The Gift.




He was going ahead at a quick yet beautiful pace, filling the corridor with his footsteps while holding the book securely in his right hand.


He continued with a nauseated expression, making two turns before arriving at a large door that appeared to be his chamber.


He banged the door shut behind him after opening it with a light thump.


"Who was he?" The thoughts of Lydan murmured.


"You returned earlier, Your Highness?" said Ellen.


An elderly man who would be better off lounging on a bed was standing in front of him as Lydan approached.


Lydan glanced at the elderly guy, and as he drew near, his aversion-filled fury subsided.


After giving Ellen the book, he walked over to the large window where the receptacle filled with clear but chilly water was positioned.


The room was rather large, and the walls and cabinetry were decorated and painted in a gold floral pattern. A large bed covered with velvet bedspreads in the colors of gold and black.


From the receptacle, Lydan scooped a bit of water into his pale palms and splashed it on his face. He received the service from Ellen.


"Your Highness, are you all right?" Ellen spoke hurriedly.


Lydan nodded after wiping his face before giving Ellen the serviette and walking toward the mirror.


He scarcely touched his neck and sighed while gazing at his exquisite and lovely features with a self-pitying expression.


"Please call Rei for me." Lydan gestured to Ellen.


After bowing, Ellen exited the room, saying, "As you want, Your Highness."


Lydan trudged a few steps back to his bed and let himself out of the control; his body sagged on the mattress like a feather on the surface of the lake.


"He is the same as the others," Lydan's studies murmured once more.


He groaned in annoyance as he placed his arm on his forehead and fell into a deep meditation. It wasn't long, though, until a knock on the door awoke him.



Nicolas calls from "Ayrton."


Rei whirled around and bowed before the king. Until Nicolas called him again, Ayrton didn't turn around. He made a mime before turning back.


He limped and approached Nicolas, who was standing next to Carlos, wearing a dissatisfied expression.


Nicolas stated, sharply, "We're going."


"But we just got here not so long ago," Ayrton said hesitantly.


"It's crucial to go right away. On the way, I'll explain everything," Nico turned around and stated.


After a mournful shriek like that of a child who has just lost his favorite novelty, Ayrton followed behind Carlos, who was strolling next to Nicolas. He then turned around and nodded farewell to Rei. Rei responded by bowing.


The carriage was prepared at the entrance.


Several more carriages were already departing from the castle.


Looking down, Carlos said, "Travel well, brother."


"The meeting was very brief, but," Nicolas assured Carlos, "I believe in you and I trust you. Don't look so dejected. "


"I hope I won't let you down."


"You won't, but you could run into some issues with your wife tonight."


"I'll try to make her understand," Carlos said.


Ayrton, who had been participating in the conversation casually, focused his attention on it after hearing "Lydan" there was a sparkle of interest in his eyes.


"He does have an idea about all this."


"Are you sure an idea is enough?"


"Isabella will take care of that."


"That's sufficient."


"I'm going now, and I hope your little conversation with Eragon goes well."


"Yes, I need to clarify some things with him."


Nicolas gave Carlos a tight clinch. "Seems like he will be staying there for a while," he stated and hopped into the carriage.


The legionnaires were waiting for the prince with horse leashes in their hands.


Putting his hand on Ayrton's shoulder, he said, "So my nephew is going." Unfortunately, you weren't able to meet my son, but you will soon," remarked Carlos.


Ayrton's eyes twinkled while also being filled with curiosity.


"When?" asked Ayrton.


Carlos smiled and said, "Soon, and when you do, please take care of him."


Ayrton received a firm hug from him and after that, he hesitatingly entered the vehicle with an expression of extreme dismay.


As the carriage began to move toward the gate, Carlos smiled warmly.



Ellen formally said, "Your Highness, I have arrived with Rei per your call."


As soon as Rei heard the ringing of the bell, he followed Ellen into the room.


"Glory be to the Third Kingdom heir!" "Hailing the prince," Rei said.


Lydan, who was in bed, get up and set the bell he was holding on the table before turning around to face Rei, who was still bowing.


Lydan indicated to Ellen, "Tell him to look up."


Ellen put her hand on Rei's shoulder and whispered, "You may gaze upward now."


When Rei looked up, he immediately began to look at everything else in the room instead of Lydan.


"Ask him who he was recently convoying with," Lydan said, pointing to Ellen once more.


Unexpectedly, Rei said, "Your majesty, if you wish to know more about the previous person in the garden? Then he is the first-born prince of the first kingdom. "


Lydan suddenly goggled at Ellen, who was motionless, and his eyes widened.


"Name?" Ellen glanced at Lydan and asked.


Rei said, "Oh, his name is Ayrton."


Lydan moved near the window while making a sign to Ellen.


Ellen responded, "You may leave now."


After receiving the command, Rei fled the room.


Ellen approached the window as Lydan was staring out, but before Ellen could speak, Lydan felt a little pain in the scar on his chest.


He touched it while looking perplexed as he watched Ellen charge ahead.


"Are you okay?" Aflutter, Ellen blurted, "Your Highness?"


"Sir. Ellen?" A female voice could be heard outdoors. " The queen has arrived."


With a hand gesture, Lydan, who was standing straight to salute the Queen, saw Ellen's worried glance before reassuring him that everything was well.


Het up Ellen, limped towards the entrance, flung open the door, and bowed in front of the Queen.


Standing at the entrance with a box in her hand was Isabella, who had two biddies standing behind her.


Lydan had a sudden pang in his chest as soon as he set eyes on the box.

To be continued...