Not Another Head Case

The training wasn't as exciting as Manley anticipated; they spent three hours practicing their forms. Orson had them practicing punches and kicks, then he would correct their forms as they do. Although it was boring and monotonous, Manley found himself losing focus and just following instructions. He didn't even notice that he was healing Pin, but the other boys griping every time he gets hit to correct his form was distracting from the peace, he found in just doing.

They spent a month on just practicing punches and kicks, despite the time spent, Orson said they were fast learners. Although he made note of the fact that they were training none stop without rest, due to Manley using his regeneration skill. Orson merely commented that Manley must be extremely talented in the use of chi. He said that the ability to heal his allies will save many lives, which made Manley happy, but he wasn't sure why.

During this time, Manley continued to sell his drugs and built a nice sum of money. He made $2,000 in a months' time but most of it was from a big customer. Word had gotten around and a wealthy man by the name of Simon Halloway got in contact with him. Manley has no idea who this man is but, he was able to get his hands on some of his pills and was interested in buying in bulk.

Continuing his regular routine of going to class, lab and now training, Manley enjoyed his peace. "Hello there Lemuel, beautiful day this afternoon!"

"Oh, ah…yes. If you don't mind me saying, you've really changed in the last month," said Dorcas.

"What do you mean, I am…" Manley stopped what he was doing, left the lab, came back for his bag, and left again.

Taking a slow walk around the campus to clear his mind, Manley then went back to his room. "That mother…fuck, I…what did he do to me." Manley was alone with his thoughts for a few minutes before his brother came in.

"I was looking for you, listen, just hear me out—"

"My friend, I am well acquainted with this fellow, no need for introductions." Rosie walked in behind Roger; he spoke while looking around the room.

"What do you want Rosie, you still owe me for taking care of your little business problem," said Manley.

"Just listen to him please, he said he can help you," said Roger. Manley looked at his brother suspiciously.

"My friend you can't be suggesting that you had something to do with the Bertolli's situation? Because if you did, I would remind you I have never promised any payment. Though I am here for a different matter, you see I ran into your brother at the field and—"

"What did he promise you to sell me out Roger?" asked Manley.

"I am not selling you out, you wanted to sell these, and he said he can help," said Roger.

"Really? So, this has nothing to do with whores then?" asked Manley.

"No! wha…why would you think that…," said Roger.

"As I was saying, these wonderful little pills of yours are a business opportunity—"

"I Know, that's why I am selling them," said Manley.

"Yes, my friend but what I am suggesting, is—"

"Gyms, Athletes, old rich men, already done," said Manley.

"If you would let me speak, friend. The venture I am intimating to you is…horse racing," said Rosie.

"What about horsing racing, how would that—"

"A ha, my turn…as I was saying; the main attraction of the races, is the gambling—"

"And if you could fix the races by doping the horses, there is a lot of money to be made," said Manley.

"Exactly, and I happen to have contacts that we can use to further an unhealthy weight to our pockets," said Rosie.

"Alright, I am in, but you need to do one thing before I can trust you," said Manley.

"What would that be friend?" asked Rosie.

"Join my group…"

Party member Gained

Rosengard "Rosie" Johnson PARTY Human

Manley made his way to see his new business partner at his Manhattan penthouse. Simon Halloway is a tall man about 192cm with brown hair. Simon was wearing a black suit and had a glass of whiskey in hand. He was looking out the window of his high-rise when Manley was led in.

"Mister Hill, I am very satisfied with your miracle pill so far, but I am afraid if we continue to do business then I would like discuss price," said Simon.

"Price?" Manley looked around the penthouse before locking eyes with Halloway. "Are you saying you can't afford it?"

"You misunderstand, given our nations economic and agricultural crisis, I doubt you will find much in the way of interested buyers. What I propose is an arrangement that will make us both very wealthy. Tell me what knowledge have you of business?"

"I've been surprising acquainted lately," said Manley.

"Good, then this should be easy. What I am proposing is investing in your company, that I will help you in starting. Then as a major investor, we can then discuss a discount, no?"

"I…think I would like that, yes…I think I will," said Manley.

