Chapter 9 This Won't Happen Again

In the villa of the Zhan family.

Haoxuan rushed back to the villa and opened the door quietly.

He took off his shoes and crept in with his short legs.

"You're back?"

The light above her head suddenly turned on, and the whole living room was as bright as day.

Sitting in the middle of the sofa, Zhan Yeting put one of his legs on the other, looking down upon everyone.

He raised his hand and looked at the customized watch of Chandler Mill on his wrist. "10:01. You're one minute late. Zhan Haoxuan."

As he spoke, he slowly rolled up his sleeves and asked, "Will you come by yourself or by me?"

Standing still, Haoxuan was stunned for a few seconds. Suddenly, he ran to him with bare feet, took off his pants in a flash, lay on the tea table, and handed his buttocks to him.

"Go ahead!" With his eyes closed, Zhan Haoxuan said in a tone as if he would rather die, "Just beat me to death! I don't have Mommy anyway! If Mommy is here, she won't hit me!"

With a sobbing tone, Zhan Haoxuan said, "Anyway, I don't have Mommy. I'm just a grass. You can hit me as you like! Don't care whether I'm alive or dead!"

Zhan Yeting paused and looked at Haoxuan, who was burying his head in his arms, with a complicated look in his eyes.

"I've told you that your mommy is dead!"

It was the first time that the little guy had cried since he could speak.

"Do you think I will believe you? I'm not a three-year-old child anymore!" He was already four years old!

Zhan Yeting was speechless.

He reached out his hand, and Haoxuan immediately shook stubbornly.

However, instead of landing his hand on his butt, he grabbed the waist of his trousers.

In the end, Zhan Yeting only helped him lift his pants. With a slight push of his hands, he easily lifted the little guy up and said in a deep voice, "This won't happen again!"

Lying on his broad shoulder, Haoxuan wiped his eyes secretly and snorted. He didn't know whether he should respond or not.

After taking him back to the bedroom and watching him fall asleep, he walked out and made a phone call.

"Find out where young master went and whom he met today."

After hanging up the phone, there was a trace of cruelty in his dark eyes!

No matter who it was, he would never let go of anyone who dared to hurt his son!

The next day.

Seeing the note, Wanwan touched Duoduo's head with a complicated expression.

She didn't know what the little guy was going to say!

"Mommy, when he goes back to the orphanage, will they spank him?" Asked Xiaoxiao sadly.

"No, he won't." Duoduo answered quickly. But he didn't know whether his parents would spank him or not!

For the whole day, Xiaoxiao was worried about her little handsome brother leaving without saying goodbye.

Looking at his sister's depression, just shook his head helplessly. He turned on the TV and found an idol drama. When she saw the handsome hero in it, Xiaoxiao instantly became happy!

In front of the dressing table, Wanwan looked at herself in the mirror with scars all over her face and nodded with satisfaction.

She was even uglier than she was five years ago. This was definitely in line with the recruitment requirement of Zhan Group which was extremely ugly!

When everything was ready, Wanwan went to the children's room and said, "Duoduo, Xiaoxiao, Mommy is going to have an interview. Be good at home."

"Come on, Mommy!" Liu Xiaoxiao was the first to flatter her. But when she turned around, she saw her mother and said, "Mommy, are you going to play the game of beauty and ugly monster again?"

Wanwan had changed her face many times since she was a child, so it was not surprising for Duoduo and Xiaoxiao.

"Have you forgotten the recruitment of Zhan Group?" "Mommy, come on. You must be admitted and then find my brother," said Duoduo, encouraging Wanwan

Lu Wanwan smiled and made a fighting gesture, and heavily "Hmm!".

In the interview hall of Zhan Group.

Looking at the hall which was comparable to the Spring Festival, Wanwan frowned slightly.

But... Why are they all beauties? Didn't these people see the recruitment requirements?