EX-Manley First Class

Lemuel drove Manley and Roger to student housing where they will be staying until the completion of their studies. The next day they met the professor that made everything possible.

"Yes, come in my young friends. You both have the look of your father, ah, forgive my rudeness. I am, Professor Ophilius Dellimore." The professor is a man of average heigh, brown hair and eyes. He wore a lab coat which Manley found strange as they were not in a lab but rather his office.

"Nice to meet you professor," said Roger.

"Like wise Professor," said Manley.

"I've completed all task assigned Professor, may I return to my research," said Lemuel. He spoke quicky, attempting to hide his impatience.

"Student Dorcas, yes, you may depart." The Professor waited for Lemuel to leave before continuing. "That one is brilliant but rather to focused on his research. You my friends will be a rather interesting addition to our institution. I was but a humble doctor when I met your father during the war, a most peculiar ability—"

"Professor, I don't mean to interrupt but I believe Roger has a different major," said Manley.

"Oh…yes, the young man will be working under Professor Phineas T. Horton. Professor Horton has limited time, as he is busy with his own research. Although he is taking on so few students, his contribution is giving birth to the field of robotics at the University—"

"Professor, should he hear all this from Professor Horton…," said Manley.

"Ah, yes, on your way young man…," said Professor Dell.


"Uh, yes, walk out to the hall and turn left, third office on your left. As for you uhh…Manley Hill, you will be studying under me correct." The professor began looking around his office for something.

"Yes professor—"

"Excellent! I like my students to learn the basics before we get practical. Here, hold these." The professor started to load up Manley's hands with books. "Read these books then we'll go over the concepts not understood. After you've built a basic framework then we can start on more exciting things. You could say your father is responsible for my interest in genetics, and now you will benefit from this…"

Manley walked away with all his books as the professor seemed lost in thought. He went back to the room he shared with Roger and dropped off his books. He then sat on his bed, looked at his books, then back to the door.

Manley decided to tour Columbia University, he then left the room. The University is the oldest institution of higher learning in the state of New York, with stately buildings patterned after those of the Italian Renaissance. While looking around it was then that Manley discovered that his reading skill also worked on maps after just one look.

He decided to go back to his room after the entire campus was suddenly imprinted into his mind. He stopped midway to his destination, because he noticed something. Black students, not a lot but some. He was under the impression that he was only able to get into the university because of his father's connections but that no longer seem to be the case.

He started walking again before he spotted Roger walking behind a man wearing glasses and a brown suit, he had brown hair and blue eyes. He then made eye contact with his brother and tipped an imaginary hat to him. As Manley turned back to what he was doing he almost ran into someone.

"Oh, sorry about that," said Manley. He made to go around the person.

"I've not seen you around here before, must be new. I am Rosengard Johnson, people call me Rosie," said the older boy. He reached out his hand as to offer a handshake. "Don't be coy."

Manley took the offered hand and shook. "Nice to meet you Rosie…you're not about to tell me we have to stick together, are you?"

"No, but we should, people are not as welcoming they appear. I should know, I've mastered the art of appearing friendly."

"That's not as reassuring as you think…"

"Mmm…never mind that, Law major and football player, you?"

"I major in medicine, in the hopes of being a drug dealer."

"Ha funny, we should hangout, I will see you around." Rosie then walked away leaving Manley shaking his head.

Manley made it back to his room without running into anyone else. He had only his class with Professor Dell and general studies which left him with a lot of time to himself. He decided to just get started on the books that he had been given.

Manley was given a lot of books on genetics, histories and the theories of genetics. He also had some books on Biology, medicine and treatments, most of which he has seen before. It took Manley two hours of none stop reading before he was finished.


PERCEPTION Attribute Gained




CLASS Unlocked

Alchemist CLASS gained

Manley was overjoyed by the new information and excited to try new experiments. His status had updated and was pointing him in a new direction.

