
The martial artists from Baishan City's Supernatural Supervision Bureau revealed shocked expressions. (Why are you venting your anger on us, martial artists, when you immortals are fighting?)

Fortunately, he had a shield. Otherwise, he really wouldn't know what to do.

With this thought in mind, the martial artists in the front row quickly took out their shields and hid behind them.


The black shield collided with the sword light and indeed blocked the flying sword. However, the huge might carried by the flying sword still broke the bones in the martial artist's hand and sent him flying.

Looking at the black shield in each hand, how could Long Jianan not know his current predicament?

"Good, very good." He gritted his teeth and said, "But they're just a bunch of ants. Even if they have a shield, they're still ants."

In the next second, the flying sword spun in the air and quickly circled around the black shield, cutting off the head of a martial artist behind the black shield.

Then, the flying sword didn't stop. It changed directions and kept harvesting.

There was no way to dodge at all. These Innate realm martial artists might have just seen the sword light rushing towards them when their heads flew out in the next instant. Even if the black shield could block the flying sword, their reaction speed wouldn't be able to keep up.

Wang Yuande watched as his subordinates died one after another, his eyes burning with rage.


He held the black shield in his hand and quickly stepped forward, approaching the flying sword.

Zhao Aiguo was the same. Even though the flying sword's speed was fast, the senses of Connate Realm cultivators had been enhanced, so they could still see the trajectory of the Clear Flying Sword.

The old man and the young man seemed to have been angered as well. They rushed forward and used their methods.

The talismans and flames on the battlefield soared, and Long Jianan fell into an absolute predicament.

Even though the flying sword was sharp, it could only kill one person at a time. As for the other methods, they were sparse and ordinary. Under the pursuit of the other two cultivators, Long Jianan was in a perilous situation.


The flying sword not far away was sent flying by Zhao Aiguo's shield, and its spiritual light dimmed. Based on this scene, as long as Zhao Aiguo struck it a few more times, the flying sword shouldn't be able to withstand it.


Long Jianan knew how powerful Xia Yining was, so he quickly retracted his sword and held it in his hand. He then pointed the tip of the sword at Xia Yining and shouted hysterically.

"Move aside or I'll kill her."

No matter how intense the battle was, he didn't abandon Xia Yining because he wanted to escape.

It was very strange. The battle between the three of them was so intense, but Xia Yining, who was in his hands, wasn't injured at all. It was as if the three of them were deliberately avoiding her.

The old man and the young man frowned. They looked at each other and stopped what they were doing.

Wang Yuande and Zhao Aiguo didn't notice this. They continued to walk forward with their shields in hand, preparing for their next move. If they could make this kind of homicidal maniac leave just by capturing someone as a hostage, that would be letting them off too easily.

The Supernatural Supervision Bureau wasn't a police station, so there was no need to care so much. Moreover, this person had slaughtered so many people from their Supernatural Supervision Bureau. No matter what, they couldn't let him off.

Seeing that the two Connate Realm experts were still charging toward him at high speed, Long Jianan panicked. (Why aren't they acting according to the rules? The person I'm holding is the eldest daughter of the Xia family, Xia Yining.)

"Don't come close. I'm telling you, I'll really kill someone. The person in my hands is the eldest daughter of the Xia family, Xia Yining. If she dies here, prepares to die with me."

What the hell was the eldest daughter of the Xia family? She had killed so many of my people, so it was useless no matter who they captured.

Zhao Aiguo and Wang Yuande's eyes turned completely red. How could they care about the eldest daughter of the Xia family? Naturally, the two of them had been staying in Baishan City and indeed didn't know about the Xia family. They only knew that this murderer was barking at the end.

Fortunately, the talismanic old man and the young man knew their limits.

The talisman elder quickly walked in front of the two of them and stopped them. "Director Wang, and this person, please take your time. We must ensure the safety of the hostages."

"Stop joking, old sir. Why are you still concerned about the safety of the hostages at a time like this? Once he gets the chance to escape, even more people will die."

Wang Yuande spoke coldly.

The old man with the talisman didn't speak, but Wang Yuande and Zhao Aiguo received his voice transmission at the same time. "Ordinary hostages can be ignored under such circumstances, but not this person. This is the eldest daughter of the Xia family. When we came down, the director repeatedly instructed us to ensure this young lady's safety while ensuring the success of the operation."

"All we have to do now is stall it. We'll surround it and disintegrate its will to resist. Don't worry, we'll succeed."

The rage in Wang Yuande's heart soared to the heavens, and he wanted nothing more than to tear Long Jianan into pieces. However, in his position, there were many things that he had to consider. When the Jiangcheng Supernatural Supervision Bureau issued the order, they had indeed given the order to ensure the safety of the hostages.

However, at that time, he didn't take it seriously at all and thought that it was just a formality on the surface. He didn't expect that this sentence was the key to the entire order.

He felt aggrieved, but he still had to do what he had to do.

The four of them each formed a corner and blocked Long Jianan's escape paths.

"Long Jianan, given the current situation, I suggest that you surrender quickly. A hostage isn't a pass for you to act recklessly," the talisman elder shouted meaningfully.

The four of them didn't approach, nor did they retreat. They simply surrounded him.

The two cultivators had their own plans. They wanted to save Xia Yining, but they wouldn't allow Long Jianan to rely on Xia Yining to leave.

If Long Jianan was willing to surrender, then everyone would be happy. However, if Long Jianan was anxious and killed Xia Yining, then it would be fine as well. They could just capture Long Jianan, the main culprit. They didn't force him to do so. It was all Long Jianan's doing.

Moreover, if they kept delaying, reinforcements from the other cities would slowly arrive. That would be even safer.

The situation fell into a stalemate. The four people who were surrounding Long Jianan had a calm mentality, but Long Jianan, who was surrounded in the middle, was burning with anxiety.

Xia Yining was tightly bound and even her mouth was gagged. She felt a little despair. If Long Jianan refused to surrender, her chances of survival would be very slim.

(In the future, if I don't achieve the realm where I can protect myself, I definitely won't leave the house.)

Xia Yining was captured by Long Jianan because she was playful and didn't cultivate properly. She had secretly left home to participate in the encirclement operation of the Supernatural Supervision Bureau.

Long Jianan was anxious. In a battle with the officials, the longer one dragged it out, the more opponents they would have to face. Fortunately, the spirit energy in his body had recovered a little during this period of time.

The flying sword flew diagonally into the air. Half of his foot stepped on the flying sword, and under the gazes of everyone, he soared into the sky.

"A bunch of fools. Let's meet again in the future!"

"Not good! He can fly!" The talisman old man and the young man were completely flustered. They hurriedly used their methods, but the flying sword's speed was too fast. The talismans and fireballs couldn't keep up at all.

"Damn it." Wang Yuande and Zhao Aiguo looked at Long Jianan speeding across the sky and felt a sense of helplessness.

Cultivators could still test if their spells could reach the target, but the attack range of these Connate Realm martial artists was so short. It was impossible for them to attack the target in the sky.