We are going Undercover!

"Yes!" The wide smile which spreaded on Jace's face made the judges jaws drop. "We are disqualified! Let's pop champagne and enjoy!!!"

The entire audience was silent. So were Janice and Lydia.

"We are on air!" Mr Fred whispered to him.


"We are on air!!!."

"Wait what!" It was at this time he knew he screwed up, badly.

"How can you be jubilating when disqualified! Let me repeat it clearly so you can understand my words" The judge stood up, walking closer to Jace with seriousness. "YOU ARE DISQUALIFIED AND WON'T BE GETTING ANY OFFER!"

"Oh?" Jace's face went pale when he heard this. An expression which seemed genuine.

"That's right! GET OUT! ALL OF YOU."

Immediately the judge Completed his words, a group of security came rushing in. Holding each with unshakable strength, they flung them all out.

Meanwhile, Frenado hissed in anger. His wonderful plan, destroyed and ruined.