chapter2: festival of darkness

"mom come on let's go already ", shinzu said with his face flushed with excitement."yes.. yes am coming" replied shinzu mother, "mother where ganix and kalino they?ask shinzu "i drop them off by a friend they should be find"with a smile on her they both began to walk down to the festival, as they both came across a house with a bamboo and flowers decoration and something in shape of a lamp," mom look at this house so nice!, "Ih i guess it about that time of the year for them too, shinzu today as we know it is the kameido tenjin festival but in other countries like India and Trinidad and Tobago it is know as the diwai it is the celebration of light over darkness and those lamp shape things is also know as dia it is claimed to be one of the darkness night, let's get going now shinzu" said his mother with a smile on his face.shinzu and his mother finally arrived at the kameido tenjin festival" wow so huge mom watch how much people it have this year and all these tents so cool"shinzu said but his mother responsed,"shinzu just remember to stay close to me", suddenly as she turn shinzu was nowhere to be seen as he wander off into the festival." Mom check out all these game"shinzu said but he didn't got a response as he realized his mother was else where but he remember what his mother told him if there were to get separated," shinzu if we get separated go to the spot we alway watch fireworks reach there about 9 then i will come and meet you there."alright it nothing to be scare of i will just meet up with mom.... now then what game i should play first" then a strange man appear infort of a girl "Hey little miss are you lost"as she was about to respond" hmm.."suddenly shinzu dash and grab her hand and said," hey sister let's go and play some of these games."as she replied,"yeah"then they both ran by the games area as the mysterious girl stop and said," thanks for saving me" then she explained that she got separated from her parents in the large crowd of people,as shinzu said," it was the same for me or kinda i technically ran off cause i was excited... but am glad i help am shinzu" as she replied,"am shinori " shinzu begins to shout with excitement as he said,"let's the fun begins" the two started to play almost all the games until they reached the final game before the fireworks. "Shinori let's play this last game before the fireworks show,so far we haven't seen none of our parents but am we will find them soon"as she replied," yeah" then shinori see a prize on the top shelf as she was determined to win it but her skills in the game was very low as she wasn't good at shooting objects,but shinzu said," dont worry i will win it for you,just leave it up to me i promise"shinzu started to shoot at the object but he missing every single shot as he reached down to his yen but said,"shinzu dont have to go that far to spent all of your money". But shinzu said," it just i dont like to give up and i promise you i will win it" as he rises up the toy rifle with determination to win with serious face as slowly pull the trigger as he began hitting all five of moving ducks,"you see shinori i win"shinzu said with joy as both of them celebrated then shinzu taken the necklace and put it around shinori neck as she replied,"thank you"then shinzu grab her hands as he said," it almost time for firework i know a good high area we can go with and beautiful view seeing over the festival am sure we will see your parents ".as both began to ran to the spot but the fireworks has already started."finally we reached"said shinjo but shinori just stares in amazed, "wow this veiw is so amazing i can see over whole festival and i feel like am so close to fireworks so cool"they both was watching the firework then shinori looking into the festival and saw her parents as she decided to meet them but before her departure she said," thank you shinzu i hope we meet again i really enjoy being with ya know" as shinzu blushed and said,"it was nothing well see you later" as she left,shinzu heard someone walking up staircase to the hill and soon realized it was his mother,"mother you missed the fireworks "as she replied,"no i saw it on my way up so anything interesting happened "shinzu replied," nothing at all"but with a smirks on her face and said,"so who was that girl i saw you with"as shinzu replied," she was separated from his parents and i just wanted to help her out" then his mother replied, " nice that very manly of you" rubbing his head as he ask her to stop,"mother stop it" then the two begins laugh as they headed home.shinzu said," you are that girl from kameido tenjin festival " as she replied, " yes and it good to see you again"then ganix responded," shinzu you didn't tell us you have a girlfriend " the both began to blushed as they say no as they just met at kameido tenjin years ago.

September 1st 2023

"Shinzu remember when you guys first came here you all was completely dork you guys couldn't do anything right"said shinori then shinzu replied,"it only been two month but time just flew by without wait on anyone it felt like yesterday but we try our best and it looks like we made it,three of us was devastated when mother past away cause of miss inko and you all we can smile again thanks to you shinori for helping us" as she replied," yeah i kinda did you all really came a long way and get better at chores except for ganix but am sure one day he might come around"shinzu replied, "yeah i hope so"with his face depressed soon after shinzu and shinori was called by miss inko to go to convenience store on they return shinzu ask shinori to visit his old home as he wanted to check on the house," shinzu i hear you all renting the house with the help of social development "shinori said as shinzu replied," yeah they said it will helped us in long run and we can use the money to go to school so it is a win for us" they both arrived to house,"shinzu you have a nice home"shinori said,"yeah it is mother chosen the design for the house when it was building she had a beautiful imagination " with that said shinzu knock on the door as a man walked out ans shinzu said," hi am shinzu muramasa the owner of this resident"and the replied,"eichi yuuko thanks for having us rent here it is a beautiful home and i received a letter yesterday i think it for you so thank for showing up it made it easy for i to give you it"as went and get the letter," here you go" eichi said shinzu taken the letter ," it from father" and reading it he said," it look like he will be coming for us tomorrow " then thanks mr. Eichi and return to orphanage.