It was all planned.




There was something dark and horrifying behind Lydan that might make one embrace death voluntarily rather than see it, something that could be referred to as one's darkest torment, and the wind was blowing while shaking everything on one of the segregated areas of the rooftop.

Except for Feron, who caught a fleeting glimpse of that commodity and lost all sense of reason, no one else could see it, and Feron's struggle to keep his fear under control could be seen by the blood trickling from his hand as a result of the nails impaling his palms. Lydan was also unable to see it.

They couldn't see Feron's predicament because of the thick black smoke that had just begun to disperse; no one spotted Lydan, who was struggling more than anyone else because everyone else was focused on Feron.

Lydan was startled by the ominous whispers that echoed in his head, but he was unable to express his fear on his face because he had no control over his body. No matter how hard he tried to move, it was in jest.

Eventually, the fog cleared, revealing Feron's face.

"His black smoke has dispersed more, " Gage spoke in relief.

Arlo rushed toward Feron as he noticed his expression "Did our plan fail?" Arlo thought to himself—Lynorr followed Arlo toward Feron "Don't get near to him yet," Gage said as both of them stopped at their place.

Ophni who was gaping at Feron with a hinky look on his face as he leaned toward the wall of fog, suddenly noticed Lydan's struggle with breathing "Lady?" Ophni said as he looked at the behest of Lydan.

Ayrton suddenly looked toward Lydan, who was standing to his left, "Lydan are you alright?" Ayrton said in a worried tone as he leaned toward Lydan, who suddenly supported himself with the president beside him.

"I can finally move" Lydan's notion muttered.

Ayrton's vision snapped as his gaze rested on the glistering pendant, and his facial expressions shifted weirdly, rendering him indurate in his place. Lydan's brow was drenched in sweat as the pendant on his neck began to shimmer.

Ophni rushed toward Lydan as he passed by Ayrton, "Lady, you alright?" Ophni asked.

Lydan was still breathing heavily—he didn't respond to Ophni's question as he raised his head and looked toward Feron, who was gaping back at him with a frightful expression—Lydan plaintively smiled, looking at him.

"Lady! Are you alright? " Ophni asked again as Lydan looked toward him—his expressions were tired.

"I'm fine" Lydan signed.

"You don't look alright to me," Ophni said as he signaled toward the president.

Lynorr stepped a bit further when more of the black smoke dispersed "Feron!" Lynorr bayed as soon as she saw blood on the floor.

"What happened?" Gage asked as Arlo looked toward Lynorr with an upset look as he harkened at her.

"Feron is bleeding," Lynorr said in a surprised tone as both Gage and Arlo rushed toward Feron—both of them held both his hands that were in the form of fists as they both plodded to open them but couldn't because he was clutching his hands too tightly.

"Bring me a piece of apparel," Lynorr said as she looked toward her char, who was standing in a corner with her eyes closed.

"Hey!" Lynorr holloed again as her maid squinched.

"Yes, your highness" the maid replied in a shaky voice.

"Bring me..." Lynorr was saying as she stopped when she saw Feron, who was gaping at Lydan with a frightful expression while still clutching his fists—she looked toward Lydan when she saw Lydan smiling at Feron.

"What's happening?" Lynorr thought to herself.

"Here, your highness," the youthful maid said as she extended a handkerchief that Lynorr suddenly seized.

"Use this" Lynorr said as she handed over the handkerchief to Arlo.

Gage started chuntering in an ancient language as he placed his hand on Feron's eyes, which make his body demised as he swooned—Arlo suddenly pressed Feron's palm with the handkerchief to stop the bleeding.


"Feron said he'll handle it but nothing like that happened," Arlo said as he demurred to the floor in frustration.

"He was just boasting," Ophni said as he placed his both arms on the backrest's edge of the divan he was seated on.

"I don't think that was the case, he's strong and you know that too, something must have happened of which we're ignorant," Lynorr said as she giggled at Lydan, who was seated on the chesterfield in front of her in the main hall of the royal dorm.

Lydan was restless, Feron's frightful face was flashing in his mind again and again "Our plan was good so how did it fail?" Arlo said again in frustration.

"Plan?" Lydan signed as he heard Arlo.

"Lady, it was all planned from the blast to today's Feron's act of getting triggered," Ophni said as he sneered.

Lydan gave a confusing look "It all started before the meeting passed between all the rulers In your kingdom" Arlo said as he glanced at Lydan.

"Let me tell him," Lynorr said, "Lydan your parents must have told you that it was all for power-sharing and to make our land stronger."

"The academy?" Lydan signed.

Lynorr nodded "Don't you think that it's strange, we have never been allowed of swapping each other kingdom's spells and tricks for almost a hundred years," Lynorr said.

"Dragmire is the strongest land, no one can dare to threaten us so how could there be a reason for an unforeseen academy like this which has this many borders around it? and we aren't even allowed to go out," Lynorr went on.

"But my mother told me that the king from the land of Laskerville has tried to threaten us, that's why they've made this Academy for all the youthful generation," Lydan signed.

Ophni cracked up as he covered his face with his hand "Lady do you know Laskerville is like an ant in front of Dragmire" Ophni said as he uncovered his blazing eyes that were staring at Lydan.

To be continued...