The Midnight Train

The next day Roger took Manley to see his stepdad, Lester. Manley just wanted to tail the suppliers, but Roger insisted they just ask. Manley who wanted more fights agreed thinking he would still get his way.

They talked to Lester, and he quickly agreed to help after Roger told him about his interesting in how the chemicals, he used at work was created. He has contacts with some of the people at the lab and was able to get the boys a tour of the facility.

"How did that work?" ask Manley.

"Because it was my plan and I am not intentional trying to get us into fights," said Roger.

"No, I mean shouldn't they have a problem with letting negro boys tour their facility," said Manley.

"I…I never considered that; you need to have more faith in people."

"I had faith, faith that I could get some experience points."

"You keep talking crazy and you'll get yourself put away."

The next morning bright and early they were driven to the manufacturing plant. The place was smaller than Manley expected, with a couple of connected buildings. The buildings had various stations that performed different tasks, such as milling, granulation, coating, tablet pressing, and others.

As Manley walked through the various stations with the guide, he used various skills from a distance.





The tour was short and sweet, but Manley still felt disappointed by the results.

"I hope you boys learned a lot. I heard from Lester that you're a couple of geniuses, I look forward to the future of our industry in your hands. Do you boys have any questions," asked the guide.

"No, none," said Manley.

"No, thank you for everything Mr. Mercer," said Roger.

The guide led them back to the entrance as they waited for their ride back. They took the day off from school for this opportunity. A day off that made little difference as they both had already done most of their schoolwork in advance and only really showed up for attendance and tests.

"Why do you look disappointed, I thought you wanted to do this," said Roger.

"Yeah but…even without the fighting I still need to observe the effects of a drug on the actual human body. So…," said Manley.

"What's going on with you? I thought you were getting better," said Roger.

"I am…I do feel better, but did you forget how badly we got our ass kicked."

"That…we got ourselves into that…its still no reason to be reckless."

"I am not being…okay I am being reckless, but I don't know what I am doing. If I stopped to think, then I will be paralyzed with inaction. Recklessness works, at least for now."

Roger wanted to say more but decided to drop it for now. An employee at the facility came outside for a smoke break. He took out a cigarette, lit it and then offered one to Roger and Manley.

"No thank you," said Roger.

I will take one," said Manley. He immediately pocketed the cigarette; the man gave him a confused look. Manley then continued to silently stare at the man which made him uncomfortable. Roger tried to nudge him with his elbow, but he continued to stare.





Manley was finally distracted from his staring contest with the side of the man's head. "Oh, hey can I get you something?"

"I don't—"

Manley ran to the building before the man could finish speaking. He came back two minutes later with a glass of water and hand it to the man. The Employee reluctantly took the water and took a drink.


Manley took a close look at the man, to see the effect of the water. The scan showed a similar effect as the cigarette but without the chemicals which made him smile.

"This is really good water," said the man. He actively ignored the creepy smile on the big kids face.

A short while later Roger's stepdad Lester came to pick them up. Manley then presented him with the cigarette from his pocket.


Lester then lit the cigarette in the car and started smoking much to Roger's dismay. Manley just stared at Lester in expectation as Roger frowned at him.

"This taste like water, what kind of cigarette is this!" said Lester.

"Don't know, someone gave it to me," said Manley.

"Strange, must be something new," said Lester.

"Before going home could we watch you work?" asked Manley.

"I don't see why not, Roger used come by the office all the time," said Lester. He quickly looked at Roger in the backseat as he said this.

"I just liked the candy," said Roger. He whispered this but Manley was able to hear him.

"Fatty!" said Manley.

In response Roger just flexed his biceps and smirked at Manley. Manley just looked at him then shakes his head, although he is more muscular than Roger, the other boy is taller.

Manley was able to observe Lester at work, but his focus was on the use of something called Procaine. He waited a long time for the dentist to use it on a patient, as he couldn't do anything with the chemical just lying there.


After getting back home, Manley started experimenting with different things, such as changing the taste of food, to giving water various drug like effects. He discovered that he could imbue the effect without the side effect or change the effect of harmful chemicals, but the side effect will remain.




Manley was bombarded with information before he could conclude that his analyze skill now lets him know; the things he has studied but without the fun of exploration. This infuriated him because it was a passive skill, and he now must find new things to assuage his curiosity. The chemistry skill worked a lot like the medicine skill. This was another frustration for him because upon gaining the skill he theorized that all the bonus skills were ones he was already on the cusp of gaining naturally.

Manley and Roger continued their training even though Manley saw very little progress. The bodies of both boys were still growing. They were thirteen and fourteen years old and had a lot of growing to do. Manley could only guess that Roger took after Robert when it comes to height. Although he didn't think he would be that tall, he wouldn't be far off.

The day for them to enter college was fast approaching and they were both excited. All the money they have made was secure in the bank and they get to enjoy some more independence. Roger was excited when he learned he could major in robotics, which was something that surprised Manley. He has yet to see anything that advance but robotics was offered in college. Manley just stuck to bioengineering as his major.

Manley "Buff" Hill Race: Human/Mutant

Age: 13 EXP. 517/1000 LV. 2

TITLE: Mutant [Title Effect] Reality Manipulator

HP: 230/230 MP: 180/180


STR 19 MND 15

AGI 20

DEX 19

CON 23

WIS 15

INT 18


The great depression was in full swing and lots of people were struggling. Manley and Roger's family were doing fine despite this and even could afford to send their kids to college. Manley expected someone to drive them to New York but to his surprise they were taking the train. The 20th Century Limited was going to take the two of them to their destination where someone was going to meet them.

They were dropped off at LaSalle Street Station in Chicago, then made their way to the line. As they queued up to wait for the train, they noticed the weird looks from the other people. Woman clutching their children closer or just outright moving away. Men giving then dirty looks as if their very presence was offensive. It wasn't until they got on the train and saw that all the help was black that they knew what the problem was.

The train ride was comfortable despite the stares, clean, spacious cabins. The chairs lined both sides of the aisles, plenty of leg room, more than a plane thought Manley. The trip was smooth despite the dirty looks, they made it to Grand Central Terminal unmolested. Once there they queued up once more to make a phone call. After making the call they then had to wait for someone to come pick them up.

While waiting the two were taking in the site of people rushing about and the grandeur of the station itself. Manley and Roger lost themselves in people watching.

"This is really different, I feel tired just looking at them," said Roger.

"We can get into a lot of trouble here, then get lost in a sea of faces," said Manley.

"Can we just finish our studies first before getting into trouble."

"Easy for you to say, your powers are nothing like mine."

"I just don't want anything to ruin this opportunity for us."

"My plans are going to make me rich; you're going to need a lot of money."

"I…maybe we can get into some trouble but…"

"I know, take it nice and slow."

After and hour of waiting someone came to pick them up. It was a young man about the age of seventeen. He has brown hair and blue eyes, but his most noticeable feature is his height, standing at 154cm.

"I am Lemuel Dorcas, Professor Dell's star pupil," said the boy. He had a confident yet pompous air about him, he seems to look down on them despite his height.

"I am Manley, and this is Roger," said Manley. He was not bothered by the boy's attitude because he maybe arrogant but certainly didn't seem racist.

Lemuel led them to the car, then drove them both to the dorms that they will be staying at. Manley and Roger were practically buzzing in anticipation.