chapter3: abandonment

" hey kalino,ganix it look like we wouldn't be stay any long"shinzu said,"with an happy expression on his face as kalino asked," why big brother"then shinzu replied, " cause father coming for us tomorrow"suddenly ganix began to laugh as shinzu asked," ganix whats so funny" the father who abandoned us is coming to save us how heroic of him

He left us when we need him the most.when will reality will hit you hard enough shinzu you so desperate for a father you eyes nothing even open yet you still acting like a child he was a man of abuse have you forgotten shinzu!we were nothing but tools to him and when he finished he throw us out like dogs but mother try and she was just another victim to his abuse even though we were born do you really think that was love he hated us.the only reason we were born is because he just wanted to get that feeling off his chest.we are nothing more than spawn of hatred. But shinzu responsed," this letter provided it father have not forgotten us cause he love us just watch"as replied," fine i hope doesn't show like up always who need him way" as ganix left the play around and went into the house."shinori so shinzu them really leaving tomorrow"said miya as she replied," yes it just so suddenly i wish we never went to his house"then miya said," don't say that i can tell you really like him you should support him and his decision.shinori asked," even though i might not see him again"miya replied, "then spent as much time with him"as shinori begins to look for shinzu, "shinzu they you are what you doing"shinzu replied, " hmu it really nothing "shinori said," then why you acting so weird come on let me see what you hiding " Shinori grab shinzu from behind as they both fell towards ground as shinori risen his head as she see some pubbies as they start to bark at her," shinori you should get off me they think you attacking it kinda getting them vex"shinori replied, "am sure shinzu you know they not supposed to be here right".shinzu replied, "yeah i know but i couldn't help it please don't tell miss inko.they shinori said," sure this is our secret but when you left you can't take care of them".shinzu replied, " yeah i know that but i will coming visit you all every weekend if i have to i will ask father just for that much cause i really like mine time here with you and others"shinori face turn red then she said," so where is they mother" shinzu replied, "i don't know i haven't see her since i was here". Then shinzu and shinori here a loud bark as they ran to direaction of it and find,"ganix stop you hurting her".ganix said," this dog attacked me first am just defending myself",shinzu replied, "then find just stop now".then ganix responded, " then make me"as shinzu rush and grab ganix then ganix strikes shinzu with series of fist as try block them all but still was hit but shinzu decided not to hit back but ganix turnted shinzu," you just as weak as this dog and her",shinzu said, "ganix don't say it",ganix smirks and said," just like mother you don't have strength to fight even when you need it the most you kindness is strength but also weaknesses as you fight in order to help this dog but it was same for mother she think about father knowing her condition she didn't fight for herself that what make her weak in the end she didn't have strength to live because she was so weak and i truly hated that about shinzu rush ganix in rage and said," how could you say bad thing about mother!"swing his hand toward ganix but ganix grabbed his hand and said," you see just as weak i think this fight is over as floor shinzu towards ground and shinzu get up shinori ask" are you ok"and shinzu,"he right am so weak i can't even stop my brother from doing something wrong."as shinzu was beginning to cry as shinori replied, " no that not true it is cause of you kindness you didn't hit back your brother to get him hurt you not weak shinzu you are strong so please don't cry." Shinzu replied, " you right let's go". "Shinzu what happened you all bronzed ",said miss inko, "me and ganix just got into argument it nothing am ok"said shinzu as miss inko replied, "why that kid just can't behaved".shinzu said, "am sure he just a little trouble but am sure he will come around",then miss inko replied," i hope so".as shinzu taken off to take a shower later that night shinzu thought to himself, " it been long time since i saw father am so hype i just can't wait".shinzu...shinzu wake-up , uhmm shinzu wake up to see miss inko as he said," morning miss inko what's up"then replied, am sorry shinzu but can you go with shinori to convenience store again i forgotten to buy something else". "Am sure" shinzu replied. "Shinzu you ready" shinzu as shinzu replied," yeah let's go " as they both make they way to convenience store shinori said," am guess this your last day with us" with a depressing face but shinzu responsed," yes but i will visit i promise i will see you again" then shinori replied," you promise "as shinzu replied, " yeah so let's head back "as they both head back to orphanage as they walked in track a vehicle stop as a man and his wife and child step out," wow father this place is so cool so this is japan wowww! Said the child."so honey which restaurant we going in" said the woman as the man," it just lower down this road" as recognized the voice of the man turning his head,"father" as the family happily walk down the road as shinzu begins to cry running to orphanage but he trip on a stone collapsing hitting his head as he blackout as went in a state might as begins to think," i was a fool to think we can be a family again , i though if father did come back will have a strong bond again just like mother but i was wrong i though a family bond was strongest bond it have but i was wrong i know two wrong don't make a right so why...why we can't be happy family .as hear voice in his head," yes two wrong do make a right it just like positive and negative energy a positive and negative makes a negative but a positive and positive makes a positive and negative and negative makes a positive,you have been making positive decisions to make right choices but never try making negative decisions to achieve right choices,in the end positivity don't always be right choice so what is your choice? I will create my own family where we lived our happier that anyone! Shinzu responsed to voice.well just dont lost your way the replied as shinzu responsed," no i will not..this world is curse with loneliness. As shinzu get up as shinzu run toward him and ask," shinzu are you ok" with a sad face as shinzu," am find" as shinori watch shinzu something wrong why does shinzu sound like and his eyes it hollow like the light trying to enter but darkness just sallow it whole.they both went back to orphanage but suddenly hear a dog barking as run toward to meet ganix throwing stones at a young puppy as the mother watched in fear," ganix i told you to stop does this"but ganix responded," like i will take orders from someone weaker than me i guess you better try pizza delivery man cause he take orders well" with a smirks on his face then shinzu replied, "ganix why do a king ruled,why do a give order it cause he the most dominate one". Shinzu you tell me that tou more dominate than me then prove it i don't mid moping the floor with you again"as shinzu replied, " find" as ganix dash at shinzu throwing a right fist as he catch it and hitting ganix with left swing then the both begins throwing a series of fist but they were evenly out as they hold hands in a power struggle as shinzu kick ganix leg throwing him off blance as he slam him toward the ground as he begin a relentless attack hitting him multiple times until ganix stop struggle then got back up and left as ganix lied down on ground with his hand and leg out and he said," i feel i should listening to him sometimes i didn't though he had balls to hit but what the heck with the suddenly changed and his voice it was different i never heard him speak like that Orwell what ever". Then ganix went back inside of the orphanage but suddenly stop by miss inko,"ganix what happened you all beated up" as soon as ganix went to replied shinzu said," he trip and felt i ask him if he wanted my help but he refused"but miss inko replied," is that true"