to go take a shower" he said

"Jack you can head back now" Chris said and made his way upstairs

"goodnight Sir, good night Mr and Mrs Smith, good night madam" Jack said his greetings and headed out after handing Chris's suitcase to Jane