The next three months, Manley's training with Orson picked up. Manley was pleasantly surprised to find out that Orson was very skilled with guns. After they both made massive progress with hand to hand, Manley, more so than Pin, they then moved on to weapons. Orson briefly touched on melee weapons, until Manley made a comment about blocking bullets with swords.

"That is possible, but people rarely fire once and hardly is the trajectory consistent. I prefer to just shoot them myself," said Orson.

"You use guns? What about martial arts being sacred or whatever…," said Manley.

"Who told you that nonsense? In battle, it's best to use what is effective," said Orson.


After that incident, they received training in firearms, which is where Pin truly shined. The boy was a natural marksman and really took to the training. Manley was very good by Orson's standards but compared to Pin, he was an amateur. The time they spent at Orson's range was just Pin constantly pushing the limits of Manley's patience constantly trying to compete despite never missing.

In all this time that they spent training, something really started to worry Manley. He has yet to develop any new skills, despite being proficient in martial arts and firearms. He even learned how to inject chi into his shots, although Pin was better at it, but still no skill. "This fucking class, is a curse." The only bright side is that he still posses the skills, just not a SKILL.

"Gather around boys! although I've enjoyed teaching you, both, the next month will mark the end of our time together," said Orson.

The month passed and their training was complete, Manley and Pin had their free time back. Manley was sitting in his car, he got ready to go train and remembered it was over. "I have to get pass this mental block…" Manley drove over to his apartment to see Pin. "Listen kid, I am about to go legit, so we don't have much time."

"What do you mean?" asked Pin. He was cleaning his guns that used to be Manley's guns.

Manley picked up a spare gun, tucked it, then grabbed a bag. "This here is going to help us hide our identity while we cap some fools."

"Oh great, teacher leaves and you start acting like your old self again," said Pin.

Manley drove the car to a penthouse in the middle of the night. "Mask up, we must hit this place hard and fast. These mob guys, have some FBI connections. Luckily, I already scoped the place out when I passed through, walls can't block my sight…ha…ha…okay let's park further away."

"Something is really wrong with you," said Pin.

"Just put that perfect aim to use, don't worry about me...oh and we kill everyone, no witnesses."

They made their way to the front door, Pin made to knock, Manley stopped him. He took a pin from his pocket and put it into the lock.


After testing how long his effects last, he has yet to find a conclusive result. He concluded that it could be indefinite unless the thing it was placed on was destroyed. Like in the case of his pills, the effect last until it's purged from the body. In the process of testing this he discovered he can do much more interest things; one being implanting his other magic skills on an object using mana substitute, and two he can substitute other more complicated effects, like a key opening a lock.

As the door opened, Manley went in first. On the first floor two men sat playing cards in the lobby. Manley approached behind one of them but as he was about to grab the man the other one reacted.


A knife found it's way to the man's throat as he collapsed.

EXP Gained 10

The other man seeing his partner go down rose to his feet, then was hit over the head with a hammer.

Critical Strike

Manley hit him several times until he died.

Critical Strike X5

EXP Gained 12

"Nice job, you didn't even hesitate. You've been holding out on me, spent more time with that slim guy than you mentioned." Manley tossed the hammer next to the body.

"Why did you use a small hammer, why even bring that?" asked Pin.

"Pinar buddy, that's why we have gloves, plus it will add to the mystery," said Manley.


"Guns out." Manley and Pin took the bullets from the two men then ascended to the second floor.


EXP Gained 25

"What the hell, who is firing!"

The third floor was abuzz with activity by the time they got up there. Five men, two were dressed and three in pajamas. The men had guns out, heading to the second floor.

Manley rolled out of the stairway and shot twice, killing one man, and injuring another. Pin came behind him and killed the three with a headshot and reloaded as the last man still alive reached for his gun. Manley walked up to the man cradling a bloody hole in his chest and reaching for his weapon.

EXP Gained 47

Level 3 Gained

Max PARTY Members 4

Max Group Members 8

Attribute +2

EXP 1019/1000

FEAT Gained


Manley pulled his gun up slowly, then…


EXP Gained 20