Restraining Flying Swords

At dawn the next day, a van stopped in front of Zhao Wanting's house.

Lin Yi got out of the car with two bags and knocked on the door.

Zhao Wanting, who had finished dressing up, opened the door and looked at Lin Yi with a smile.

"You woke up so early? Why didn't you sleep more?" Lin Yi laughed.

"I can't sleep, so I'm a little nervous. I woke up very early." Zhao Wanting pouted.

"That's good. Come, change into these two clothes. I begged them from the temple. I heard that they are especially effective." As he spoke, Lin Yi took out a bag and handed the clothes inside to Zhao Wanting.

"Clothes?" Zhao Wanting took it curiously and touched it. It had a light green appearance and looked very ordinary. Other than the slightly higher collar, it was just a long-sleeved bra. It felt very soft to the touch and should be made of polyester.

"It's very effective. I put it there last night and it has been there all night. Hurry up and put it on."

"Alright." A warm feeling rose in Zhao Wanting's heart and she quickly agreed.

He took the clothes into the bedroom, closed the door, and changed happily.

"Xiao Yi, you're early." Kong Chunhua's voice came from the kitchen. She was making breakfast for Zhao Wanting.

"That's right. Does Auntie Kong want to accompany us today?" Lin Yi asked.

"Of course I have to go over. I'll have to trouble you for the next two days, Xiaoyi."

"It's fine. Auntie, you can change into these clothes too. I got them from the temple. They're especially effective. Everyone, give Wanting your blessings."

Kong Chunhua couldn't help but laugh. "I didn't expect a young man like you to believe in these things more than us. Alright, I'll change into it after cooking."

"I'd rather believe it than not." Lin Yi chuckled.

He didn't believe in this and was just looking for a reason to make the two of them put on their clothes.

Temple, consecration, worship… These words couldn't be used too well during the college entrance examination.

Pens, clothes, exam permit… Anything that he could think of could be placed in temples to worship.

It couldn't be said that it was completely useless. Many times, they had done all the hard work they could in the early stages, but what they lacked, in the end, might be this bit of mental strength.

After eating, he looked at the time and saw that it was about time to set off.

The two of them changed into the green clothes that Lin Yi took out before they left. Only then did Lin Yi relax.

The road was very quiet and there were very few cars. It was only when they neared the school area that the road gradually became lively.

There were parents everywhere who accompanied their children to take the college entrance examination, as well as soldiers who stood guard every ten steps.

In the past, wasn't it always the police on duty? Why was it the army this year? Kong Chunhua was a little curious.

She instinctively felt that something was amiss, especially when she discovered that these soldiers were carrying firearms with them. This made her feel even more uneasy.

Coupled with the fact that Zhao Aiguo was so busy that he couldn't even attend his daughter's college entrance examination, she suddenly realized that something major must have happened in Baishan City recently.

However, she didn't say anything. Her expression was still gentle as she continued to cheer Zhao Wanting on.

Zhao Wanting didn't think too much about it. Right now, she was completely focused on the college entrance examination. Everything else was secondary.

"Wanling, do your best and don't feel pressured. It doesn't matter if you do well or not."

In front of the school gate, Kong Chunhua gave a final reminder.

"Okay, I understand." Zhao Wanting nodded cutely and then looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi couldn't help but pat her head. "Relax, the results aren't important. If you don't do well, you can follow me to farm in the mountains in the future."

"I'll follow even if I do well," Zhao Wanting pouted. She then waved her hand and turned to leave.

"China really values the college entrance examination. Once it's time for the college entrance examination, even the number of people hunting me will decrease."

"But they are just a bunch of ants. No matter how we screen them, they are still a bunch of ants."

Long Jianan looked in the direction of the school in disdain.

"You don't have much ability, but your tone isn't small. You keep calling me an ant." Xia Yining pursed her lips. "There are so many ants gathered there. If you dare to rush in, I'll admire you for being a man."

"Heh." Long Jianan raised his brows. "There's no need for you to provoke me. I know my capabilities very well."

"If they dare to attack the examination hall at this time, forget about using you as a hostage, even using your grandfather as a hostage will probably be useless."

"Alright, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore. The chance to escape has come. I can finally go overseas. Hahahaha!"

As he spoke, he grabbed Xia Yining with one hand and muttered something. A spiritual light flashed in his hand, and his entire body was as light as the wind as he quickly moved through the reinforced concrete floors.

"Target detected."

On the street, a martial artist saw the figures shuttling back and forth on the floor and spoke into the walkie-talkie.

"Very good. Focus and block him for me."

Long Jianan's speed was extremely fast, and he didn't take ordinary routes. He only passed by the roofs and the eaves of the buildings. It was as if the modernized floors didn't exist in his eyes.

However, no matter how fast they were, they were blocked by the Supernatural Supervision Bureau after passing two streets.

"You have some ability," Long Jianan said calmly as he looked at the crowd surrounding them.

"Long Jianan, surrender. You won't be able to escape this time," an old man in a Daoist robe and holding a talisman shouted from the crowd.

"Cultivators? How pitiful. Since they have already become cultivators, why are they still dogs for these low-level lifeforms?"

"Old Chen, this fellow's cultivation mind is no longer normal. There's no need to talk so much to him," a young man in a flaming robe beside the old man said disdainfully.

"Heh, two pitiful dogs." Long Jianan snorted. "Stop me? Why don't you check if you have the ability to do so?"

With a flick of his sleeve, a stream of light quickly shot out and rushed forward at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

The old guy and the young man's gazes focused. Both of them knew what Long Jianan was relying on. Since he was sent here by the province's Supernatural Supervision Bureau, he naturally had a way to deal with flying swords.

The old man waved his right hand and used two talismans. A very thick translucent shield appeared around them.

As soon as the shield was formed, the sword light instantly struck the shield in front of the young man, emitting a clanging sound.

The translucent shield shattered, but the sword light seemed to have lost its strength and stopped moving forward.

The young man was very good at looking for opportunities. When he saw such a good opportunity, he didn't hesitate and roared, "Fireball Technique."

A football-sized fireball condensed in his hand and rushed toward the flying sword that was suspended in midair.

Seeing this scene, Long Jianan's expression changed.


The flying sword quickly flew back, avoiding the burning of the fireball.

At this moment, Long Jianan's expression completely darkened, no longer as calm as before.

"Good, very good. Looks like you guys have found a way to restrain me."

"But if you can protect yourselves, can you protect these ordinary martial artists?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Long Jianan's flying sword flew toward the surrounding martial artists.