A Kin Sort of Dred

Manley had his hand outstretched, still in his firing position. His hand, then the gun began to shake, he quickly put his hand down. Manley discreetly holstered his weapon. "I…lets head back."

"No," said Pin.

Manley was shocked by the edge in the boy's voice. He always thought something was wrong with the other boy. The almost rehearsed way he told his sob story, and that uncaring look when faced with a gun to his head. "Why now?" he looked down at the body, then lifted his shaking hands to face. "This…, I can't let this defeat me."

"I have my own—"

"Go on ahead, I just need a moment," said Manley.

Pin just stood there, words barely out, he slowly moved to the stairs. "I expected less from you…"

"Oh, did you think me a fool or an egoist?" asked Manley.

"I don't know, Orson knew…he said you were a danger to others but…me, maybe to him I could only hurt myself."

"Then why lobotomize…never mind." Manley looked up, at the other boys back, then at the body again. The feeling hit, but he let it wash over him. "In that dark room, you were standing in the light. A mirror, but maybe if I was smiling it would be more poetic…true opposites."

"If he didn't show up…I—"

"Please! I would've surrendered. If they would accept you, then why not me."

Pin smiled then ascended the stairs.

"If that stone faced psycho could escape his notice, then I can beat this." Manley took this moment to check his gains.


Bonded Medicine: Heal GROUP/PARTY +100% Purchase: EXP 1000

Kindred Knowledge: Share one SKILL with GROUP/PARTY Purchase: EXP 1000

Group Cohesion: Share TRAIT with GROUP/PARTY Purchase: EXP 1000

Skill Training: Share SKILL with PARTY Purchase: EXP 1000


EXP Gained 40

"Okay, so I have to choose one…" Manley leaned against the wall and kept looking at the body.

FEAT Purchased Kindred Knowledge

Purchase: EXP 79/10000


EXP Gained 25

Manley looked up; he could hear someone coming back down. "Done already, you're good. As choices go, you're a close second to those dogs…"

Kindred Knowledge: PARTY/GROUP Gained MENTAL DEFENSE

They made a stealthy trip back to the car, but the lack of response from the neighbors was ominous. Manley drove around for a while before heading to the apartment to drop off Pin.

Taking out a bag from the trunk, Manley tossed it at Pin. "Take this money and get yourself an education. If you're going to be using guns, I would suggest learning how to make them."

"Any particular reason or do I work for you now?" asked Pin.

"I don't know yet, but I could be out of contact for a bit. Also, you read this." Manley took a newspaper from his trunk an showed it.

"You have something do with Stark—wait! I can remember everything on the front page. How is that possible—"

"Get an education, you bum."

Manley went back to his dorm, slept, and woke up to his usual routine of class and making pills. Although his was greeted with the surprise of the professor showing up to the lab. "Professor! Good to see you."

"Ah, yes happy to see you also lad. I am finally free of—"

"Professor, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Oh, and what would that be?"

"Come, have a look at what I've been working on." Manley led the professor over to his station, Lemuel followed even though his was not invited. "Look at this." Manley had his station set up with some lab rats and various glassware with liquids in them. He grabbed a glass tube with some strange green liquid, then purred it in the rat feeder. After taking a drink, some of the rats visible grew and started fighting each other to get to the food.

"Oh, fascinating…this is quite incredible, how did you achieve such a thing?" asked Professor Dell.

"Yes, how!" said Lemuel.

"I will explain, but more importantly—"

"What's more important than this!" said Lemuel.

"I was thinking…this could help us all advance our research," said Manley.

"Explain, child," said Professor Dell.

"I assume you both know about our nation's current crisis?"

"How could I not, it's the only reason I was able to escape my teaching duties of yet," said Professor Dell.

Manley ignored Lemuel's heavy breathing, he looked about to explode with questions. "Well, what if we used my serum as a demonstration. A demonstration that could get us approved for government grants to experiment with livestock in a bid to increase food production."

"I see how you gain from that but what about us?" asked Lemuel.

"Yes, lad I will have to agree, my interest lie in the human genome," said Professor Dell.

