Division Of Labor

Manley and Val continued talking for half an hour. After some time, Manley reached into his pocket, took out his new pocket watch. He checked the time and put it back.

"Uh, that's fancy, can I see it?" asked Val.

"Not right now, I have an appointment, would you like to come along?" asked Manley.

"Yes! where to?"

"I've started a chapter in my life, so it's only right I get a new look." Manley got up from the table and offered Val his hand. They then walked back to the table with Rosie and an upset Roger.

"To what do we engender your ministrations—"

"We have business to discuss Rosie, and Roger stop being a sore loser. Let us make our exit," said Manley.

"Not until you explain first," said Roger.

Rosie looked over at Roger in surprise, Manley stopped mid stride. "You really going to be like that? well if you must know…"


"Fine, fine. I need to pick up a suit that I ordered, then we're off to see my new factory that's going to be under Rosie's management." Manley slumped, just the act of explaining his plans seem to exhaust him.

"I don't quite recall agreeing to such arrangements," said Rosie.

"You will if you want to see any product, I will be indisposed for a while, and I don't like being in charge of people. They require too much attention," said Manley.

"Factory, what haven't you been telling me?" asked Roger.

"You see brother because of Hoover's blunder and Roosevelt's new deal our nation is experiencing one of its darkest days. I had to pay taxes! …But there is opportunity in disaster. The failure of the stock market caused a lot of people to lose their fortunes, which means cheap facilities and lots of people just waiting to be employed. Oh, more importantly a certain president now controls the farming industry and has a great relationship with our university. It—"

"What those all of that mean," said Roger.

"We're going to be rich," said Manley.

"You, not me!" Roger was getting visibly upset now, his gaze intense and fist clenched.

"Oh, but yes you!" Manley took out a piece of folded paper from his breast pocket. "have a look at this."

Roger snatched the paper, looked at it, his eyes were glued to it. "Wha…what is this?"

"That brother is what I will commission from you. I've designed a conveyer system that will help automate production. You will be paid handsomely to turn those designs into working machines, with the experience you gain from this you will make a lot of money designing something similar for other companies," said Manley.

"This is…ah—"

"I know you're all amazed, next time don't question me, this is why I hate managing people." Manley starting walking again, with Val on his arm.

"Hey, it's my car!" Roger rushed out in a significantly better mood.

The group drove up to the haberdashery, where Manley commissioned his suit. Manley put on a slim fit tuxedo made from soft fabric, a one button blazer, dress tux to match with slant opening vest. The trousers, vest and inside of the blazer was blood red, but the blazer's outside was dark black. The collar of his blazer lay flat, with a silver chain attached to his pocket watch on the right side, the left side had a rose made of cotton colored black.

"New year, new me, ha." Manley stood in front of the full-length mirror and flexed to test the fabric. "I can't fight in this but…someday."

"You look so handsome!" said Val.

"Hmm…You've inspired me friend…," said Rosie. He rubbed his chin while looking around the store.

EXP Gained 15

Manley noticed that Pin has been busy, but he had other concerns. "Let us make our way to the factory."

A short drive later they pulled up to a large two-story building, that could be mistaken for an apartment building, if not for the tall windows on the bottom floors.

"Welcome to Hill Pharmaceuticals," said Manley.

Inside the building, were various stations with workers. A local manager gave them a tour. "All of the stations work separately but when the process is finished, we have all these pills ready for the secret ingredient."

"That means I have to show up here personally, but I can do large batches at once," said Manley.

"I am in command of distribution and Roger here, makes this, more industrious?" said Rosie.

"Yep, so enjoy—"

"You can't leave with my car," said Roger.

"Then drop me off, I am not dressed for this, and the lady is getting bored," said Manley.

Manley spent the next month enjoying himself with Val. He went out to all the tourist destinations of New York City. Although he was very familiar with the city, strutting around famous landmarks in his eye-catching suit was very new experience. He had so many irons in the fire, coupled with him not being himself, forced him to slow down and enjoy the moment.

"Are you always so much fun?" asked Val.

Manley looked out at the statue of liberty. "Yes, but not always in a good way."

"What do you mean," said Val.