Manley "Buff" Hill Race: Human/Mutant

Age: 13 EXP. 517/1000 LV. 2

CLASS: Alchemist [Class Effect] +50% to craft (Alchemy) Skills

TITLE: Mutant [Title Effect] Reality Manipulator

HP: 230/230 MP: 200/200


STR 19 MND 15

AGI 20 PER 12

DEX 19

CON 23

WIS 16

INT 20


The skills that appear to be related to his class are immediately apparent to him.

MEDICINE BASIC LV1 Inspiration and Talent in medicine +25%

BIOLOGY ADVANCE LV2 Critical Strikes 220% Balance +10%

CHEMISTRY LV5 Inspiration and Talent in chemistry +10%

GENETICS LV1 Inspiration and Talent in genetics +2%

Manley quickly stacked the books up and went of to find his professor. He found the man still in his office, doing what appears to be paperwork.

"Professor, I've finished every book assigned to me—"

"Wha…oh yes, hold on my boy did you say you've finished them all?" asked Professor Dell.

"Yes Professor, you can test me if you like," said Manley. He laid down the stack of books on the professor's desk.

"That won't be necessary dear boy, I've heard of your academic prowess. Make your way over to the Presbyterian Medical Center, find Dorcas and I will be there shortly."

Manley easily locating the place on his mental map and left the professors office. On his way he ran into Rosie one more time. The other boy was being cornered by some white students. Rosie looked over their shoulder and spotted Manley.

"Hey friend, a little help!" said Rosie. He waved at Manley to get his attention. The two boys then turned to look.

"What's going on here?" asked Manley. He was approaching the commotion but still had plans to keep walking.

"I would be on my way, boy! This silver-tongued negro insulted me," said the bigger of the two young men.

"I take it you do not engage in healthy criticism where you're from. I merely suggested a quarterback should pay closer attention to all team members." Rosie was very calm despite the situation.

"You called me a Baboon, monkey!" said the young man.

"Muscle headed Baboon actually…friend hold up a while," said Rosie.

Manley stopped and turned around; the two young men turned to looked at him again. Rosie broke out of the encirclement and ran over to Manley. The two young men made to chase him but stopped once he was out in the open.

"Team building huh…does that happen often?" asked Manley.

"No, no…I was going to quit the team eventually, now is as good a time as any. I see that look, don't think me a coward, fighting them would bring me more problems than it solves. I would hate to be kicked out of school."

"I didn't say or think anything like that. I was going to avoid you for the same reason. I would rather get my revenge in the dark," said Manley.

"I think we can actually be friends me and you…" Rosie walked away once again.

"I thought I was weird…"

Manley continued walking to his destination, putting the whole incident with Rosie out of his mind.

As Manley made it the medical center, he could see several patients being treated and decided to stop and observe.






He looked at the various illness and treatments. He then used scan to get a look at how the process worked and what was happening internally. He made sure to use mana substitute to record the effects for later use.

Manley was looking at a man sitting by himself, most likely waiting for assistance. The man was wearing overalls, dirty work boots, he had black hair and brown eyes. He was currently holding back a very serious cough. His shoulders jumped and his body pitched forward on occasion. Manley decided to use scan and mana substitute to get as much from the man as he could.




*CLASS Influence*

INT +2

"What the hell!" Manley stood up from where he was sitting.

"Can I help you sir?" asked one of the staff. Everyone in the facility was looking at him.

"Oh, sorry I got lost, I am a medical student," said Manley.

"Okay sir, the teaching area is that way." She pointed to the left down a hallway. "The research area is down this way." She then pointed to the left and walked in that direction.

Manley followed her until she stopped at an office. "Just continue straight ahead sir."

Manley kept going down the hall, opening the double doors at the end. He found himself in a big lab with many stations. He could see Lemuel at a microscope in the left corner.

"Hey Dorcas, what's that?" asked Manley. He walked up silently on Lemuel and said calmly close to his ear. The other boy jumped back and turned around seething in rage.

"How dare you! I—"

"Hey, hey calm down, just curious," said Manley. Looking down at what can only be an octopus that was partially dissected under the microscope.