Manley's father talked to him about keeping his powers hidden, he also informed him that he will speak to Roger. He spent the rest of the day watching his father as he saw patients. Although his goal has been achieved, he tried to look interested. One patient had a urinary tract infection and he cured it without thinking, only to receive a sharp look from his father.
The next day Roger was invited over to his house and talked his father alone after dinner. Manley waited outside for the conversation to end. He sat on the front steps looking out at the cars going by. He looked up at the sky, felt the wind on his skin, brushing the little hairs on his arm. He smiled, he was lost in thought when Roger came out and joined.
"Did you know?" asked Roger.
"Know what—"
"don't d—"
"I just found out yesterday," said Manley.
"I don't know what to say, he expected me to say something but…I just don't…"
"Everyone knew I was different. I thought if I could just ignore it, continue like normal…things would be…"
"But it wasn't, they only got worse, they made fun of me, they hit me, they chased me…then I met you. You were the worst but also the only person I could call friend. If I could choose my brother, it would be you."
"Are you going to say something?" asked Roger.
"Gayyyyyy…," said Manley.
"Fine, I like you too, brother," said Manley.
Manley and Roger continued their training, but Manley could see little results in his attributes. He refocused on the skills he could advance. The mana substitute, he thought was silly, so he left it for the moment and instead focused on scan. He spent time immerse in the microscopic world, but he could only see certain parts. He had no way of controlling his view, so while the view was fascinating, without context, he was clueless about what he was looking at.
After the skill reached basic, he gained a zoom function. Once his able to see microorganism interact with each other he was hooked. He began testing certain things, like their response to heat. He even attempted different ways to kill them but drowning was the first and it didn't work.
He was surprised about his medicine skill increasing, because he didn't train that. He ignored it for the moment as his birthday was coming up and his mother had something special planned.
Two weeks later, it was July 2nd and his birthday. The surprise was a bunch high school seniors from his school coming over for his birthday party. He pretended to enjoy himself for his mother's sake, but he hardly talked to this people at school. Although he is known as a boy genius, racism was still a thing. He wasn't bothered by the racist comments but that doesn't mean he wasn't annoyed by it. The kids that came to his party were very nice to him, but they couldn't show too much support at school for fear of being ostracized. They tried explaining that to him at the party, while he couldn't blame them, he still wouldn't consider them friends.
A month later Manley knew the time for college was fast approaching. His training continued but his focus was his skills. He wanted to advance the ones he had to gain new ones.
"Hey, Roger, you know any drug dealers?" asked Manley.
"Why would I know any," said Roger.
"Good point, let's go find some."
"Not that it would matter, but why?"
"I wonder where to start…"
Manley, walked to the back of the building they used as a base, he picked up a bag, opened it and tossed a mask at Roger. The mask looks to be made from an old tee shirt; Manley put on a similar mask on himself. He reached into the bag and took out a jumpsuit, it was a green boiler suit, he then tossed the bag to Roger.
"Put that on, today, we'll be Buff and Rek," said Manley.
"Again, why?" asked Roger.
"Where do we find those kids that are always following you?"
"North Wells, why?"
After they both got dressed and put on their mask, Manley sticked to cover as he led the way. They were able to sneak up on a group of kids playing baseball in the middle of the street. Roger and Manley hid behind a building while observing them. The kids would get out of the way of incoming vehicles but flood back into the street. As Manley watched them, he waited till they were getting back in position to play before striking.
Rushing over first, Manley hit a kid in his sternum with his cane. Roger hit one with a spin kick with his long legs. As both boys hit the ground, one collapsing while to other pitched forward, the other boys turned.
Critical Strike
A small group of girls were watching, and they stood up in shock. The boys, seeing their friends get taken down, rushed over in rage.
Manley strike an on-rushing boy in the chin with his cane then backed up. Roger grabbed the closes kid to him, then pushed him in the way of the rushing group. Manley used the end of his cane without the metal ball to strike a kid in the head, to avoid killing him.
Critical Strike X2
Roger dropkicked the kid he pushed in the back while his friends were trying to keep him from falling, a majority of the group fell. Roger then tackled a kid to his left, then rolled with the tackle to his feet, he then circles back to Manley's side.
Manley rushed up behind the two kids on Roger's right that didn't fall. He took one off his feet with his cane then elbowed the other before backing away.
Critical Strike
The five kids left standing, rushed them as one. Manley and Roger separated to opposite directions, splitting the group. The two closes to him went for Roger, while three went for Manley as he had a weapon.
Manley swung his cane at all three of their faces, which caused them to stop in their tracks. He then hit the kid in the middle with the metal end of his cane in the stomach. He backed up as the kid doubled over, then stepped in and hit the one on the right in the face. The last kid on his left turn to run but he chased him and cracked him in the back of his head.
Critical Strike X2
Roger, backed up to the sidewalk as the two kids approached him. He threw a punch at one kid, who dodged, his friend got close and pushed Roger back. Roger turned his fall into a spin, grabbing the ground with his spin. The two boys tried to capitalize on his fall but got sand in their faces instead. Roger grabbed one by the shoulder, kicked his right knee, then pulled him forward and kneed him in the face. The other boy was chased, slammed up against a wall then punched in the face.
"Where is the Drugs?" asked Manley. He approached from the side as Roger held the kid up against the wall.
"What drugs…I don't know you guys, please let me go," said the kid.
The gloves, mask and coveralls hid their skin from the boys. Manley leaned in close the kids face.
"Where…is…the…drugs?" asked Manley.
"Linsey, on Orleans and Shiller, that's the only thing I know about drugs. I swear, just let me go!"
Manley and Roger could hear the intermittent sounds of police sirens as they were cranked getting closer. They both took of Running, Roger had longer legs and started to outpace Manley. He began digging in to push harder and run faster, he slowly started to catch up.
They were able to escape before any pursuit could happen. They both made it back to their base after cutting through buildings and high stepping and jumping through the grass as to not create a path. They both took a moment to catch their breath before speaking.
"I don't know why we did that, but I can't say it wasn't fun," said Roger.
"Shit, I forgot to give the names, it would've been so cool," said Manley.
"Let's go find this drug dealer before he gets scared away."
They made their way over to the location after resting for five minutes. At the street corner, they could see a group of three men hanging out. Unfortunately, there was no convenient place to hide, so they were spotted right away. They decided to approach casually instead.
"What's with the getup, you two playing some weird game?" asked one of the men.
"Here to purchase, don't want to be seen," said Manley.
"That makes sense, still a first though," said the skinny guy in the middle.
"Can't be too careful," said Manley.
"How much you need, and do you have the money?" asked skinny.
As they got close enough, Manley attacked the big guy on the right, and Roger went for the tall one on the left. Both men went down hard, Manley thought he killed the one he brained but got no exp notification.
"What the hell! Listen, you have no idea who I work for—"
"That's exactly why I am here. Who do you work for and where do I find them?" asked Manley.
"What! I…just take whatever you want, just leave me alone," said Skinny.
"I am not playing around, give me the location of your supplier!" said Manley.
"I…was bluffing, I don't know the guy or where to find him…"
Manley didn't want to waste anymore time, so he punched him in the face.
Critical Strike
The skinny man fell to the ground, out cold.
"Fuck, how am I going to learn about drug production!"
"My father…stepfather is a dentist, we can just find out where he gets his supplies from," said Roger.
"Shit, why didn't you say so."
"You never told me what your plan was!"