"I feel like I've always been fighting against something. A force that's pushing me down a hill, I have to run forward just keep from falling, but in the process, I miss the scenery. Like a beautiful lady, that I could share my life with."

"Well, it's never too late…"

One morning Manley was in his dorm working on a project. He was trying to give the skill of mana manipulation using mana substitute to an object. Feeling it out with his own mana, he thought it could work but it did nothing.

"What are you doing?" asked Roger.

"Trying to create a battery, what are y—"

Manley felt something land on his shoulder, he grabbed it then flung it to the floor as he got up from his sitting position. "What the hell?"

"Why did you do that!"

Manley looked down, on the floor was a robot spider, struggling to get up, with its many broken legs. "You built that, why make it jump on me? It's like you wanted it to get broken."

Roger cradled the device in his hands as it continued to struggle. "It was a joke; you didn't have to break it."

"Oh, okay then let me, repair it." Manley used Regeneration on the robot. "There now—"

The robots broken form started to restore itself. "Holly crap, it worked!"

"Yeah, I didn't know you could do that," said Roger.

"I can't, I…wait—"


"That's it, I have to level it up," said Manley.

"Do what, what are you talking about?" asked Roger.


GROWTH LV1 Accelerate the growth of living tissue

"I don't see anything, why are you staring off into space?"

"That's because I am visionary and a genius."

"If you say so…"

"Why a spider?"

"Because I am a visionary and a genius!"


"Because getting them to balance, and walk is very hard, so I have to start somewhere," said Roger.

"Yeah, I bet, good luck, now I have to plan." Manley checked his status.

Manley "Buff" Hill Race: Human/Mutant

Age: 13 EXP. 219/4000 LV. 3

CLASS: Alchemist [Class Effect] +50% to craft (Alchemy) Skills

TITLE: Mutant [Title Effect] Reality Manipulator

HP: 240/240 MP: 100/240 STA: 150/150


STR 20 MND 16

AGI 22 PER 15

DEX 22 END 15

CON 24

WIS 18

INT 24


Professor Dell called both Manley and Lemuel to his office. "Ah, yes, good lads. I have rather wonderful news to offer. Student Hill's proposition was a huge hit and was approved. There is some bad news however, we will have to relocate to a place called Clarks Knob, a summit in Franklin County, Pennsylvania."

"Professor, what will we be doing?" asked Lemuel.

"Yes, well it's an out of the way area where we can conduct our experiments. The army will be watching over us of course but other than that, we have freedom to do as we please. As long as we produce results," said Professor Dell.

"What kind of resources are we getting?" asked Manley.

"Various samples, livestock, wildlife, and some human samples for me. We will be compensated and rewarded by the president personally if successful. This is truly exciting, an adventure in science I say," said Professor Dell.

Manley and Lemuel were informed they had a month to take care of their affairs before heading out. They both left the professor's office.

"This is amazing and it's all because of you," said Lemuel.

"I know, there will be so many trees." Manley waved both hands and smiled at Lemuel.

"Why must you act the buffoon?"

"Don't be upset because you lack the capacity to understand my genius."


"I will be counting on you to figure out how to grow the livestock faster and bigger. I will take care of the grains and feed with my green thumb. Then we sprinkle in my little special sauce and bam instant success."

"understood, I think. Lord, I feel, I've gone mental just being around you. I actually understood that."

Manley spent his free time with Val, while continuing his experiments with his skills. He was occasionally called away to deal with his business and dealing with his funds.

"I want some money available for any emergency," said Manley.

"What manner of emergency?" asked Rosie.

"Family building, my dear brother in-law," said Manley.

"Hold a second friend, care to elaborate?" asked Rosie.

"I was thinking of purchasing land, starting a factory in Pennsylvania, and using my new connections to make a deal with the government."

"I am more interested in your dealings with my sister."

"The pills will sell like hot cakes when the military get a hand on them, I will have an exclusive deal, ha-ha."

"That…I've never considered that; this could make you rich beyond compare."

"Oh, if you think that's great, wait till you see my new cure-all pill. The president will personally have to give me an accommodation for that, ha hah ah, ah, ah, ha."

"I am not Roger friend; I am quite adept at noticing when someone is trying to amuse themselves at my expense."


"My sister, friend…"

"Hmm…no condoms."
