The first whisper.




Although there had previously been some commotion, there was now utter silence in the room.


With a smile on her face, Isabella entered the room through the door. She had a small box in her hand.


She moved forward and nodded at her son, who was bowing slightly and standing straight to greet her.


Moving forward, she went to the spacious sundeck and sat on the chair, placing the box on her lap. Her heart broke as she saw her son bow and smile; it was something she was accustomed to.


The lovely evening was almost over. The tea was being served by Ellen.


Isabella tapped her right side and said, "Sit beside me, my son. I want to talk to you. "


While sitting next to her mother, Lydan trudged a little bit as the pain in his chest had lessened to a fleck. With a warm smile, Isabella tucked a beachfront section of Lydan's hair behind her ear.


After serving the tea and receiving the surge as a signal from Isabella, Ellen left the room with the Chars who had arrived with Isabella.


"My son, how was your day?" Isabella inquired.


Lydan bounced while grinning brightly, which caused Isabella to beam once more.


"Was it that good?"


Lydan gestured with a tardy "Yeah."


"Your sword's training?"


Lydan gestured, "I skipped today."


"My son, I have important news for you to hear."


Lydan nodded intently.


"There used to be six friends in the past."


"Again?" Lydan made a sign.


"Let me, please. This time, I'll get it done. "


The revolting Lydan gestured, "You always say this but you never do."


"I will this time."


As Isabella tensely held on to the box, Lydan paused and turned to face her.


Lydan's thoughts murmured, "I have read many books just to find the ending of this nonage story, but I couldn't find it no matter how hard I tried."


"The eldest had the power of fortune, and the other six friends each possessed a special ability."


Lydan dutifully pointed out, "The second one had the power of bravery."


Isabella laughed as she affirmed, "Yeah, and the third one had the power of honesty. What was the fourth one's power? "


Lydan pointed and said, "The power of knowledge."


"Yes, and the fifth one possessed strategy power."


Lydan realized he wouldn't be listening anymore since Isabella hadn't continued the story since Lydan was a child.




The light of excitement lit up Lydan's cheeks. He was always interested in the tale that his mother had regularly told him since he was a child but had never finished.


"The sixth companion was unique among them all; he possessed the power of the wind, a rare gift that had never before been bestowed upon anybody."


"So he was unique!" Lydan made a motion with his hands.


"Yes, those six friends received a prophecy that the ruler of the world would be the one who could control the wind."


The six of them rejoiced to learn it, and since the young man possessed wind powers, he was made king."


Lydan grinned and adjusted his posture by placing his hand on his right cheek.


"As if the young one still needed more, he got greedy and killed the families of his pals to get access to their abilities."


Lydan was startled, still sitting motionless, as if someone had snatched his breath. When Isabella noticed Lydan's disbelief, she caressed his shoulder affectionately and proceeded.


"All of the pals proceeded to Gehenna, but despite being intoxicated, what had to be done had to be done; the sixth one had lost his wind power, which was important to him."


"How did he lose his power?" Lydan made an enquiring motion.


"The youngest friend let his guard drop to acquire the power of the eldest, and the eldest friend with all his force took the first step and deceived him, saying that he would offer his power without opposition."


"Then?" Inexplicably, Lydan gestured.


"The other friends walled him up, murdered him, stole his power, and saved everyone, but alas, they were unable to save their own families."


"Is that how it ends?" Lydan gestured inquiringly.


Isabella exclaimed, "Not like that! Let me finish. "


Isabella continued as Lydan put his hands on his knees.


"Everyone received a second prophecy, which made them both happy and sad because it stated that the powers would be passed down from generation to generation."She spoke formally.


Lydan said, gesturing, "They lost their family; of course, they would be upset."


"What happened to the king?" Lydan again gestured.


"They claim that he is still imprisoned and far away, strangled but yet powerful."


"So, Mother, you're saying this myth is true and our land has powers because of it?"Lydan made an amazing motion.


"That's accurate,"


Heehawing-Lydan gestured, "Mother if I were an heir to any other kingdom and possessed ability like their heirs, I would have believed you."


With an alienated expression on her face, Isabella slid her hand to rub Lydan's hair once again while grinning piteously.


"Mother, what happened?" Lydan made a concerted motion.


"Nothing at all, my beloved kid. We are going to prepare each country's heir apparent to wield the powers of another kingdom, as I explained to you about the academy many weeks ago. "


"How, mother? How will I learn if I can't even accomplish anything and have nothing to contribute? " Lydan made a sad gesture.


Isabella hesitated a little bit before hugging Lydan. The queen's eyes began to well up with tears, which she dabbed away.


"The discussion at today's meeting was about it, not about giving and taking my son."


Lydan gave a dubious expression.


"Since the institution is close to our kingdom and owns part of our land, we have made the necessary concessions."


"Is that how it works?" Lydan made a sign.


"Your father has no power either, but he has never felt the need to use it, so you shouldn't either."


As soon as Isabella heard Lydan squint after hearing about his father, she grabbed her tunic dress.


Oh, I must have forgotten this. "It is a present for you," said Isabella.


Lydan shuddered as he cast a glance across the box.


"Why do I feel this way now after having seen this box in her hands before? Throughout the entire conversation, I tried to avoid looking over it, but why? " Lydan was quietly contemplating something.


"A Present, But Why?" Lydan made a sign.


"Because you're joining the academy, where you'll finally find out what it's like to make friends and use magical spells," she said.


Isabella's excited hands started to wane, but Lydan halted them and gave her a questioning look.


"Mom, you understand why Ellen is the only male standing next to me." Lydan made a sign.


"That is the only reason I brought this present," Isabella said.


"So it can shield me from the curious charm I've possessed from birth that causes other people to fix their gaze on me and begin drooling, couldn't it?"


"It can."


A lovely pendant crafted from a little red ruby around the size of Isabella's thumb was shown. A chain was attached to the end of several silver rings that were tightly grasping the ruby.


Someone who has never worn accessories before, like Lydan, was tempted when Isabella brought out the pendant. Lydan grabbed Isabella's wrist as she attempted to put on the pendant for him.


Lydan motioned, "I shall wear it later. I'm going to bed now, mother. "


An anxious Isabella said, "What about Regale?"


At that moment, Lydan indicated that he did not desire it at the moment.


"My child, if you say so, I'll leave then."


Isabella placed the pendant in the box, and then set it on the table. She was leaving. Lydan, however, put a stop to her by softly striking the table.


Isabella asked, "Yes?" Looking back


"Has the academy been made?" Lydan made a sign.


"Oh, I remember, that was built last year. Your first day there and its opening will be tomorrow. "


"Have a nice day, mother," Lydan gestured while rubbernecking at the package on the table.


There was a sudden hush.


Lydan's seat was visited by Isabella again, who gave him a cheek pat and gave him a long look.


Isabella said, "You too, my son," as she walked away.



Ellen reentered the room with a knock.

"Do you need anything, Your Highness?" courteous Ellen inquired.


"No," Lydan gestured, gesturing for Ellen to draw the curtains and exit the room.


Troubled Ellen said, "As you desire, Your Highness," and he walked out.


The present was handed to Lydan, who was also under a lot of stress, and he had a lot of questions. He went to the bed and sat down, setting the box aside, with an extremely strange sensation.




Unexpectedly, Lydan heard an eerie, low whispering sound. He closed his eyes, collected himself on the bed, and turned right.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it," Lydan's thoughts murmured.


Even though he tried to ignore it, he was completely overcome until he felt a cold brush on his nape.

To be continued...