What do you mean?

"In the dark of night, five brave heroes rush into a mansion, ready to tear down the most dangerous criminal of all and bring justice to the–"

"Shut up!" Fred shoved a cupcake into Jace's mouth. To at least, get a good hour of silence without his annoying words.

Seeing it was all set, Lydia asked Ivan, "Why actually should we go undercover?"

"Well my dear, I trust all your courage. Not only is there an acting soul within your weak bodies, but a fighting spirit also."

"Our weak bodies?" Janice raised a brow. "Let me give you a piece of information Mr Ivan, we aren't weak okay. We were left in the jungle for a year without shelter or food and we survived. And guess what? Jace didn't die throughout the months, even if he fed on plants which looked like potatoes!"

"Say what?" Ivan became confused. He was just talking not quite long, with his regular words. Adding 'weak bodies' made her say something he never wanted to hear.