"Who said you must actually work on the thing you were contracted? Me and Dorcas both major in bioengineering, we can benefit immensely from animal experiments. You professor, in exchange for using the university and your reputation to acquire the grant, you can just make up an excuse to receive the materials you need for your own research." Manley waited for them to digest his proposition.

"This…I will have to talk to some people to see if it's even possible, but you've given me a lot to think about." The professor walked away still contemplating while Lemuel just stood there.

"I know we haven't been friends, but I thank you for this opportunity," said Lemuel.

"I had to include you if I hope to make progress. It's not like I could just say I did it with magic," said Manley.

"Lunacy aside, I still thank you."

At the dorm Manley ran into Roger who was getting dressed to go somewhere. "What's the occasion?"

"I am going out to visit Rosie, he said his sister will be there so I thought I would…you know," said Roger.

"Bang his sister, not cool bro," said Manley.

"I…that's not what I meant, don't be jealous that I happen to like the ladies, unlike you."

"Where did you get the balls, boy—"

"Maybe you should come along, let your big brother show you how it's done." Roger gave Manley a smirk before fixing his collar.

"Big brother huh? I haven't seen much of you in months, you're dressing like you sell newspapers and you think you are hot shit now. Alright let's go."

The two left the campus and got in Roger's car that Manley didn't know he had. Roger drove them to a restaurant in upper Manhattan. Roger was the first one through the restaurant door and was already talking to the waitress. Manley followed behind him, already looking in the direction he sensed Rosie.

Rosie was sitting next to a pretty girl about sixteen, with short brown hair and wearing an orange dress. Manley walked over before Roger noticed, so he could sit across from the girl, who was in the corner against the wall.

"Hey Rosie, been a long time, how's business?" Manley took a seat as he waited for the young man, Rosie recently turned eighteen, to answer.

"Well, how fortuitous that you should join us. Valuta, this is my confidant in acquisition Manley, brother of Roger." Rosie smiled then gestured for Roger to take the seat across from him.

"Nice, to meet you Manley, just call me Val. I heard you are to thank for my brother's recent windfall. He never tells me anything though but a cute boy like you, wouldn't leave me curious—"

"Ha, let's not engage in such subversive lip smack, how about we order something more filling." Rosie picked up his menu and buried his face in it

Roger frowned at Val's comment but quickly covered it up. "Val, lovely to see you again, do you umm…like my outfit?"

"Lovely Val let's not mind our brothers, how about we find our own table and discuss your curiosity and my charms," said Manley.

"That sounds wonderful, you're quite the surprise. I thought you were the younger brother, then again at the size of the two of you it's hard to tell." Val scooted her brother out of the way as Manley pushed Roger.

"Dear lady, he is merely a long glass, but I am a full cup. This way." Manley chose a table further down for the two of them.

After the two sat down, Val bounced excitedly in her seat. "So, are you going to keep a girl waiting."

"Not at all, but what exactly have your brother told you?" asked Manley.

"Just that he is making a lot of money, I knew about the business before. The girls obviously trusted him because of…well…uh…who he is but nothing about this new thing. Mind you our parents are happy about the money he is bringing in, but I worry about him, you know," said Val.

"Oh, I know, family will be the death of me. I find myself constantly worrying about my older brother as well. He is rather naïve in some ways; I can't help but be protective. We must be kindred spirits, a pretty young lady like you can distract from any troubles, but I am my brother's keeper. I shouldn't let myself fall for your charms."

Val blushed and looked away momentarily. "I wouldn't try…to distract you. I…wait don't change the subject, god, you're just like my brother."

"Are you calling me—"

"No! not that…you know what I mean. You change the subject to—you did it again!"

"Ha, ha okay I am a medical student, and I made this special drug. Your brother is helping me sell it, in exchange for a cut of the profits."

"That's it! that's amazing! You must be smart then?"

"How else do you think I got into university at my age?"

"Oh, right I haven't thought of that. My brother got into Columbia at sixteen though..."

"Sweetheart I am thirteen."

"What! I thought Roger was Seventeen and you were my age."

"I hope my age doesn't turn you off."

"No, it's fine, I know people that have gotten married even younger…not that I am suggesting…"

"I know, but I've already revealed my soul to you; knowing how I feel about family, joining mine wouldn't be a bad choice."

"I…I guess not..."